US Navy submariner here, AMA

US Navy submariner here, AMA

With the recent loss of the San Juan and more missile tests from North Korea, I thought you guys might have a few questions for a navyfag like myself. Only have a couple years under my belt on a boomer (SSBN/Ohio class), but I'll answer questions as honestly as opsec allows me.

I have no questions. But got anything juicy you can share we might be interested in knowing?

>couple of years

Promotions run that slow these days?

Are hispanics really afraid of water? Are they a rarity in the Navy?

Where are you right now?

your mos and deployed on what vessel?

go greenside

could you take a picture of the reactor with your cell phone?

All I can say is, a very prominent member of the DOD/federal govt came to my boat several months ago and talked to us about the possibility of unloading some of our nuclear warheads on NO. Didn't end up happening, haven't heard anything since then.

What do the geopolitics look like with NK? Will there be actual war any time soon or are we going to sit here watching short stack kimmy blow smoke all day?

In boot camp I remember blacks being deathly afraid of the water. On the boat, we have a crew of 140, with roughly 20 Hispanics and 5 blacks.

you mean North Korea?

and a scenario,say haji gets a boat close enough to board and they successfully board the ship,what is r epellig proceedure.then say you are roaming armed to find said haj a crewmember in uniform that is muslim shoots at you what do you do?

Not going to say my boat but I'm a torpedoman


well thats because only their hair can swim.

LS1(SS) here. Fast attack. Norfolk.

do you think war with north korea is a possibility and if so do you think that you'll launch any nukes at them?

What's the talk on the ship about the Norks? Anything you can tell us?

In no scenario would we ever get boarded, we can detect everything in the water around us and disappear before they even have a suspicion we exist. But if we were boarded of course we would call away security violation and fight, we do drills like that every week.
Would be surprised if we bombed them but not shocked.

What is it like being underwater?

what the fuck is your rank?

Hey OP,

I've pretty much decided after I lose 100lbs I'm going to join the Navy. I have a bachelors degree in Elementary Ed./Special Ed.

I want to get into the officer program and join the Navy as an O-1. What kind of job could I get in the Navy with that degree?

Boring and gay
TM3 (E4)

Is it true you guys fuck each other in the ass?

Also what's the ratio of male to female on a sub, the San Juan was 43 to 1 which seems really rapey

so ir now shore u do your 48 or 54 i suppose dont know when u upped

Your chances of that happening are slim to none, go enlisted route, go to A school. And apply to OCS at E-5 for direct commission into whatever job you are in. Your degree isnt worth shit, except for making E-3 out of boot.

So what do you think about china's sub drones? Are they able to fuck over our boomers?

That was ages ago. This is my second shore duty.

My boat is 100% male, still pretty rapey
I don't know a whole lot about officer programs, sounds like you'd be going through OCS but I don't know how they classify people there.

good luck swimmin with no negro hair

Since you wont answer my other question.

Whats the scuttlebutt on why those US ships crashed into other ships a few months back? Seems pretty avoidable.

Our reputation precedes us
Lol chink shit is horrible in general but I haven't researched their drones.

I'ma guess USS Michigan. Am I right?

Go army if this is the case you can most likely get OCS in your contract and you get E-4 when you sign

What do you think about this banter at the recent Army/Navy game?

Is it true that underwater nuclear torpedos have a massive underwater kill radius for subs? (some guy on xbox live said it was like 500 square kilometers)

aiight and stuck in nofuck,watch out for the local bitches they are notorious for golddigging personnel.odu cunts especially


I'm in WA
I don't know much about surface boats navigation, but that whole thing seemed suspiciously like a cyber attack from the Chinese. Big Navy is pushing this new digital navigation system called VMS, just forced my boat to use it after decades of paper charts.

OP you know DAMN well you shouldn't be making this thread.

Is it true you dive as 100 sailors and return 50 couples?

Yeah, isn't it still a really fast trip to E-4?

You ever fake your death and fall asleep in the engine room?

Please Nuke tel Aviv Tehran Istanbul and Mecca at the same time.
It will be hilarious

Are you or have you been in the Navy? Outside of its intention I realize my degree is pretty much worthless, which sucks ass. However I am confident in my interpersonal skills; are there any jobs I can get regarding diplomacy or something of that nature?

I was really hoping I could get O-1 right off the bat and do my required time on that pay with the possibility of ranking up.

He can only apply at E5, and he'll need a damn good portfolio when he does, which is why he should go enlisted. And ive never heard of OCS in a contract, ever. If a recruiter ever tries to sel you on that dont believe it.

As long as you have a pulse it is.

to your knowledge does any defense system overwhelm the phalanyx system?
say 20 missiles are launched can it kill all of them or is it limiyed.

Had any contact with Brit subs? Is it true they are nigh on undetectable?

Also, do cunts ruin things?

Interesting OP. Thanks for the answer and for putting your balls on the line day in/ day out.

I mean I don't know how the navy works but army is pretty easy to go ocs with a bachelors degree and you don't need to be E5

Thanks for the tip, but this isn't my first rodeo.

Is the navy as gay as The Village People made it seem?

oh the autism wed hear from muskrats if mecca and medina went away.
lets make it happen.

a bunch of kike slaves obeying massa?

what do you think?

The navy does not roll that way. They grease up and make a pile.

Have to take a break guys, need to go drive somewhere. I'll try to catch up with the questions when I get back.

No experience with Brits, but I would say we are pretty damn undetectable.
Yes, women ruin every aspect of military life and order they touch.

Coast guard ret. Your degree wont get you anywhere. Join the navy, go to yeoman school, work as a clerk for a couple years then apply to OCS for direct commission as an officer as a yeoman. You can earn your goofy little bar and retire with a smile.

Lots of Mexicans and Filipinos in the navy and they can swim fine. It's the niggers that can't swim.

Also, what do you mean portfolio? What types of things would the military be looking for in a portfolio?

I see. One boat, One Screw, One Captian, One Crew?

go to fucking bed, larping CTI3.

Your best bet is just going and talking to some recruiters, but don't let them bullshit you and try different branches because they offer different things

What GPA? Lots of offierc don't have stem degrees.

Did you catch the Army-Navy game? Too bad about that field goal kick.

show me your penis

More like Kentucky gold crew. That important DOD/Military guy who visited was the CNO Admiral Greenert.

army vs marines, air force won cause none of their soldiers got frostbites watching niggers fight over an egg

Thanks for the advice guys. It gives me something to think about at least.

I just graduated cum laude this summer, I think I had a 3.6

Are you gonna snitch on him you little bitch?

Be glad you aren’t on a VLS fast boat. That shit was nothing but a headache when I was doing it. Former MMW2(SS). Would have killed for just 4 tubes and 48s to worry about.

lookee wat digits sez

any secret submerged bases you cant talk about?

Do we have any railguns on any ships yet? Youd think the launch system on a carrier can be used next to a railgun setup adapted to the electronics and sacrifice a couple jet parking spots on the lower deck, use it kinda like a big stug in the water.

is there an alien base under Antarctica?

Not OP, but used to do his job.
No, system is completely different. Steam pressure vs magnetic.

Chair force is trash

When you apply to OCS, you are set to meet with an selection committee comprising of officers within the job youre applying to (flight school, IS commission etc...) they are looking for time in field, performance, deeds worthy of note WHILE you were in the service. Then they look for shit like leadership experience from college-present, volunteer hours etc, SAT scores. Thats all within your OCS package or "portfolio" You have to distinguish yourself from wveryone else applying to OCS. Alot of them have been waiting years because only so many classes are sent a year, i believe there are usually only two selection comittees that meet a year for the Navy, sometimes one. Youll be going up against people who have been in the service twice as long as you, and with twice the experience and have been appling every year for 5+ years. Probably not what you wanted to hear but thats the truth, when i was in the CG the selection comittee only met once a year. And it took me 7 years to finally get picked.

Mathis. You are on the Kentucky.

recent loss of the san juan

This would fix the worlds problems

>navyfag here

What homosexual acts have you performed on a sub and in what areas of the sub.

Argies. Lost a ship again. The emus are suspected, but I can't go into further details

Is it true that the Norks have decent submarines?

Damn...well I guess competition is within all fields. I just didn't realize the military would be. But than again I don't understand how the military works, yet. I was wondering how that would be if I got into the OCS with zero military experience whatsoever.

I'll take your other piece of advice to heart. Thanks for the heads up.

>not Air Force

you fucked up

Go see an officer recruiter when you are ready. Do not go enlisted and try OCS. My XO always said the Navy makes it easier to commission a bum off the street then to commission an enlisted man.

But you're going to go in to detail right user

How the fuck can any 50's subs be called decent.

>checks flag.


Fucking larp.

ITT: circumcised manlets looking to serve the jews

Also, how likely is a sub such as the San Juan to be stolen from the navy and sold?

I mean, you still can apply as a civilian, there is always a small chance you can get it. Apply as a yeoman, its your best chance with that degree

It was Jim Mattis. OP is stationed in WA. OP isn't privileged to any real juicy information.

I used to see that shit all the time in American media outlets. As I understood, nuclear able subs were the best bet for the norks, that's why I asked.

What do you know about the SkyKing?

He can get picked up as a SWO or Chop easily.

Gay sex alot OP?