>why didn't the cop walk over to the guy and put him in handcuffs?
Because he was responding to reports of a shooter in a hotel room and did not want to walk to the doorway potentially putting himself in the line of fire
>why did he shoot him then?
Because the guy reached behind his back twice

Other urls found in this thread:

I fully blame niggers for making cops develop this behavior

And Mexicans

Pretty much this. The cop reacted according to his training. They wouldn't have to be trained like this if niggers didn't try to kill them and others 24/7.

Not to mention policies like affirmative action. It ends up dropping the standards for all who join the police force. The manlet who shot him would have never been able to join if it wasn't for low standards in place

So, cops are utter cowards who just kill people because they're not even afraid, it saves them a few steps? Wow. I'm astonished that someone can even argue that they want to be garbage to the police state.

>If you lower your hands I will shoot you, if you fall you better fall on your face
>Now crawl towards me
How the fuck do you crawl towards someone without dropping your arms?

stop using logic on Sup Forums! this garbage meta-reddit board can't handle it!

watch the video again and watch how the chick did it

The man had no way of knowing to "crawl" like that because the officer said "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!" while the chick was "crawling". How the fuck was he supposed to know to do it like that?

Cowards and murderers, police officers are supposed to be civil servants how about you try slapping some fucking handcuffs on him you incompetents? How many rifles do you need pointed at a dude on his knees begging for his life before you feel safe?

What did he do?

Video please.

>defending the COD ZOG manlet who shot dead a crying man on the floor

Stay circumcised, Amerislaves

Worthless dindu gets shot,nothing wrong here

Pigskin cries like a bitch, what's new?

Blue Lives matter!

>>Anyone who calls out a cop for bad behavior is a nigger lover.

Black and white thinking. Clearly autistic.

Please stop we've had this thread. If you want to sit in a slow board go to r*ddit or 8chaim. I won't like to dwell on non issues. Stop shiting up the catalogue please.

>white father being murdered by pigs
>non issue

It much of a father if he gets drunk and shot out of town with a strange woman in his room now is he?

epic! xDD

It's easy

Was he retarded or something? The chick had no problems crawling around.


shut the fuck up pussy

if I saw you irl i would beat your face in you fucking bootlicking nigger

Man you gotta feel like an idiot when your ghost rises out of you and you realize you got dead cause you wanted to fix your pants.

God damn I hate nu/pol/ so much.



Well the cop did nothing wrong really

There was no active shooter stop lying. Cop murdered the guy.


>Because he was responding to reports of a shooter in a hotel room
wrong. he was responding to a report of a rifle being pointed out of a window. there were no reports of shots being fired.

play stupid games win stupid prizes. don't be a degenerate drunk nigger.

circumcised kike slave detected

I wish the guy was black because that would be one less nigger and a lot more outage at the pigs.

now this post is funny. Sup Forums is still kicking baby

this is an acceptable opinion to have on all this, it sucks for the drunk guy and it sucks for the cops to know they shot someone ultimately innocent

he was drunk, had a bunch of armed men pointing rifles at him and screaming. he was obviously fucking terrified. every time he tried to speak the officer screamed at him and kept threatening to kill him and bombarding him with confusing and contradictory orders.. If you were in his shoes you would've shit yourself in terror and been shot. I can't understand why people like you are defending this.

cop asked for another magazine with no reports of fire.
He intended to shoot more than 30 rounds.
Premeditated murder1

>line of fire
u mean the line of fire they WALKED INTO right after killing the guy? yeah they didnt seem too scared two seconds after, they moved right up.

if i were in his position i wouldve done it how the woman did it 10 seconds earlier

why did they let the chick crawl without her legs crossed but as soon as the guy started to crawl and uncrossed his legs "DID I SAY TO UNCROSS UR LEGS?@?@?@?"

because they wanted to murder him

911 caller knew it was an air rifle.
didnt like birds being shot.
Guy got swatted.
He walked out and had no rifle.
Obviously no rifle.
no rifle in his shorts.
not up his ass.
it was murder.

>he was drunk
then add that to the list of reasons this guy fucked up, because he very clearly said he was not drunk in the very beginning when asked, and confirmed that he would comply with every order the cop had said

>Because the guy reached behind his back twice
Holy shit the cop was a fucktard

easy to say from your computer chair. they weren't treating the woman with anywhere near the same level of hostility. the officer that was in charge should be executed.

killed for manspreading

Never walk out of a hotel room un armed.
Keep one in the chamber, safety off.
Gestapo might be waiting for you.
Give em the Djubuti Shooty.

>if you're drunk and lose at simon says you deserve to be shot

>someone called the SWAT because there was someone with a gun in a hotel room, without it being used in a threatening manner.

sue the hotel manager, and the guests who reported it for wrongful death, on top of the officer and the county.

Then someone needs to find all these people and burn them alive.

The woman only lived because she was as fucking retarded as the guy giving orders and didn't know what crawling meant.

>walk to the doorway potentially putting himself in the line of fire
>literally couple seconds later can't even get a door open with key card, if there was another shooter he would of blasted them through the door
Argument discarded faggot

simon says + redlight greenlight remixed with twister

Do you think he would have been shot if he told the officers he was too afraid to move?

well you are kinda an idiot if everyone in the hotel knows you have a gun.

I blame the guy giving orders for being incompetent, confusing and overly aggressive and the guy who shot for being an incompetent, trigger happy edgelord. Both should be arrested for incompetency in a authoritative role that resulted in an innocent death, and the person/people who supervised and trained both of those men should be reevaluated. Giving clear, simple orders is easy and the guy who was giving them couldn't even do that properly, he doesn't deserve to be on the Force.

iwas thinking that myself... but with "your fucked" on the weapon pointed at you, you never had a chance.

I don't understand why everyone is shitting themselves over an accident. both the cops lost their jobs. the cops don't condone this sort of behavior.

why does that even matter. Having a gun isn't illegal. A person open carrying shouldn't have cops called on them in the first place.

The cop was a coward.

cop was a bitch on a powertrip
liable for a lynch desu
there is a line, there must be one
burgers - get it together holy shit
F for yet another foolishly taken life

Makes no difference. This cop, his boss, his trainer, and the entire city hall are nigger faggots who outta be lynched. They all are a part of the system that led to this retard shouting confusing commands to someone who may have been drunk, high, and nearly mentally incapacitated from adrenaline due to having an AR15 pointed at his face.
How fucking hard is it to say:
>lay down on the ground, palms flat on the floor.
>now crawl towards me, do not put your hands near your waist or behind your back.
Better yet, cop should try not being a tactical try hard faggot. The girl crawled a whole five feet and still put them at risk of getting jacked by anybody at the corner. They should have just went up, cuffed the fucks on the floor while one guy watched the corner, and proceeded. Dumb fucks. How many cars do these pigs walk up to where they could be blasted in the face with little notice, but oh no, we can't deal with a perfectly clear easily coverable corner.

It's crazy when you have to think about what you have to do to NOT get shot by the cops

because simply trying to comply and obeying the law certainly isn't enough, this guy broke no laws and was trying to comply and he got shot 5 times.

Sadly most of the people in this thread saying he deserved to die are just being your usual Sup Forums edgy wannabe dickheads.

I don't care that the guy was killed, but it is obvious that the cop was at fault. He created a situation where that guy was going to fail. You can hear that panic and terror in his voice, and that was ONLY caused by being yelled orders, told you were going to be shot.

The people that think this guy "deserved" to die when he did something so minor, are just edgy fucktards that don't actually believe what they are saying. And if they do, they lack any sort of ability to simply understand the situation that unfolded.

>this guy broke no laws and was trying to comply and he got shot 5 times.

fucking nightmare fuel

it was execution, nothing else

posts the same reposted thread

I've been under a rock all week. Where's the video?

There was this other story about a South Carolina cop pulling over a dude at a gas station. He asked the guy to get his license and registration and then when the guy reached into his car to comply (you know cause the registration is in the glovebox) the cop shot at him 4 times. Luckily he was a really lousy shot and only hit the guy in the hip.

at this point that's all I can think of. Tell the officer you're too scared to move and hope he doesn't shoot anyway.


Can we stop fucking talking about this? The most relevant threads as of late are the fucking Trump generals, and those are absolute cancer. No one gives a fuck that some dumb nigger got shot. Stop wasting my damn time.

I think the dude's name was daniel so just google daniel executed by police hotel


Cops shouldn't be allowed to have tattoos. This cop looks like a degenerate faggot. That is my only problem with this incident. Guy shouldn't have waved a gun around while drunk, all of it is ultimately his own responsibility.

OP is cop shill in an climate controlled room posting on Sup Forums.

Innocent until proven guilty. The officer pigeonholed holed the victim as the enemy. Then he manufactured a situation where killing the "suspect" would seem justified.

>I didn't say simon says!

He's only a nigger if he ends up on here and it violates the narrative you built up for yourself about cops and the world. deal with reality faggot because it could be knocking on your door like it did with that guy on his knee's begging for his life

desu US police force in these parts are laughed at and dreaded at the same time. When our friends were visiting US we actually made a list of things NOT to do to not get shot for stupid shit.
This is NOT normal. Like holy shit, its not even Orwelian tier, its fucking Lovecraft tier. Tell us please, burgers, how are you alive?!

My god your country is such a pile of shit even while obeying police orders you manage to get shot.

the cop was a Mexican dipfuck look at the pics again

We can't all have complete immunity like you Mohammed.

You think Mexicans trust Mexicans or something?

Most of us don't fuck with cops. An even greater majority don't hang out of windows pointing a gun at people on the street. The minority be dead burgers, and our country is the better for it.

you take that back right now!

he let another man fuck his wife, she was pregnant with another man's baby before he got owned by the cops

wtf I love ZOG now

youre a psychopath or a coward because of where you choose to vent these "opinions" of yours

woah, wtf... that's not my image LOL fucking timestamp bug

he was responding to reports of a guy with a rifle, how the fuck you gonna hind a rifle in your shorts?

also the cop barking orders and the cop who fired are two different people

Believe it or not, but the vast majority manage to get through the day and avoid police interaction by not acting like complete niggers.

>unverified claims of rifle pointing out a window
>no evidence of firearms
>no evidence of violence
>no shots fired

But obviously one call is enough to get SWAT called on your ass and get treated like a fucking terrorist. If that's how it is then what's stopping anybody from making a call like this? What's stopping anybody from anonymously calling on their neighbor saying they say a gun even if it was a broom handle? These fucking police acted like there was a whole cell of heavily armed terrorists ready to gun them down the second they stepped in front of his hotel room door with ZERO (0) EVIDENCE. It's fucking ridiculous.

If the man sneezed would that have been grounds to be shot? It would be a sudden twitchy movement and the cops didn't give him permission to sneeze.

When a cop issues a no knock warrant and kicks down your door and you don't know if it's armed robbers or not, would you be justified in shooting the armed men coming into your home? Do you think the police buy the line of reasonable fear for your life then? Do you think you wouldn't get at a minimum a voluntary manslaughter charge with the maximum punishment that charge carries?
Stop excusing manlets and faggots who become cops becuase they can get a hardon pretending to be John McClane from Die Hard and hiding behind their badge and >Muh blue lives matter

I’m not a cop hater but this is terrible. Tragic.

The guy failed so many orders I really dont feel like listing them all, just start watching around 2 minutes before he got shot. he fails to keep his legs crossed, fails to keep his hands up in the air, reaches BEHIND HIS BACK WITH HIS HANDS TWICE. The guy may not have been an idiot sober but in this case he was a drunken retard and he got shot for reaching behind his waistband while being in this situation

When a cop dresses out on SWAT gear they imagine themselves to be total badasses and being a hero in some kind of shootout the entire time. Guys were probably disappointed that this wasn't a Mandalay Bay Vegas shooting and they wouldn't get a movie made after them.
Just because a cop doesn't act confrontational during a speeding ticket stop in Whitesville Suburbia doesn't mean that same cop wouldn't have the same itchy trigger finger that the Manlet who shot Shaver did.

Your daily reminder of exactly the type of numale faggot behind these boring threads.

u fuckin wot m8?
ok ok ok please don't murder me
*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

Except what evidence did the police have that he even was armed besides an anonymous phone call? This could have happened to anyone.

the cops genuinely thought he had a gun or there was a guy in the room with a gun. the man was drunk as fuck and unable to keep his fucking hands up, he reached BEHIND HIS BACK. TWICE. its a shitty situation, the dude was wasted drunk, and unable to follow orders