Anti-War thread

Paleoconservatives and Libertarians, let's get a pro non-interventionist thread going.

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Still OP

OP, Bumping again

Another bump

bump again

Well this is depressing...

Still OP

Did you know that if the U.S. were to pull out of all overseas bases, the debt would go away practically overnight. Of course, we would also have to cut social(ist) services, but most paleocons and libertarians want that anyways.

Great if true

It is. We may end up with wall money O V E R F L O W I N G.

OP, giving another bump

Avoiding unjust war is consistent with conservatism, not just the meme offshoots

OP, bumping again

But unfortunately most “conservatives” in power are of the neo variety. It’s best to vote for paleocons, libertarians, and Trump.

Fuck off, Sup Forums is an Imperialist board.

Sorry OP but any remaining liberals have left this board. It's completely untolerable shitposting.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

-James Madison

We're still here we just mostly lurk these days. This place is no good for political discussion anymore. I just pop in for a quick laugh mostly.

For the majority of Sup Forums that enemy is Israel, a country about the size of New Jersey. For Liberals, that country is Russia. For neocons, that country is a random one in the Middle East.

You don't have to identify as a liberal to be non interventionist.

Yeah, and most liberals these days are interventionists.

Tbh I would approve of any war that wiped out muzzies and kikes.

"It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world."

-George Washington

As someone who is in-between Paleoconservative and Libertarian (race-realist, pro-western Cultural Conservative who is against inverventionalism and protectionism), I fully endorse the non-interventionalist PALEOLIBERTARIAN GANG

You fags are on the right track but only halfway there. The answer isn’t to end war altogether, the answer is to fight the right war against the one true enemy

There have been anti war factions on both the Left and the Right throughout our nation's history.
It would be great if every citizen became adamantly anti-war.
The truth is a lot of people tend not to think much about the subject in their day to day lives and what our foreign policy does/has done to our nation and others. Myself included.


Epic strawman, friend. Not all Libertarians and Constitutionalists are 100% against all forms of war. They just ought to be righteous. And, on top of their righteousness, they ought to be a last resort.

I would hope that the majority of Sup Forums knows better than to hate an aspiring genocidal ethnostate. It's the vagabond jews inside the western elites that are a threat. Those bound to their land in their middle-eastern shithole only ever dream of two things - killing arabs and taking their clay.

War is obsolete. 100 years ago all countries had high fertility rates, a lot of people, it was natural to fight to expand your land. Now most of the technologically advanced countries need to import people just to keep their population stable. The only reason for war is to make your potential enemy weak. And we have the wars in Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan against Russia, and the wars in Burma and DPRK against China. It is a such a waste.


catholic paleo hoppean ancap

>Leaf education
In the USA non-interventionism is more associated with right.
Liberals (both Republican and Democrats) are the war hawks.

Most of Sup Forums actually is non-interventionist

Paleolibertarians is best option possible