Be liberal me

>be liberal me
>have masters in a liberal arts degree
>hang out at starbucks and talk with my multiculti friends about multiculti things
>go on youtube and isolate myself in TYT and other liberal channels
>for no reason at all I decide to step out of my echochamber
>watch a video of a 21 year old camwhore whose only qualification is being a 7/10
>camwhore says muslims are bad and democrats are the real raycists
>All of a sudden I realize I've been wrong my entire life
>White nationalism is the only way to maintain a civilization
>camwhore says women should have families even though they know nothing about having a family
>all of sudden it dawns on me that all behaviors by definition must stem from biology
>camwhore BTFO SJWs by asking if they rather have Islam or feminism
>All of a sudden I realize that blacks score a standard deviation lower than whites on IQ tests

This is what beta orbiters actually believe

Other urls found in this thread:


What exactly are you testing? Could it be that you're a plebbit transplant that here to defend m'lady but you don't know how to sage yet?


your post sucks, op.

However I will say Lauren Southern's fans are not white. Every time she has a picture with her "fans" they are rarely white. Usually they are either 56% face or full on beaner.
Its funny that she claims she isn't losing her fans (probably true) but never addresses the issue that people who follow her are mulatto CivNats like her ex-boyfriend.
She has no business poking her head in identity Europa or any such movement. She only does it for the shekels.

>However I will say Lauren Southern's fans are not white
Go check out the pictures on twitter of the whiteknights. They're all spics and mulattos, unironic kekistani people.


I don't even watch any of the content produced by these women. But I know for a fact they have large followings and do far more good than harm in the grand scale of things.

An attractive women with 500k subscribers/followers on YouTube/Twitter dropping red-pills about ethno-nationalism and white racial consciousness is nothing to turn your nose up at. A young girl looking for make-up tutorials might stumble across one of her videos and get interested in the cause. The possibilities are endless.

These women open up doors that would otherwise be inaccessible to an all-male movement. I couldn't care less if she fucked a half-breed 4-5 years ago. Nobody is perfect, and we need all the help we can get at the moment. We can afford to be picky after we win the war, but not during it. To turn away useful propagandists over minor character flaws is the epitome of pettiness and stupidity.

It's not like any of us are going to fuck her anyway. I don't even view her as a hole, I view her as a tool that can be utilized to spread an agenda. Nobody is forcing you to donate money to her, or any of these women either. And if people stopped sending them money, that doesn't mean that the same amount of money would then be distributed to others who are "more worthy". This entire ordeal is just stupid. And it seems to me as if the only people that are upset, are the people that are in it for the money. They're salty because these women are making more $$$ than they are.

Here's a more advanced version
>be right-wing me
>have masters in a liberal arts degree - it's history
>be literally hitler



Is everybody in? Is everybody in? The ceremony is about to begin.

>A young girl looking for make-up tutorials might stumble across one of her videos and get interested in the cause
Literally how would this happen? How fucking retarded are you where you think this is possible?
This is a normal makeup video. Some shitskin who gets 1.5 million views on a normal video in no time. People don't accidently come across politics on youtube if they aren't actively searching for them.
>dropping redpills
I don't think you know what a redpill is
>an unapologetic coal burner is the face of "ethnonationalism"
>they open up doors
no they fucking don't, the only attract men and the vast majority of them are brown. Even explicit ethno nationalists attract brown beta orbiters, it's fucking ridiculous.

Sorry, I fucked up

Her videos can actually be a gateway yo that, but it's a shame that she's now an eternal coal burner,

Fucky off boomer newfag

Please give her more money. She is helping the cause and needs our money.

pretty accurate

>can actually be a gateway
nah, it's a honey pot for shitskins


but those whores are so important I would never had known that my country gets flooded with shitskins, if I didn't see a roastie cumguzzling about the great replacement

AMerimutt 56%ers

>We can afford to be picky after we win the war, but not during it. To turn away useful propagandists over minor character flaws is the epitome of pettiness and stupidity.
Those "minor character flaws" can be used as weapons against us. There are plenty of women on youtube that don't have the issues that surround LS and TMcC

How could propping up a coalburner as the face of white female leadership possibly backfire? GTFO concern soros shill.

how could denying trinity possibly backfire at christianity?