Erm, g-guys... What does he mean?

Erm, g-guys... What does he mean?

Data mining, data sets delivered


Ignore that fat fuck. He's claimed to have important info and not delivered shit at least 3 consecutive times now.

I don't really follow him. Thanks for the update.


>banks are co-operating
>banks are denying due to gag order

This guy never delivers

Good to know Mueller should receive sainthood when he dies for removing the scum drumpf

He means his butt is still hurting from the kicking it took last year but he is such a faggot he is pinning a note to his back that says “kick me”.

>This faggot
He never delivered on the Seth Rich shit
He's almost as fake as CNN

so is this fat guy anti-trump?
isn't he in prison?

Kim Dotcom doesn't know anything you and I don't know. But he acts like he's got some inside track on the information. He should be ignored, even if he may be right.

He's in perpetual LARP mode, and he acts like he knows things he can't possibly know. He doesn't have contacts on the inside. He doesn't even pretend to. He just wants to be percieved like some kind of Assange-tier 'free data' activist to keep his fat ass out of prison.

Fool me once.... We don't get fooled again. Hoe many times did he larp and lie during the election? He needs attention

A gag order means you can't comment on the subject period, whether denying or confirming

You're about 6 months behind, champ

Russia, Russia, Russia is exhausting. the longer it runs, the more the media destroys itself

Yep. Kim is a fucking lying faggot, as always.

Data mining = Searching for specific data.
Data sets = data, information

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

Goys, do I have to say anymore?

If he knows a lot of shit, it's from handling Wikileaks data, especially data over a year old. He's not some master hacker with tentacles into the DoJ. He would have no more reason to know what Mueller's talking about today than my dog does.

He is again trying to be relevant.


Mueller is gonna start arresting people very soon. Mostly Jews.

How the fuck has this fatass not been extradited yet? Get out of my country you useless kraut.

bump for answers

He's going out on a limb here. HE's setting himself up for a CNN-style fuck up...

bitch claimed to have valuable info on seth rich death,never delivered .

Isn't this the attention whore who always makes up fake news and conspiracy theories?


>this delusion

Has whoever captioned that picture never seen a fucking funeral before? There is always a police escort ahead of the hearse to block off traffic for the funeral procession.

He's pro-trump

>400lb hacker in bed somewhere
He has never said anything that came to fruition.

Wasn't he supposed to deliver some bombshell on Seth Rich?

Diabetes causes delusions

this is the 10th time he's claimed to have insider information. fake and gay