Why not states based on intelligence and achievements rather than ethnicity...

Why not states based on intelligence and achievements rather than ethnicity? I would much rather be part of a social and cultural coalition with geniuses like Terry Tao (pic related) than fucktons of uneducated, low-achieving white people. Race seems like an absolutely terrible criteria for making good countries, because many people who share my skin color are complete shitheads that I have nothing in common with in terms of values and culture. Why are so many of you so obsessed with race, when there are much more effective measurements of who is a quality person?


Just because things played out a certain way in a fictional scenario doesn't provide meaningful support for any position, authors can manipulate the story to support/ridicule whatever viewpoint they want to make look good or bad.


because no matter how intelligent a muslim is he will chop your head off the moment a fatva is ordered.

Hayes Valley


Cultural differences aren't there just to incite racism.

Racism isn't about quality is about genetic distance. If things were about quality you would expect to put better animals, humans and everything else above for example your family or yourself.
You don't because genetics matter

I wouldn't personally be interested in sharing a state with anyone who was a committed believer in any traditional religion, anyone who blindly follows ancient texts or corrupt religious leaders isn't the kind of quality human I have in mind. Intelligence isn't a sole criteria. "Quality people" can certainly include lower intelligence, hard-working, honest individuals who respect the social fabric.

mention your criteria and i'll tell you why it won't work.

What my genes care most about is the survival and well-being of my direct offspring, which depends greatly on the quality of their environment. Long-term, I believe my offspring will survive best in an optimal society, even if that means not including very distant genetic "cousins".

>implying you would be in the genius category

People who engage in these utopian fantasy always overestimate where they'd end up when the cards are reshuffled

As opposed to traditional states, which have obviously worked so perfectly in history? Or as opposed to theoretical new ethno-states, where you can also provide plenty of reasons why they are unworkable in practice?

I mean, in practice, I don't see a way to "get there from here" - the Illuminati have been trying to figure out how to create self-selected "states" of the smartest and best for a long time, and they have gotten basically nowhere because reshaping society makings herding cats look easy. The proverbial "forces of history" are basically a 12-inch dildo up the ass of any radical utopian vision.

There aren't enough Terry Tao level geniuses around to make a whole country. I didn't start this thread to try to brag about my own achievements or talents, so I won't bother trying to impress you with them. I said "intelligence AND achievements" so it isn't just about raw IQ score, it is about being able to make a meaningful contribution, and - maybe even more importantly - not being the kind of worthless asshole who harms others and drags everything down. That's the core of the Sup Forums issues, isn't it? How do we reform society to not be dragged down by criminal scum?

All of us greatly exaggerate our self-worth

>Direct offspring
>Genes that feels like genes
>White broders
>Genes that feel bad because there is smart chink out there
>Chinks are ethnocentric, naturally understand what white universalists autism negates
>Chink cooks and eats white cuck universalist

Finally a real pol-style reply. I kind of like the idea of Terry Tao going full cannibal and powering up his brain by eating the brains of dumb white people.

>Only replies to exaggeration
>Autistically doesn't understand that chinks will sterilize/kill him
>Doesn't reply to core attack to feelings and woman-like rationalization

Only low IQ mouth breathers care about race; racial pride is the idiotic go to haven for people that have no accomplishments of their own so they need to adopt the accomplishments of figures throughout history that have the same skin color as them.

The problem is that the world is majority low IQ people that are still tribal minded.

>Why not states based on intelligence and achievements rather than ethnicity?
they are the same thing you fucking shit head

I speak five languages and I'm in medschool
My self-worth is pretty awesome, no exaggerations needed

You have obviously never met the vast numbers of completely moronic white people here in the USA. Shitloads of meth-head scum who live off government assistance and petty crime.

>The problem is that the world is majority low IQ people that are still tribal minded.
There is plenty of tribal minded people among the wealthiest people as well, they are very smart and are benefiting greatly from tribal connections. I wouldn't say the problem goes away just because you are very intelligent.

Gooks are ugly.

Born from two real Asians

This guy is Terence Chi-Shen Tao, an American chink mathematician who won a Fields Medal. He is now a professor working in UC berkeley.

It's not about IQ. It's about extended family. We're not 'obsessed' with race as much as our governments are 'obsessed' with it being not about race and letting others into our home willy nilly. This hasn't been an organic process. This isn't 'the norm'. We think about race because other ethnocentric races have been thrust into our living spaces en masse.

If it's about IQ for you, there are already options. China has a pretty good average IQ. If it's not about ethnic bonds, race or culture and only IQ, you can move there and be happy.



So like 10k will make a nation. K we will see how long it would take until it falls into ruin because there are not enough 130+ IQ, 120+ IQ, 110+ IQ and 100+ IQ people building and maintaining what the 10k geniuses are thinking about. It is about race because whites have a bigger chance of producing geniuses then Blacks or Spics or Arabs. East Asians and some lineages of Poo in Loo might be on the needed level but outbreeding depression is still a thing so fuck off.