Drumpf BTFO

Drumpf BTFO

Why arnt the mods doing enough about these goddamn shills?

Plumpf will never recover from this.

tom sounds euphoric

They never have

So why do we even have mods of we have to sage the shills away ourselves anyway?

Nobody gives a shit about what this irrelevant soy faggot thinks.

We are not shills.. we are just expressing an alternate message to counter all the blind hatred and intolerance that infests this site.

You claim to not be shills yet you shill as an attempt to express your ideas.

So shills then.

(((Political Science)))

He doesn’t have a Political Science degree from Harvard he has a generic social studies degree which is a broad coverage of things a glorified liberal arts degree. Also he’s an anarchist so nothing else to be said for him

>honors grad in political science

Tell me more about your undergraduate degree Tom.

What band that hasnt released a good album in 20 years does tom play for? And what is with all the has been actors and actresses, musicians, movie producers, artists, and reporters having a hate on for trump? Their careers were shit way before trump ever decided to run for office.

Going to Harvard, a school that uniquely specializes in business law and the medical field only to get a PoliSci degree. What a wasteful degree and no different than your PoliSci degree at your local community college. This is insanely ironic because since he’s an anarchist he’s not supposed to believe in superiority of institutions however there he goes disproving his own political beliefs

>I (((studied politics at Harvard))) and played in a left-wing rock band, therefore you should listen to me

What a fag.

Do you have a piece of paper that tells you you're smart anyone that retarded who puts very intelligent worth in a piece of paper is definition of an idiot top it all off just because you have that paper it does not mean you are an expert and fact it could very well mean that you'll have more biased as time goes on.

And what in human actions are you talking about Trump hasn't done anything at all wrong the mainstream media is lying through their fucking teeth all you have to do is fact check the mainstream media to know this surely you cannot be so stupid that you could take someone's words at face value and treat them as gospel how do you think Hitler got in the power how do you think Hitler antics words alone we're just power in the Nazi party.

You assholes accuse Trump and his supporters of being literal Nazis while you assholes are literally being Nazis, Nazis behave exactly like sjw feminazi pieces of shit.

How much do you want to bet that even though his shirt says "should I trust the government?", he still believes in net neutrality, welfare state, free college, free healthcare, UBI, etc?

>Political Science degree
Explains the communist
>The harm this administration has done to people
Right, so when Obama turned helped turn Syria into a shit pile, oust and kill Ghaddafi (also turning Libya to shit)and stir shit in Egypt you were just on vacation. How about the DOJ selling guns to drug cartels? Or the IRS being used as a weapon against conservative groups? Miss them?

I don’t mind if you think Trump sucks, but you have to also call out when your side fucks up and doesn’t continuously dickslap the constitution.

Seriously fuck these people.

>The unethical practice of defending your boarders
Stick to hitting your strings in weird ways that sound like techno

From (((Harvard)))

You speaking french now faggot?
You and your (((we))) are pissing in an ocean of piss...
>YOUR mind is slowly being subverted by the truth.

Where was he when Obama droned thousands of people?

I thought this was a joke when I first saw it
“Honorary degree” lol

They'll never learn.

>We're not shills... We're just individuals not from here injecting a foreign message and we're being compensated for it.

10% of people exposed as shills just have dissenting opinion...
90% of the people exposed as shills went for it to begin with because they are fat trolls trolling gullible pollacks.

BTW, every sensible American except like 10% deplorable literal human waste is actually WITH HER now. It is only a matter of time before fat orange MAFIA BOSS Drumpfie is fucking impeached and imprisoned for his subversion, espionage, collusion, sexual harassment.

Fucking Kek
Dudes the mental equivalent of sloth from the goonies

Is this humor? I'll treat it as humor. You're a bad comedian user.

HAHAHAH What a lying faggot. That is literally the most nigger tier degree that the university offers. A BA in social studies. What a faggot mulatto. Now play me a riff Tom and keep your mouth shut. Dance monkey Dance.

Check mate, bigots

>promotes distrust in the intrinsicly corrupt nature of the gubment
>promotes the nationalization of the entire economy, delivering the evil gubment absolute power and control over everyone's lives


all RATM ever was, was vapid, angry music for 16 year olds the same way linkin park was vapid, angry music for 12 year olds

IRL unethical and inhumane is common.
it's unethical to not allow the poor to loot your home and the homeless not sleeping on your home.
but at the same time stupid to do soo.

and its inhumane to trow people into prisons for life. but its needed.

"we" you're not entitled to and group on an anonimous board.

It's so fucking stupid! Why did we even pay the slightest bit of attention to these retards in the 1990s.

>wears a shirt that questions government
>votes for bigger government

Why leftist retarded?

RATM are socialists

>pol brianlets unironically challenging the intellectual firepower of a harvard honors grad in political science

Yeah I'm sure you basement dwelling virgins are more equipped to analyse the atrocities of Trump's regime than he is.

The left doesn't want to embark on absurd projects like border walls, pointless infrastructure rebuilding and other vanity projects. Remind me who is for big govt again?

>Appeal to authority

may the curse be upon him soon

>the left doesn't care about border security security
No shit. They do very much support infrastructure projects though.

>uneducated dem bashes Trump
"lol stupid drumpfkins you don't need a a degree to call drumpf dumb "

>uneducated rep bashes Hillary
"lol stupid drumpfkin go to college"

Going to the doctor is an appeal to authority. Learning from a teacher is an appeal to authority.

Guy went from raging against to sucking off the machine. What a faggot. He's been irrelevant for years.

Morello hasn't been "practicing" politics for his career, he's been collecting welfare and playing music. He also has a degree in social studies I.E. "I dunno what I want to do."

Did he get this shirt recently or back in Bush times and dug it out of the closet after two terms of Obama?

What do you think?

Do you have a Harvard degree then jackass?

charge your phone reeeeee

Do you?

No, but I agree with him and he does

He’s a filthy beaner spic, who cares?


>I agree with him
And he's an idiot.

>and he does
He has a degree in SOCIAL STUDIES. A stupid degree from an ivy league school is still a stupid degree.

Even when I was a Baby Neo Nazi I knew Rage Against the Machine was controlled opposition. This guy is the intellectual equivalent of saccharine.

see: I guarantee he was a diversity enrollee to assuage the Harvard liberals' white guilt complex and promote their jewish anti-Americanism -just as that dumb nigger Obama was.

What will the curse hold for this one?

>fuck you i wont do what you tell me
>signs major record label deal

RATM were always sellout cucks

if he dies tomorrow put me in the meme

Tom Morello, the commie who sold out to mainstream producers with Rage against the Machine and Audioslave. Of course he would say fuck trump - it is what his jewish masters want

>pointless infrastructure

>blind hatred

Nah there's plenty of good reason for it

I think hes actually a nigger wop

But they do vote for more business regulation where only big companies can survive, more healthcare regulation where people are forced to purchase insurance or pay a hefty tax if it is too unaffordable, and violating first amendment rights if people don't bake faggot cakes.