When, if ever, is it okay to hit a woman?

the answer is never. you are a literal nigger if you disagree. women can be restrained if you are not a weak faggot and if you are, you deserve whatever happens to you.


Other urls found in this thread:


Legally it's almost never ok, morally it's almost always ok.

> When she votes Trump.
t. the Left

When she's asking for it

You can usually preemptively fill this need through rough sex


-Nignogs beat their wives, not whites
-Nignogs leave their wives after they get pregnant, not whites
-Nignogs treat their wives like total garbage while trying to come up with bullshit ways of how they're in the right always, not whites

White husbands and wives support each other through thick and thin. You made a commitment, now stick with it.


don't need to unless you're a brainlet





only when you're fucking them

why don`t you finish niggers in Auschwitz-style camps ?

Wrong OP.
"Never hit a lady."
It's ok to hit a bitch. Whenever you see a beat woman, you have to wonder what she said to deserve it.

>So you restrain the violent woman and she screams rape.

Equality is the goal. That means they lay a single finger on you, that's aggravated assault and defending yourself to the fullest extent of the law is moral and legal.

>When coal burnig
>After coal burning
>Before coal burning
>When bitching
>For being sluts and thots


only if you are the father or husband

it has to be out of love

Only right answer

You mean a leisurely holiday camp with swimming pools and movie theaters?

Dutch woman here. I am absolutely shocked how many comments here are in favour of hitting women.

IT IS NEVER OKAY TO HIT A WOMAN OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER. Are you trying to be edgy or are you just psychos

what do people think?

When ever it's legally acceptable, I take advatage of the situation and hit the woman.

have you got a problem with someone acting within the constraints of the law, or do you believe women are a privileged class?

Don't fuck with a man and you won't get hit.
All western women deserve to be beaten within an inch of their lives.

>If she clearly has it coming
You know what I mean

You know the rule, tits of gtfo.

Incorrect. Niggers do not take wives. They have what is known as baby mommas. Zero sense of responsibility

If she hits you first.

Is she a coal burner? If yes, then it is always acceptable to beat her face into a pulp.
Burn the coal, pay the toll


This goy gets it

woman are like children, if you can't keep them inline with your mental superiority then you likely can't raise kids for shit either and shouldn't be around breedable women to begin with.

Communists aren't ladies you can shoot them

I wonder how insecure and ignorant you have to be to come online and make a post like this. Makes me ashamed of my own whiteness. Yeah every ethnic group on earth is a piece of shit except for ours. Probably a fat neck bearded loser with a 2 inch micro cock who fantasizes about being some buff superior aryan viking, while he plays WoW in his mum's basement, listening to Korean pop songs and writing anime erotica. Damn nignogs!!! They is so bad. We is so good. Fuck feminists. Fuck libtards. Fuck jews. Fuck blacks. Just us whites..we r the only good wunz in this tayrible werld.

If you hit a woman... you better finish the job user... No sense in doing anything halfway.

Men are so retarded when it comes to this subject.
You are stronger than us so if I would hit you it isn't the same the other way around.

If I slap you you get a red cheek when a man hits a woman she get a lot more damaged

It's ok if she hit you first. After that she turns from cute mlady into sparring partner.
Prove me wrong, mysoginist.

Hitting women is like raping them.

Only in self defense.

Men and women are equal.

t. feminism

when she is a nazi obviously

when she does something to deserve it

This is your daily reminder that every woman in the media that is hit, shot, killed, abused, raped, or otherwise mistreated, completely deserved it without exception or reservation.

>woman are like children,
Lol, just by saying things like that you prove to everyone how immature you are. There are childish men and women and there are mature men and women.

You are just a dumb womenhater, just saying

We wuz aryan supr race.

>tits of gtfo

Why do y'all hate women so much?
In fact why you y'all hate everything and everyone so much?

Hitting women is like raping women. You can only do it in self defense.


But as a woman you have no problem calling the police, to beat and arrest those same men, when you don't get your way.

Never assume the gender of your assailent, shitlord.

It's morally right to hit a woman if she strikes you first. Equal rights and equal lefts. You do not under any circumstances ever put your hands on someone unless you are fully prepared to face the consequences. Women forget this sometimes, and it is a man's place to remind them.

If you hit a woman just for the hell of it than you're a nog, however. White men don't hit women unless they are defending themselves.

My husband has never hit me but he's choked me and dragged across the floor once when I was being a little cunt.

>if you i hit you it's one thing
>if you hit me it's completely different
Go workout or smth, compensate inequality by yourself.

>Mature women

Nope. Equality. Welcome.

Or, know your fucking place and keep your hands to yourself.

Choose wisely.

If we lived in a decent society women would know their place and hardly ever bitch enough to deserve a beating. And if you are married with a whore, then you knew what was coming for you by accepting to marry in the current world, where women can do no wrong.
So in an "Utopia" you would beat your woman in really specific occasions, and never hard enough to fuck her face up lik in this pic , and in the current year, if you are married you are probably to much of a pussy to do it.

> Women are stupid enough to think that they can hit someone that is significantly larger and stronger than they are with literally zero consequences

Some day you're going to try that on the wrong man and reality is going to hit you in the face in the most literal way possible.

>woman is cheating on you
>"I d-don't want to hit you, but please stop!!"
>she makes you watch while the other man hits and chokes her, then cums in her pussy
Remember kids, it is NEVER okay to hit a woman. That's why you should just let Jamal do it for you.


Not old ladies who get beat up, raped, and robbed by nogs

Yes as a society we have chosen to give the police those rights.

when women deserve to be hit so much that you have to invent a machine to get to all the hitting that needs to be done.

How is raping EVER self defence!?!

Fucking weirdo

niggers don't have wives you fucking idiot
they leave em' before that shit happens..

Everyone beats their wives, coz if they talk shit they finna get hit, fucking pussy


When she behaves like a man.


I have never hit anyone ever because I'm a normal person.

And a holocoaster. Don't forget about the holocoaster

When someone tries to rape you, rape him first.

There are no such absolutes, but if you ever find yourself in a situation where you actually need to do it, chances are you fucked up somewhere along the line.

If it's in a relationship, why are you in that relationship?

Well I wonder what happened with my parents and grandparents on both sides then. Guess they failed at being violent, inhuman piles of shit.

>Be white
>grow up in the philippines
>socialize with other whites at a shopping center
>be accosted by feral flips and their samoan sisters
>big, tough, loud hippo girls
>posture slightly getting ready for the obvious sucker punch i was about to get
>big girl hooks me in the nose
>punch her in the mouth and smack her
>her sister goes for the MMA take-down that brownies are so fond of
>pulls me down
>punched her in her eyes and snout
>gets blurry
>korean couple pull up on the curb with a scion and jump out yelling and calling for the police
>animals run away

I don't believe in reactionary equality
But holy shit tita girls deserve it

it is okay to hit a woman whenever she initiates violence

if you let a woman hit you and dont hit her back you are a soyboy betacuck deluxe

underrated post

Every single day of the week!

Women = men, jackass. So hitting a woman is the same as hitting a man.

Stop pushing your cis gender beliefs on MY body! My body, my rules, not yours.

Congratulations on being a woman who understands the incredibly simple concept that hitting a man who is bigger and stronger than you is a shitty idea.

>girl tries to sexually assault you.
>rape her to protect yourself.


>Girl falsely accuses you of rape.
>rape her so she isn’t a liar and you don’t go to jail for nothing.

So you have no problem with violence as long as you don't get your hands dirty and you are not the target of the violence.

>being this new
It's the rules lady. Women are not allowed to post here unless they show us their tits so we'll be more inclined to have an actual conversation with you. We've seen them all, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Come on lass get to it.

For the answer to that question lets go to Sean Connery:


Women can't rape a men.
Be realistic for once


A bitch shouldn’t strike a man for the same reason your average man wouldn’t hit a 6’5 body builder.
The fact of the matter is that most, if not, all guys say they would never hit a woman, but put them in any kind of situation where they’re struck by a woman and they’d probably smack the shit out of them.

Thanks user, it’s words to live by.

>the answer is never.

If she's threatening your life, knock her the fuck out.

if you cant get a woman to do what you want with your voice only
youre not a real man

This faggot gets it.

women = men = women = men

Whenever you can hit a man, you can hit a woman. Whenever you can shoot a man, you can shoot a woman. Because there are no differences. How you know just cause its got tits its a woman? That might have woke up this morning and said, I'm a man, baby! And put her half hard packer on for the day to swag around as a man.

Remember, there isn't any difference between men and women these days.



Fuck you. Not hitting women is what got us where we are now.

> guy swings on her multiple times
> She manages to stay on her feet for a surprising amount of time

His technique is shit, but still, either this guy is a low test soyboi who punches like a bitch or this broad has a fuckin' iron jaw

She looks like that one fag from Tokyo Ghoul

What if she hits me tho?

What does it mean women can't?!
Are you mysoginist or what?


Yes they can, so if I feel like ones about to rape me. I rape her first so as not to be a victim. Self defense.

>When, if ever, is it okay to hit a woman?
Self defense

I've hit, kicked, thrown, and sexually assaulted women in self defense, but I that's just cause I used to get in a lot of fights.

Fun fact: You can either cover your tits or continue smothering someone to death with industrial foam, not both.

Shut your dick gobbler, faggot.

Men and women are equal. If a bitch pops you one, you smash her back one, cause there isn't any difference between men and women. Hell, I could have woke up today and said, I'm a woman today. Then I got out my pretty things, put them on, and went about my business. If a woman hits me, I'm just a girl hitting her back, and everyone else should mind their own damn business.

its called equality. cunts wanted it so cunts better be rdy to be hit when they fuvk up

When they don't bring you your beer fast enough

Exactly, so don't hit a man. My wife and I have had exactly ONE domestic. I was passing out and she kicked me in the face with cowboy boots. I hit her and gave her a shiner.
She's never hit me again and I don't hit her. Easy.

>if you cant get a woman to do what you want with your voice only
>youre not a real man
>a real man