Mc is weaker than the main girl

>mc is weaker than the main girl

But that is fine and enjoyable as long as it doesn't devolve into
>but *I* should be the one to protect *you*

Fucking shirou

Kek but doesn't it usually?

>'mc' can be female
most anime is

>mc isn't the main girl

We need less male MCs

Almost always. I'm in despair!

>mc is stronger than the main boy

>10 minutes dedicated to some cocky little edgegirl beating the shit out of or killing some dumb gangster strawmen to establish what a badass she is and how afraid of her I should be

I thought everyone on here wanted to do this.

Hubris is a terrible thing, user. If your're waifu is stronger than you, unattainably so, accept it and support her in whatever way you can, instead of whining about it.
This simple strategy seems lost on MCs, who over-value their worthless pride.

If you're waifu is stronger than you then it's because she's 2D. If you somehow got to her world and can now play by its rules you're not going to just "accept it".

I emphasized unattainable for a reason, user.

The MC is in the same universe as the main girl, of course he wouldn't just accept it.

If you are incapable of imagining or accepting a situation where it might be impossible to simply become as strong as one's waifu, then you are exactly the kind of person who allows his useless pride to control him.

You fucking what?

>MC is weaker than the main girl
>it doesn't matter because it's not about battling

Something like
>Your waifu is a 1000 year old dragon
>You're waifu is an invincible robot
>Your're waifu is literally god in this universe
Are you still going to get your pride hurt and upset because you cannot be strong enough to protect literal god, user?


>Is big and strong enough to protect you both from anything when necessary
>Is small and weak enough to tease or to carry in your arms at all other times

Korbo is truly perfect.

See also: every superpowered loli.

>beta MC
>his one sole power is the ability to always win against females
Why isn't this a thing yet?

>Implying a god waifu can not have a weakness that her powers are useless against

When don't they?


Have you not read To Love Ru?

I have not read it in a long time, so I assume it turns out that Rito had actual powers that did all of that?

>MC is weaker than the main girl
>MC is actually stronger and only held back by magic


>mc pretends to be weaker than the main girl
>he's actually the strongest in the series the whole time

>and then he dies

>and comes back as the main villain

I was talkin bout Akame ga Kill, what are you talking about?

What the fuck? But Tatsumi ended up raising a family with Mine.

>MC is a japanese nerd
>one day he gets transported to another world
>why? fuck you, that why
>MC instantly adapts to the new world, doesn't encounter any language or cultural barriers and doesn't even think about going back or his friends/family
>the "another world" issue is never ever addressed again
>and thus the major part of the premise is rendered irrelevant, meaning author could've just written a fucking normal fantasy series
>it all was just to have a self-insert character that needs to be infodumped about the new world

>MC gets some overpowered meta ability or is just stupidly strong for no fucking reason
>can easily steamroll entire world, meaning there's no tension whatsoever
>most of his effort goes into hiding his power level
>even when holding back he makes normal mortals wet their pants and suck his cock
>shit's as exciting as watching someone playing game with a god mode

>the new world is just like a fucking game, because fuck worldbuilding, fuck lore and fuck coming up with some original magic system
>here, have your generic status screens, levels, classes
>and generic kingdom X threatened by generic demon lord Y
>join our motherfucking adventurers' guild

This shit sells in the millions.

This shit isn't realistic by any means either. I am yet to find a woman stronger than me. Most of them can't even open a fucking soda bottle on their own.

Well buckle up then, because Isekai is only getting worse.

We're reaching its peak, I can't wait to see what the next fad is.


But does he also wear a tracksuit?

>the new world is just like a fucking game
This is the biggest turnpoint, I can stomach the rest but this is it where the shit hits the fan for me.
Also bonus point for
"This is not like a game, this is reality."

Konosuba is the only decent Isekai.
And it's only decent because of it's characters.

If they at least tried to make some original game. But no, it's always the same stock MMORPG one.
It's just a blatant declaration that author can't be bothered to shit out even a half-assed setting, he's here only to sell power fantasy and harem of cute girls.

>MC is a renowned warrior throughout the land
>Says something dirty
>Female group member slaps them into the wall

I really don't want to read the manga. What happened to Akame?

She's alone on a ship to nowhere.

> MC is weaker than main girl
> But still defeat her and make her suck his dick because he is sealed, can increase power in 1 minute or actually just pretend

Name one anime etc etc

Rakudai kishi?

It looks like shit