Would you attend this lonely girl's birthday party?

Would you attend this lonely girl's birthday party?

These sorta things make me really sad

What a fucking loser haha

To steal food if for nothing else

I don't understand, if she has no friends then why go make all that food? Unless her mother made it and then left so she can enjoy her party without her there. Which means she lied to her parents...jesus

I would.

>being the only sane person in a village of crazy people makes her the weirdo


I'm poor so I'd do it for the food

Who made all that food?

The servants, she's a richfag.

Her parents who don't know the true extent of her daughters loneliness.

She is the village chieftain's daughter afterall, why shouldn't she be popular?

Of course I would.

>Ne ne, Azunyan, let's become mages!

Or maybe, the parents decided to have a birthday party anyway, knowing that she had zero friends.

It happened to me

I feel bad for the people that prepared everything, all their effort went to waste. I guess that's what hurts the most when this happens to you, too.

It's not like we can't empathise with having literally no friends, it's not so bad really.

It could be worse.

No, I ain't never been to no party or had my own so I ain't starting now.

Source? Yandex, Google, IQDB, and saucenao aren't giving anything.

I honestly can't get excited like this any more, I just expect everything to be shit. Even when good things happen I'm wary of enjoying myself too much. People can ruin your day at any moment.

It's a manga called Nirvana.

I don't want to read it. It already looks real sad.