When things snap and we become and ethnostate what will happen to the good and bad asians?


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Tell them to go home

>What will happen to enemy colonists in our countries?
Expulsion or gassing.

will their countries take them simple as that?

Who gives a fuck? If even their own countries don't want them, then we can dispose of them as enemy infiltrators.

East Asians are acceptable.
They lack empathy and creativity, but they understand work ethic, stable civil behavior and excel in complex, refined work.

Mixed breeding with whites has had varied results, with more overwhelmingly more successes than failures, which can be refined and improved within a few generations to spawn more proficient individuals.

Their culture, though low in compatibility in some places, has plenty of favorable aspects that can be adopted, and they've already proven themselves capable to adapting to European culture.


>race mixing expert
If you were truly an expert, you would know that East Asians are autistic genetic garbage whose genes would horribly and irreversibly pollute the European race, transforming us into soulless hapa bugmen, erasing the European Faustian spirit, the drive for knowledge and conquest which places us apart from the lower races. All mixed-breeds must be sterilized or gassed in order to preserve the continuity of our people and civilization.


If race mixing would be banned and number of children capped at two they can stay but I am talking as a German for other countries that might be not acceptable.

I like how relevant this drawing still is, perhaps more than ever.

The women will be desired and married as they are now, because white women are shit. The men are of no concern. Most of them are never even noticed because they don't stick out.

Niggers, spics, and poos will be asked to leave or get the rope. Muslims and kikes get the rope, no questions asked.


>If you were truly an expert,
It's a pic from fucking Starcraft...
>whose genes would horribly and irreversibly pollute the European race, transforming us into soulless hapa bugmen, erasing the European Faustian spirit

I'm betting on nature to weed out the weak and give to the strong.
In the end it's feasible to expect the ones that won the genetic lottery and preserved this spirit to excel above others and therefore breed at a higher pace, spreading this gene.

Of course you'd need to keep the pure bred Europeans as well, preferably, slowly sending a small percentage of the population to further increase the white genes of the mixed ones, until the European drive prevails in all individuals. Same with Asians in case we need better women.

>All mixed-breeds must be sterilized or gassed in order to preserve the continuity of our people and civilization.
No longer feasible. It would've been once, but the world got too organized to allow mass slaughter from any group anymore.

Isn't this what I said about them?

You need it at 2.5 to maintain stable population.
They don't breed more by default anyway.
Asians quickly find their way into the civilized parts of town and thrive there, knowing they can't just pop out 8 kids.

Like I said it is ok as long they stay in their position as minorities, live a productive life and don't race mix.

>East Asians are acceptable.
the only kind of asians that are acceptable are Japanese and maybe Koreans. Chinese are bottom of the barrel tier and are just as jewish as any jew when it comes to penny pinching and fucking you over for their benefit

>and don't race mix.
Can't have that, unfortunately.

All that can speak should be free to follow their way in life.
Can't dictate who people fall in love with either.

Good then fucking deportation or rightwing death squads. We are done here.

I know, but they're too organized to ignore and their history shows possibility.

I'd put them on the yellow line at the airport.

Only because I'm putting my money on communism turning their culture into shit, same as it did my country.

>It's a pic from fucking Starcraft...
I know.
>I'm betting on nature to weed out the weak and give to the strong.
Nature only functions in the absence of the state. No positive natural selection can take place anymore because we expect the state to prevent mass death of the non-competitive.
>In the end it's feasible to expect the ones that won the genetic lottery and preserved this spirit to excel above others and therefore breed at a higher pace, spreading this gene.
We already did, we evolved to be Europeans. Why would you destroy what we have by race-mixing and hope that we regain it again at some indeterminate point in the future?
>Of course you'd need to keep the pure bred Europeans as well, preferably, slowly sending a small percentage of the population to further increase the white genes of the mixed ones, until the European drive prevails in all individuals.
How about we just remove the contamination? Gooks significantly outnumber us, we will never dilute them.
>Same with Asians in case we need better women.
Asian women are screeching pan-faced dwarves. How about you go to the gym and practice you social skills instead, you might actually be able to attract a human woman.
>No longer feasible. It would've been once, but the world got too organized to allow mass slaughter from any group anymore.
If it is feasible to allow these vermin to colonize our countries, it is also feasible to remove them.

>let's have an "ethnostate"!
>except it's not an ethnostate, we just don't want any blacks!

>Nature only functions in the absence of the state. No positive natural selection can take place anymore because we expect the state to prevent mass death of the non-competitive.
Well yeah, AnCap would be preferable in this situation.
However, state interference only needlessly lengthen the process, but never fully stop it.
The weak will begin to die of drugs, violence, stagnation, or just survive working the fields.
Nature works in mysterious, albeit horrifying ways, user.
>We already did, we evolved to be Europeans. Why would you destroy what we have by race-mixing and hope that we regain it again at some indeterminate point in the future?
We're hoping never to lose it in the first place.
Also no matter how good we are, stagnating would eventually kill us. We need to find alternative versions that may or may not survive better than us in various circumstances.

>How about we just remove the contamination? Gooks significantly outnumber us, we will never dilute them.
When has genocide brought us anything good?
>Asian women are screeching pan-faced dwarves. How about you go to the gym and practice you social skills instead, you might actually be able to attract a human woman.
Not the half-breeds tho.
Can't argue with personal tastes, user.
>If it is feasible to allow these vermin to colonize our countries, it is also feasible to remove them.
Asians are the last people you can accuse of invading white countries with population.

Why the fuck do you hate them so much anyway?

Hey if you didn’t want gook pucci you wouldn’t have meddled in Japan during the Samurai days or interfere in China causing the Boxer Rebillion. Or aided Korea and Vietnam because of muhhh Communism.

No one to blame except your own race for allowing the kikes to settle. Also Hitler praised the Asians for maintaining culture and ethnostate.

>Well yeah, AnCap would be preferable in this situation.
Or straightforward state controlled eugenics, which will probably be far easier to implement than Ancap.
>Also no matter how good we are, stagnating would eventually kill us. We need to find alternative versions that may or may not survive better than us in various circumstances.
Since Europeans are the highest form of life on this planet, we won't find any useful genes among the lower races. As in the past, all meaningful competition will be between European peoples.
>When has genocide brought us anything good?
Every population in history acquired their territory and resources through the genocide of another genetically inferior population.
>Can't argue with personal tastes, user.
I've probably had more experience with gooks than you. Trust me, they are disgusting subhumans.
>Asians are the last people you can accuse of invading white countries with population.
They have established massive colonies in Australia and all along the west coast of North America. We are under a coordinated campaign of gook colonization and displacement. It is only a matter of time until you are also effected.
>Why the fuck do you hate them so much anyway?
Why does anyone hate anything? Experience.
>meddling with inferior races means you want their pussy
No. We must eventually conquer and exterminate all inferior races, including gooks. We will repopulate the planet with humans and create a global European utopia.
>Also Hitler praised the Asians for maintaining culture and ethnostate.
Hitler was a gook-loving cuck who staked his entire war effort on the absurd notion that a bunch of autistic yellow manlets would be able to successfully wage war against Russians and Americans. Hitler's racial cuckoldry cost him the war, we won't repeat the same mistakes.

What do you fucking think this word means?
What do you fucking think this word means? Le based Japanese and Koreans only? Why not keep the rich poo in loos with lower crime rates then? Do you think they belong in an ethnostate? Do you think they're better than whites? Do you think they assimilate better than other nonwhites? Do you think multiculturalism actually works?

Please elaborate.

I live in New York and have had very extensive dealings with all of the major East Asian ethnicities. I have a conversational grasp of Mandarin and have pursued easy Mongoloid women in my youth.

At first glance, East Asians appear to emulate human behaviors very well, but after extensive contact, the illusion begins to collapse. They are all autistic, avaricious, inconsiderate, untrustworthy, manipulative, cruel and, with the possible exception of North Japanese, generally destructive to social trust.

As an intelligent but socially awkward youth, I came very close to breeding more of these mutants and destroying my heritage forever. Gooks are a dangerous form of genetic pollution, their women destroy the genes of socially underdeveloped young European men by providing easy sex without any demand for male self-improvement. Gook-mixing is a pernicious genetic trap, an acquiescence to peaceful civilizational entropy and racial degeneration into cruel and soulless autistic automatons.

i think you nailed it

>All mixed-breeds and lower races must be sterilized or gassed in order to preserve the continuity of our people and civilization.

This guy gets it.