Imagine a world without jews

If the masses knew the truth about Jews, there wouldn’t be one left on the planet by the end of the week.

Their horrible monstrousness knows no bounds. Language fails to adequately define the Jew whose deadly cancer worms through history like a malevolent, parasitical creature whose tentacle’s touch is absolutely fatal.

If there were no Jews, there would be no Bible, no Koran, no Talmud, no Jesus, no Christianity, no Mohammad, no Islam, no Moses, no Abraham, no Judaism.

There would be no communists, no Stalin, no purges, no mass starvations, no gulag death camps, no Hitler, no “Nazis”, no Hallowedhoax.

Without Jewish mentors, there would be no need for them.

There would be no slavery, save perhaps among the most primitive cultures. There would be no internecine conflicts like civil wars, and there would be no Lincolns or Cromwells to administer them.

There would be no political correctness, no pornography, no racial or cultural suicides. In fact, present history would not exist in any manner related to what is now not only recognized, but accepted as the norm.

There would be no Mafia or “organized” crime, the very concept which was created by Jews millennia ago to be aped by others.

There would be no world wars, no revolutions, no nuclear weapons, no “genocides” — even the word wouldn’t exist — no false flags like the trade towers, and little if any perversions, racial hatred and animosity between brethren cultures. There would be little, if any, corruption tolerated among those chosen for leadership positions and it would most certainly not be funded.

The Jews’ hateful, malevolent influence is in fact so pervasive, it literally twists and perverts every aspect of the world in which we live. The list is long. So long that a world without Jews would be unrecognizable, if not unthinkable, to its present inhabitants.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hold onto those thoughts. Think about them and let each one steer your actions. In every way.


we would become the citadel from mass effect?


agree 100%

>he still thinks religion is all bad and a Jew conspiracy
>he still thinks dune coons and niggers are not savages incapable of living properly in a civil society
>he thinks corruption is only a Jew thing
You're only at the beginning of your journey, grasshopper. The only true words in your post were the first two and the last paragraph.

Someone else would just take their place. Don't forget it was Kings that pushed Jews into banking. They are a product of there environment


image a world without goyim


It's sad really. I have Christian normy friends who don't know anything about the damage Jews have done and continue to do. They just support Isreal because it's a Christian meme

christianity is the reason why the white race is so cucked

How do you move form there to there?

Bridges span across the panels. Did you even watch Gundam?

>If the masses knew the truth about Jews
Redpill them.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:




interesting,i think the white race would be far more agressive,to our detriment but i think we would have colonized mars by now and been on track to figure out multi dimensional travel.jews have been such a meddling,anti progress race,fucking cosumed with themselves and their own fear......honestly man think up all jew innovation and what have they invented?helpful shit,einstein was cool iguess but ultimately would we have found that shit anyway?
all the bombs all jew creations.all coulda lived w/o.

merkel needs to be assfucked by a somali,shes so deep in though shed keep it secret for 20 years

>posting this via the Internet, a Jewish invention (ARPANET = Leonard Kleinrock and Bob Kahn)

erasing the Jews from your timeline throws you right back to living in mud huts (sorry, """longhouses""") and worship the literally gay Odin.
it must be difficult for you literal pink niggers and your "we wuz oppressed and sheit" to be reminded of the fact that the entirety of western civilization, and in particular since the ((industrial revolution)) is Semitic in nature and origin.

Op is correct
Heil Hitler



How's that Temple the Romans knocked over doing faggot?


oy vey, the goy suddenly feels his worhlessness

thats a one nice fantasy right there. nearly jerked off to it too.

don't forget to post the one about using hot israeli girls as psyops

i raff. this i gold.

Well desu this is the same as asking what would the world be like without disease. Everything in this world is polarity, there is no good without evil, no light without dark. The Jews are a a necessary evil, they are the villains in this movie, without a villain how would you even have a movie? They are a test, to make you grow, to make you better, to make you ascend. The question is will you answer the call?

We are always looking for you, same as you are always looking for us. All you have to do to end it all is find the Black Sun

ironically, without that the Jews wouln't disperse in western nation and you would still be living in your """longhouses""" drinking cow piss and swallowing hung men's cum for arcane powers


I bet Obama was on that list.


>don't forget to post the one about using hot israeli girls as psyops







>ironically, without that the Jews wouln't disperse in western nation and you would still be living in your """longhouses""" drinking cow piss and swallowing hung men's cum for arcane powers

I lol'd the Aryans built this world, we are the Sons Of Saturn, we brought technology and civilization to this world, everything you sandniggers know you stole from us, this is can be conclusively proven, so please don't bother with your typical kikery response

The Black Sun knows all





Here you will probably enjoy this make an infographic


Yet you can't seem to outmaneuver or outsmart a people you outnumber 5000 to 1.

Most Israeli "inventions" are financed with American taxpayer money and are only possible because US corporations actually share their trade secrets with Israeli ones...



I lol'd, the game is not over desu, I would not count your chickens. You are 0 for what is it 361? Seems like we have done a pretty good job


on more than one front I might add, pic related, yours andmine



so if we get rid of the jews we can live in a giant tubular space terrarium like the one matt damon went to in that one sci fi movie?

don't think so, only jews have enough money to finance such a project.

"If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.

His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also very out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greeks and Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, and have vanished.

The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmaties, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains."




>take credit for ashkenazi jew achievement when the American government gives them unlimited funding

>still only have a handful of relevant inventions

I guess Einstein was pretty cool.

>milking the holohoax lie for 70 years from people that contain a "weakness" you don't, compassion and empathy
filthy kikes

and? The Romans were what percent of the population? They took over the world 2000 years ago and still run it. Why are you acting like you had anything to do with any of this, what have you done desu? Beat off to a picture of the Rothschild from time to time? You are a slave race to dark wizards always have been, you take pride in this? Hey to each his own

Einstein was a hack and he was wrong, Tesla was right

that want you dead,we are the only ones keeping you alive.when haj arrives,you will be first to think we have irrational ideals,do some research.ask yourself why isreal is not taking in refugees.ask a jew why syrians are not arriving in isreal.

>I stubbed my toe today after I got out of the shower. Fucking Jews!
>I'm the ultimate red-pilled, nazi larper but I'm still an incel. Fucking Jews!
>My cat fucking spilled my beer off my tv tray. Fucking Jew Cat!
Cool story, bro.

Jewish Communism has to be their best invention yet!


No need to belittle what he was right about, credit where it is due.

meh true I have no prob with him, what I have a prob with is him being promoted as something he is not to hide Tesla's genius and what he discovered, the code to the matrix

>Jews responsible for my personal sins
You need Jesus, user. Read a Bible.

"I will insist the Hebrews have [contributed] more to civilize men than any other nation. If I was an atheist and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations ... They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern."


>you need a fictional character for???

to each his own

remove kikes & freemasons from Your town - NOW !

>They have given a mind virus to make them good slaves

Some copy pasts my own though of course, see my earlier post about the hyksos and priesthood of Amen
They created the Torah to create a slave race of superstitious, a book telling them knowledge is evil and anyone trying to teach them anything is Pagan and evil. Lol Pagan simply means educated in the ancient world. The Romans saw what they did, and thought hey this works great a book we can give to people about a zombie space Jew that tells them to work as good slaves and pay their taxes (give unto Caesar what is his), not to pursue any wealth (easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle), and be meek and meager in this life and you will be rewarded in the next. The Bible is a way to make you a good slave, a good goy. But it also coded so the sharp can find the real answers in the bible and become part of the priestly class, who can do research and study all day in their white collar lifestyle while the dumb goy plow the fields and do the hard labor to support them. Let me explain, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 squared is 144, which is the first digital root of 9 in the Fibonacci sequence. The holy trinity is 3,6,9 where 9 is the God head. 9 is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end, the vortex. Also the mark of the beast is 666, the digital sum equals 18 the digital sum of it is 9. The atomic number of Carbon is 666, carbon is the glue of our reality we are carbon based life forms. 9 is the ether the glue. The bible is a science book of ancient knowledge of our ancestors the Atlanteans, and before you say w/e about this being silly this can be proven conclusively and I do on my channel.

>*tips thordora*

yah not an theist and this not an argument, I can prove Gods exists using math, I can also prove your cult is built on a complete fraud, again conclusively, if you has any sense to understand facts and lofic you would not beleive some zombie space Jew who was his own father was your god anyway

>der muh book that can be proven conclusively to be a fraud says history started a few 1000 years ago, but instead of acknowledging it I will post a pic of a guy with a fedora

Yah nice work sambo

elektronische Netzwerke gab es bereits in den 40er Jahren ; beispielsweise wurde die Entfernung der europäischen Juden aus Westeuropa mittels elektronischer Netzwerke organisiert . ihr Untermenschen habt nichts erfunden - ihr habt nicht einmal eine Sprache . juden lügen wenn sie den Mund aufmachen - genau das ist euer Problem . facebook wurde von weißen Studenten entworfen - und zwar im Jahre 1990 - nicht in den usa sondern in Deutschland - ihr sein nutzlose nigger

>t. larpagan
You have to be 18+ to post here, kid.

pssss, got news for ya, you ain't no Semite and none of that is true

>proven conclusively
>cites newsweek

the absolute state of cucks
tip that fedora some more kid

too bad they don't have an IQ requirement eh? That timeline can be proven conclusively. For am Abrahamic religious half wit, that means now matter how many fedora's you post or how long you autistically screech it won't change it

yah the source has anything to do with facts or science. You guys are stupid beyond belief, hard to tell you and the kikes apart, at least they only pretend to be morons

The world would be a 1000x less degenerate without Jews......that's for sure



Holy crap that English is nigger tier, no surprise you think you have all the answers to our faith. Nice try though.
>tries to name the jew
If you knew anything you'd know kikes love to manipulate science.
>implying I'm stupid yet you can barely argue your viewpoint
Keep trying kiddo

>doesn't deny being an underage b&
Have fun with your involuntary break from Sup Forums.

>talks about credibility of sources reporting conclusive facts
>same time thumping muh bible, using it as the sole source to claim a zombie space jew who is his own father is God

you people are truly and dangerously stupid, do you ever self reflect for a single second and ask yourself what in the actual fuck it is you believe? Like actually go through it all and think holy shit I am an idiot for beveling this shit

change the subject and resort to ad hominems nice, just like a kike

If you all didn't belong to a such a popular cult you would be put in a mental hospital. Say this out loud with me. My God was a Jew born of a virgin, but he was also his own son, and he came to earth, but didn't know he was god, for awhile anyway while he was growing. The he became God though even when he was on the cross he said spoke to his father, but he was really speaking to himself. Then he was a zombie a few days later and flew off into space and became God again the father, but we can only get into heaven through him into his fathers kingdom, but they are the same person. Understand you satnist! You are crazy if you don't believe all this makes perfect sense and is not delusional or insane at all!

Now read that aloud to yourself and tell me you are not in a cult bud

That picture on the left shows rotting plant shit that looks sort of like an X because it follows the valley and ridge formed on top of it. Look at how the valley part is curved and matches that snowbank. If you just rotate the pic 90 degrees so that the shadows match the pyramid on the right the illusion breaks easily.

Got news for yah, you morons are far beyond heavens gate tier (pic related)


Well it is 100's of thousands of years old desu, sitting under moving glaciers, as I said all of this is conclusive, I can prove it all 100% fact desu, all people have to do is look, they are comfortable in their illusions, meh, the kikes you know exactly how to play them, so be it

user implies Jews are stupid

>The whole thread is about how 12 million Jews control the world

>Keep trying kiddo
>I am gonna try and sit here an discredit science and facts about what you say though I don't even understand any of it, while at the same time my motivation is to preserve my belief in a zombie space jew being my god based solely on a book that can be proven conclusively to be fabricate din a million ways then call you kiddo in condescending way like you are the one being irrational

wew lad, gas yourself, you are worthless