Trump fired back



Lol I bet the Jews really regret coining the FN buzzword

Best way to handle the kikes? Use their own tools against them.

Trump called out the kikes so many times in his speech last night, without directly naming htem.



it would be the first time he ever did that.
trump is a zionist. did he turn 180° over night?

Then he started WW3 by sucking Israels cock, or did you not know that?

Do you ever get tired of spouting off the same talking points and posting the same pictures for 10 months? You have no idea of what's going on and you're an even worse shill. It's quite sad that this is all the Jews can muster up. Someone like you.

No. He CALLED OUT Israel.

FIRE HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You can't be the president of Israel's piggy bank and tell them you're too vegetarian to suck kosher dick.

Who's who? Tell me.. who's jewing who?

>mfw When the first mudslime's post is answered by the 2nd mudslime.

Holy shit. You guys are seriously losing your minds. This is amazing.


Since when does Israel ask for permission to claim what they want? If Israel wanted Jerusalem, they would have took it 20 years ago. Trump called their bluff.

>i am expected to uphold ethical standards of journalism as reflects directly on my employer, take a look at my blue check mark
>haha everything was just a joke

presstitute BTFO. but does weigel realize open season on presstitutes is imminent?
hi samefag.

I know, it's amazing how the JIDF shills, and Mudslime shills here the we should be picking sides. They don't seem to understand that this is a 3 sided war.

can you name a single instance where trump criticised zionism?

no, he just declared palestina the capital of the jewish state. trump is not christian, trump is a zionist.

Maybe I misunderstood your post. But your picture seems to indicate you're trying to say that Hitler was a zionist.

I was just joking. Bahaha

Dude. YOU ARE JIDF. Palestine will rise again.

kikery doesn't work, dead man.

OK, have fun. Don't involve us.


just a prank bro

What the fuck are you on about now?

>p-please stop attacking me Mr President I already apologized
>meanwhile I and the media will work to slander the reputation of any of my enemies even after they apologize and cuck

I can't wait for Mueller to finish his investigation so every single fucking Jew all over the world collectively loses their mind.

More like, they engraved the plates, we actually coined it's true use.

Nah, we have to wait until one side starts "winning," and then tip the scales just a tiny bit to keep it going on.

Weigel is the same traitor that took down Ron Paul. Fuck this stupid (((motherfucker)))

>tfw Mueller exposes Israel and its crimes for the world to see and nothing can stop it.

Why is the media pushing so much concentrated bullshit in such a short time? What's about to happen? Anyone know?

>can't comprehend ID
How new are you?


So its confirmed, journalism these days is officially ran by Sup Forumstards.

Lol wat

Mueller is about to finish his investigation. The cold snap on the east coast is no coincidence.

,or sell weapons to both sides to boost the US economy.

>no one posts the picture in question

What a shitty thread.

To be fair, it's easy to drop wifi and used phone data to simulate multiple IDs

OH also......The 59 Tomahawk missles fired in Syria weren't actually fired in Syria.

Trump bombed an Israeli air base for trying to genocide Palestinians with chemical weapons.

Like hitting them a menorah?

new enough to not be a dead man, old enough to kill you. dead man.

Fucking right??? When he was talking about how everyone who lost money should sue ABC and I'm thinking he's basically saying "sue those kikes out of business".

Wringing them with your hands

As nepotist as the jews are, there are many teams. Secular or talmudic jews seem to be the problem.

are you denying historical facts now ?


Also when he was talking about World War 3 it was obvious he meant the Jews were trying to start WW3.

They don't pay. They don't ever pay.

Get more material, shill.


They can both go to hell.

Same with both the niggers and spics. Not aligning with either of those savages, they both need to just kill each other and wipe each other out.


Sorry Jew. You people have no control over the narrative anymore. This isn't your reality. It's over. This is our reality now.


Nasser and the the Arab League started a war 50 years ago leaf. Result: Arab League BTFO and Israel took the Old City.


Gonna still have to explain some of the latter ones there for me, user

Just because Hitler made a deal, does not make him a Zionist. Same applies to Trump. This is a complicated game boys.

I still didn't get a link, quote, argument or anything where trump ever criticized Zionism, Israel, Jews. btw.

>your official account
>blue checkmark
>your job is news
>your job relies on trustworthiness


>pic this shit makes me sick. What an embarrassment of a world leader

Sure, which ones?

Nah, using some of that "holy oil" to burn them.
Yeah, the removal of the two, would solve most of the western worlds problems. Asia is taking the lead right now, and I think it's purely because they have a distinct lack of both.

i love it when gramps gets his knickers in a twist

he's like a snorty 12yo faggot
potus my ass

It's just a fucking prank bro

What were the Jews thinking about when this took place?

Look, I honestly believe deep down that Trump is a bit of a zionist, but then again what do you expect from an American billionaire who has to deal with rich zionist jews on a constant basis his entire life. And what American president in the last few decades hasn't been one?

But you're rendering Trump to the one-dimensional by saying his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital was simply because he sucks Israel's cock. I see it as more complex than that. The 1995 law officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and so has Clinton, Bush and Obama. Trump wasn't doing anything different.
Now, where I see the 4D chess is in Trump finding yet another easy victory. The law was already in place since 1995 and presidents before had said the same thing. Trump simply saw an easy win in enforcing the law and "officially" recognizing it which literally means he added the word "officially" before the same statements every other president had made before. How is this a win? A ton of American conservatives are pro-Israel, a ton of American Republicans are pro-Israel, a huge percentage of American Christians are pro-Israel. There's a bunch of never-Trumpers in all of those camps which he basically just won over. More importantly, he won over a bunch of never-Trump Republicans who pro-Israel, or at the very least now the Jewish lobby get to pressure them into supporting Trump.
All he had to do was stand in front of a camera, repeat the same speech other presidents have made in the past, say "official" in front of the word "recognition" and move the embassy, which was BY LAW supposed to have been moved in 1995 anyways. Easy win.

The land belongs to Zionists, blame Brittain.

>using written propaganda to argue against historical facts
did you know that there were jews in the SS and that it was jews who maintained orders in the concentration camps ?
Are you now also denying that the German Reich government until 1939 facilitated the transportation of Jews and their belongings to palestine/israel ?

The picture goes along with the other part (I do not have it on hand) where the jews in the levant stopped allowing the german jews to emigrate there. There was an agreement but then they realized they would be vastly out numbered by foreigners they had nothing in common with and lose power.

Voices, raven, rod & ring, and who Putin is hugging and what that implies.

Re: voices - call out in silence? Why them two, in particular?

Don't you go crazy listing off the same talking points provided by your handlers over and over?

I saw Washington Post streaming that rally on YouTube last night.
They even panned the crowd on that stream. There had to be a good 20k people there. Entire floor was full and the stands were mostly full.


Whenever Trump says FAKE NEWS, who do you think hes criticizing? Now, with Wikileak's help, it's even more obvious to people. NAME THE OLIGARCH

Awesome live TV rant? Checked, kekt, and rekt!

Voices call out in silence that ALL can hear = people have been waiting for Mueller to finish his investigation. He's actually been looking into Israel an hteir corruption in oru government. Kushner is also the person whose going to be making the speech or speeches outlining just what they've done because I guess he's in the treibe and the only one allowed to do it.

Ravens starving = no more Palestinian genocide, the ravens have no more food to eat.

Bear leaving its cave = Russia becoming a part of the western world an politics again without being used as a scapegoat. He's hugging Assad because they won.

ah yes saying that jews participated in the supposed extermination of jews is now a jewish talking point

He’s working with the Russians, no he’s working with ZOG, no he’s a Nazi, no he’s a supremacis, no the’s GOP but was a Democrats,

Get it through your thick head Sup Forums

Trump is simply Trump and then there’s everybody else.

Rod and the Ring implies the Rothschild/Khazar Mafia/Zionists attacking. Vegas was that attack and if it were successful the end goal would be making a coup against Trump. That was foiled.

Trump is working with the entire world to destroy the Khazarian Mafia.

I was just pretending to be retarded

threadly reminder that you are in the best timeline.

The Bongs were exhausted and wanted out.

Nah dude, Trump is doing Trump things wither you accept or not.

This. This timeline is about the strangest most beautiful thing I could have ever imagined.

You can't even speak english properly. Fuck off Mordecai.


This is why meat grinders exist.

>its my personal account not wapo lol
>366K follower
personal my ass

is this the tweet that kills the media

d'Tis uahALL dust a d'YOke haha

this thread got derailed. fuck wapo and all leftist shills.

Speak or write? Do you even English? Clowns who perseverate on ZOG are ZOG.


this is the death of the media

i know it's just a youtube thing but VIACOM owns roosterteeth i think.
and they used to be more open about talking about things now it's just 100% anti-right.

What is the source of this prophecy and it's significance if any? Was it written long ago, recently? Did it get awesome digits? I hear people quote it this last year but never heard it before at all.
TLDR: Can I get the quick rundown?