Why do US soldiers fetishize over murdering children...

Why do US soldiers fetishize over murdering children? It seems like the entire history of American wars is just a big clusterfuck of bombing hospitals, soldiers going door to door gunning down families, and massacring millions of innocent civilians for no reason.

So tell me, Sup Forums, do US soldiers love murdering children or do they just do it without thinking?

It's the price of freedom

Americans are bunch of cowards that why, even during world war 2 they fought bunch of teenagers and old Russian men and then claimed that they won the war.

That is a North Korean propaganda painting. I know you know this so your thread can die.

Napalm sticks to kids.


Notice how anti-American propaganda is always drawings? When other nations have literal picture evidence of atrocities they carried out...

USMC, Philippines. 600,000 flips massacred at the end of the 19th century.

I think the forced BBQ meme is more disturbing

>Notice how anti-American propaganda is always drawings? When other nations have literal picture evidence of atrocities they carried out...



Honorable American soldiers saving Vietnamese war orphans from maurauding Vietcon soldiers.

Chad US Soldier vs Virgin North Korean civilian.

Kill the children, control the future

Americans brag about using their guns to stop tyranny but they did fuck all to stop pic related from happening


>Italy was defended by old men
>Normandy was defended by children
>the Pacific campaign never happened

Fuck off and read a book, Europe and Asia would be fucked if we didn't step in

>at war with current generation
>kill next few generations
>post war generations know America fucked them up, but have no direct exoierences to resent America

A generation gap is good for peace. Look at Germany after WWI. Lots of young people seeing their parents dead, knowing how good they had it as a people, and living how they were screwed over lead to WWII.

We went to 'nam and bomblets and angent oranged a few generations. Only the old to raise the very young. All those with fight long dead.

It's called collateral damage, OP. Every nation that goes to war wants to fight a nice clean war in which they kill nothing but enemy combatants, but then we invented explosives.

That napalm was dropped by south Vietnamese forces.

>Italy lost in Africa and needed the Reich to bail them out, same in Greece.
>Normandy was indeed held by teenagers and children because resources were stretched thin and the main attack was expected elsewhere. They didn't even have sufficient ammunition.
>Pacific campaign was brutal but the US overshadowed it's opponent by a huge margin in all aspects.

>north korean propaganda means americans have never butchered innocent people

i think i'm following your train of thought

this is the ultimate truth yet it is so seldom acknowledged

Hi Jew
The nerve of these fucking kikes
Trick is into fighting for them then treat us like shot when we get back.
Then do propaganda to alienate actual combat veterans from nationalist movements.
Well we have another war left in us and it is against you fucking globalist rats.

This is the ultimate pill