Should unemployed people be allowed to vote?

if you don't have a stake in the system, why should you be able to have a say in it?

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unemployed and non tax payers in general shouldnt be allowed to vote - i fully agree even as im unemployed myself.

by that logic, the progressive tax system should be a progressive voting system: more income, more votes

don't know how I feel about this

The unemployed being unrepresented is how you end up with even more unemployment.

Germans shouldn't be allowed to vote they are refugee cock sucking cucks

it doesn't matter how much you make, 1 work = 1 vote
if you're a lazy piece of shit who sits on his ass and collects welfare, you shouldnt be able to vote.

You should NOT be allowed to vote if:

>dont pay taxes
>have served time in prison

edit: non contributors in general shouldnt be able to vote.
-pensionists only vote for those who promise the most stuff
-bureaucrats who already have a ton of influence in the gov and administration shouldnt be "double powered"
-womans shouldnt be able to vote - 1 household 1 vote

People in general only vote in self interest which includes welfare bux and not in a national interest.

Democracy in itself will always eat itself sooner or later.

>company you work for commits fuckery
>get laid off due to budget cuts
>lose your right to vote

f.. fuck you op

how? its usually them making dumbass decisions that got them into that position in the first place

It would need to account for people who lose their job during a recession. Essentially, people who are unemployed but seeking work should still be able to vote

Only landowners should be able to vote.

no it should be like a 6 month timeframe where you can still vote, but if youre unable to get work that yeah your work itself if probably useless

Somewhat agree, lets say if you've been unemployed for longer than 6 months. Unfair to people who get laid off. Also retired people and people on disability should still get a vote.

Niggers will pop out even more niglets just to get a vote now.

>dont pay taxes
Same as unemployed.

>have served time in prison
If you've served in federal prison you should get no vote. If you've served in state prison you get no state vote but you can still vote federally.

Basically this, automatically barring the unemployed from basic stuff like voting actually doesn't help as people. You can lose your job for doing nothing wrong, but society will punish you like you were fired for doing a bad job.

Only male landowners should be allowed to vote.
Women can vote in the country club, bless!

>tfw 3 of those 4 things
>tfw I vote in every single election
nothing personal, kid

There is a difference between unemployed and not in the labor force.

>society will punish
If by moving around your broken corpse to continue consuming and reproducing, then yes.

society doesn't punish it just stands by neutrally,sometimes even throwing free money your way! have some respect.

no, nor should non-landowners.

Let me guess, you're a welfare receiving felon who has 7 niglet children.

Fuck you lil,l jomo

>be x political faction
>want to win election
>system denies the unemployed the right to vote
>thus engage in a lengthy campaign to get as many y faction people fired as possible, and heavily influence culture or policy to keep y faction people unemployed

Democracy was a mistake.

I understand the principle behind that idea, but it could be dangerous if applied to legitimate political dissidents. Violent felons and parasites, sure, but it's a fine line.

Only land owning white men should be able to vote

Absolutely not.


Should create a voting tax. Not anything retarded but an extremely small percentage of income that ensures only people who give a damn and are willing to "put their money where their mouth is" show up to the booths
>Cuts out nigs and spics as well

Start down that road, you steadily realize that democracy is pretty retarded.
It's only predominant because it's the most socially acceptable retarded system.
If democracy was altered to be accurately representative of a society it would be a more chaotic mess than it already is.
It presumes that all people of voting age are capable of making rational, informed decisions.
It's the best, worst system for the western world that we have been willing to accept.

and these fine lines will be crushed in every democracy whenever deemed "necessary" in order to ensure to (stay in power) protect the democracy, the people or whatever.

Currently there is no democracy on this planet that is not drifting towards being an authoritharian regime. nor west nor east or wherever

Okay but without my right to vote, I should have to abide by the laws you vote for, since I had no say in them becoming law. It's the same principle of taxation without representation. You can't expect people to want to follow laws they had no say in creating.

Should've been shouldn't

1 dollar paid in taxes = 1 vote.

This way, even people on welfare get to vote, since you pay taxes on welfare.

However, people who cheat the system and don't pay taxes don't get to vote.

Spot on.
Democracy is piss easy to manipulate in order to aquire power.
But it's all but impossible now to remove.
Once people have tasted the liberty of voting, however ineffectually, they cannot conceive of anything else.
That little bit of power is intoxicating.

What if like, you got a job after you voted.
Is that brainlet you posted yourself?

Itt: angry wage slaves defending their jewish over lord control.

You have that, it's called lobbying.
You don't even need to vote, you own the representative.

I don't think employment should matter. I think you should have to be a property owner to vote. Why should some part time minimum wage renting cuck be allowed to vote? You should only vote if you pay property tax because you own property.

That's already been done and made illegal. Read up on your history kid. It isn't going to happen and the closest thing we can get to it is a allowing only property owners to vote since spics and niggers are perpetual renters for the most part.

Enjoying life on the bennie bro?

By that logic then only the top 10% (in the US) should be allowed to vote, since they pay the majority of taxes.

Do you want your property burned by angry niggers?

Anyone that is net negative on taxes for one year should lose the vote for 5 years. And you no longer file jointly.

Yes, I'll take a one-way ticket back to serfdom please.

No they shouldn't but it should also be the duty of the state to insure that there is almost no unemployment.

unemployment should be illegal

Not really but nobody will hire an autistic neet who hasn't worked in 10 years.

no votes unless you own property.

The only reason why democratic countries turned out so great is because for most of their history, the majority of people did NOT vote. As suffrage becomes more and more universal notice how the countries are getting worse, immigration is getting worse, morals are getting worse.

Men who work and pay taxes understand they need to hold onto their money and keep it mostly in the country because its sparse, you extend the right to vote to women and felons who don't care and want to share the wealth with everyone.

It is crazy that people that get Gibs as their main source of income are allowed to vote. Especially when getting Gibs is something that the political parties disagree on. If I was only receiving gibs I would feel so ashamed voting. Literally, tax dollars are needed to pay for the voting stations and the assholes that only receive other peoples tax money should stay out of this voting thing! " but it's muh right!"
In Canada, we are importing hundreds of thousands of left-leaning voters every year. Totally unfair to the conservatives.

>Totally unfair to the conservatives

you should be unfair to the nazis..

>nazis are bad

why is this meme so popular? Canada lost the vietnam war does that make canada evil too?

So, slavery?

By the same thinking someone who pays 100 times more taxes should have 100 times more votes. I work and I don't personally give a shit about voting, I work only to get money for myself and if I could do it without paying taxes I would, the system and its members want to use taxes for so stupid things that I don't really care about it.

You lost to birds, youre a piece of shit too

if we lost why are they extinct.

What if you have enough money that you don't need to work?

By living in the system, you have a stake in it.

>Emu War 1932
>Tasmanian Emu extinct mid 19th Century

nice try ozz

If we lost why do the aboriginals speak a fucking CONLANG

Only landowners should be allowed to vote. That way when shit is fucked in your area you can pull up a map of land plots to see who fucked you at a local level and work your way up the chain.

Emus are fauna
Abos are flora

Wrong war ozz

If you don't pay net taxes, after government benefits, for the majority of time during that election cycle, you should not get a vote. Period.


I think those in the military should be able to vote.

a country is more than it's ((( system )))

Should people who fund their own ethnic replacement through taxation be allowed to vote? If you want to genocide your own, should you really be able to have a say in the direction of things? Aren't you mentally ill?

I pay taxes btw.

>if you don't have a stake in the system, why should you be able to have a say in it?
>affirmative action
>the state now can stop whites and men from voting and encourage womens and niggers from doing it instead

I thought Germans were smart

We should all burn them in the ovens

Fucking idiot that means mostly chinese billionaires who've never set foot in Canada will be allowed to vote because we sold them all of vancouver while the disenfranchised white settler stock cannot vote. Fucking think!!!!