All whites and Asians in America disappear tomorrow

How long does it take for things to fall to shit, and how bad does it get?

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Nah, they will apply for welfare from Europe, UN, what have you! White peoples of Europe, haalp! You be guilty, you pay!!!

planes fall from sky
nuclear plants melt down
Fukishima x5000

global winter 200+ years

about 20 minutes is my guess op

Same as decolonization

Assuming that this begins with a full pantry then we can begin working from there:
Property has next to nothing in their kang huts so they will immediately seize upon the absence of authority to round up food.
By the end of day 1, looting begins in the areas around the white circle. Locally food is snatched up a bit at a time.
By day 2, the remaining food in a grocery has begun to diminish due to supplies running low.
You see, most truckers are white. So in doing a poof, the critical supply line of trucks ends immediately. Trains also stop running as no Property drives trains at the moment save for subways. This effectively means that the city has been cut off naturally.
By day 3, the first actual riot kicks in. The initial fires seem small, but without an effective police office (Due to how little property are in the law enforcement and fire departments) the rioting spreads. Fires begin to spread as the property doesn't know how to use the equipment well.
By the end of the first week, the cities would be burned out husks and the suburban belt will be drained of food.
The property begins spreading out into the farm land. From here there are a few things which affect overall prosperity:
1. The season.
2. The climate.
Assuming winter, the grain silos will be emptied out by about month 5 in the surrounding farmlands, with no way of replenishing them. The now murderous band will then move on from there.
Since property is only 13 percent of the population, that means 42 million nogs will begin spreading out, thriving for a few months or years, then experiencing famine.
The end resut will be like southern africa. Roaming bands of monkeys trying to hunt for food but usually failing. The population of property will collapse to a few million and the beaners will happily move in and begin rebuilding society.
Unlike the property (Nig nogs) Beaners actually have a proclivity towards civilization. Same with the Pajeets. Then Beaners encounter sioux

Russia eats Europe
Japan and China takeover the Americas.

Whats the time of that screen cap?

Now, since the beans are effectively useful, they will spread and begin farming again, actively using the property to help out in exchange for food. You see, Mexico was something of an agrarian society in the ways that mattered. Most of the illegals used to be farmers until Globalists enacted NAFTA and thus pushed them out of business. So they will fall back into their old habits and encounter a temporary period of prosperity. The U.S. for example will become Aztlan for a time. But all is not well in Aztlan. While the property is now well fed at 1/6th its original population, they have not figured out how to actually fend for themselves.
Meanwhile, the Sioux and other native populations will spill out and begin taking back territory. From there, they'll slowly expand outwards and eventually run into the beans.
The first war will be a combination of guerrilla tactics, and unholy rage the likes of which you would scarcely believe. Entire families of beans and property destroyed, farms burned down, cattle and livestock set free to prosper on the now empty land. Occasionally being hunted by the Sioux.
However, the bean empire will then attempt to take back the land and seek retribution. Problem is, the natives have long known how to use modern armaments and used the initial vacuum to seize control of multiple military bases, factories, and missile silos.
The second war ends as bean empire is torn asunder in nuclear flames. The surrendering empire then falls under new Lakotah rule as the Means philosophy is utilized.
The new Lakotah nation proceeds to use the established pipelines to pump oil and wealth into the world, feeding and supplying the now starving Property population around the world. Meanwhile, India has taken the entirety of china and is now the industrial base of the world. With a newer balance restored, the world continues along.
And the nergo burned.

Give or take five minutes, yeah, this seems about right.


But watch the whole thing. it's mesmerizing.

Unless 34 minute and 45 seconds was the time you were picking in the civilizational collapse pool, in which case apologies and good luck.

In the Middle east, there would be very little in the way of effects. The saudis would run into an economic depression initially as their biggest suppliers go silent. Without the basis of trade in oil, the collapsed economy results in riots. From those Riots, the most oppressed groups in the country will seize control and begin expanding. The Christian leadership effectively wages a limited civil war, with the saud family now occupying a smaller region of the country than they used to. Since they lost their oilfields, they would have to turn to other economic incentives to remain viable. Meanwhile the shift in power results in a ripple effect throughout the region. Syria, dependent upon the Saudis for their economic effects, undergo a second civil war, but this time it manages to succeed as they are backed by the saudis, who have a vested interest in expanding pro democracy movements in the surrounding region. Turkey expands northward, but continues on much as before. Palestine takes the Holy land. They manage to become the silica producers of the world, seizing upon the now empty jewish microchip manufacturing facilities. They form an alliance with the expanded Indian country to become the tech giants of the new world.
Meanwhile the nogs in Europe have died from the cold. And Africa remains a shit house.

Dude. Write a book. Please

oh, 'property'.

To be fair, if property went poof, well, the remaining retail and fast-food workers would be taxed, and govt. paperwork would take longer. We'd survive handily though. How about that.

I just don't have any good ideas at the moment. Last book I wrote was in 2015 and it didn't sell for shit since I did the online publishers. It was a weird one in the end but I enjoyed the experience well enough.
Besides, I'm an RF analyst, not a writer.

0 seconds flat.

colossal if credible.

DESU I just took what I knew about each major region. Saudis rely on the white man and asian man for money in trade. Take them out and the saudi economy collapses. Indians are good at what they do and would expand readily into the heavily industrialized china. The culture would remain essentially the same, but they'd have resources from southeast asia and the Chinese manufacturing base to really become tech giants. Mexicans are good at farming. The displaced illegals are mostly farmers who got screwed by NAFTA, Israel is a microchip giant, so the empty plants would quickly be occupied by Palestinians looking to gain an economic edge in the world. etc

Dogs would be happy. Less Asians eating them and less white women fucking them.

That would not be a significant enough of a reduction in your population to even thin your traffic out.