Right-wing atheism > Christcuckery

Right-wing atheism > Christcuckery


I've always said that to the Christniggers. You do not need god to be nationalist. Many fascists were atheists.

Deuce was one of the reasons the third Reich lost. Attack Greece get btfo in North Africa need Hitler to bail you out

>Using Mussolini to support your point
>Appeal to authority logical fallacy
>Authority being appealed to was a fucking moron

Why are atheists so meme-tier?

The founder of fascism was an atheist. Had it not been for Mussolini, national socialism would not be a thing.

In addition many Nazis were atheists such as Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels. You do not need to believe in god to be a right-wing nationalist you fucking idiot.

>Inb4 "Muh flying spaghetti meme"
God is the spirit upon which all things manifest. Faggots.

>atheism has something to do with religion

Hi there /leftypol/

Right-wing atheists, pagans, christians, and even (pro-white) muslims and (pro-white) buddhists should unite for the survival of the white race.


Atheists are too retarded to accept anything but their own views. They think they can re-found western civ without ever having read any of the books in the Western canon. They don’t even know what the Western canon is. They’re morons and will destroy any movement they associate themselves with.

pretty much this.

atheism just shows complete narcissism due to their inability to humble themselves to understand that people who have been alive longer and meditated together probably have a better grip on things, ALSO that they can't just understand that they don't understand everything period.

maybe that only applies to gnostic atheists, but still.

And somehow believing a sky daddy created the world just for you, your kind, and that your kind is uniquely special above all others and created in his sky daddy image is not narsissistic?

Well said.

You didn't even try to support your beliefs, you are just trying to give it special snowflake status as part of The Official Canon™to try to make it untouchable by the same standards that any other set of ideas should be held to.

The fact is that there is zero evidence nor tenable argument for religious claims, including Christianity. Fucks like you try to cover this up and distract from it, but this tactic is failing in the internet age.

More name calling and distractions to derail discussion of whether the claims of Christianity have any merit.

You can’t apply natural science to metaphysical concepts. You don’t understand this simple statement because you are an ignorant atheist who has never read anything more challenging than Harry Potter.

ive read the bible, but desu even HP had a better storyline... although the protagonists were quite similar, both were magicians, the chosen ones and got all their powers from their parents

>The founder of fascism was an atheist.
Fascism has existed as long as western civilization has.


B- b- but muh cuckeeism.

I am fairly certain Fascism is very old. But the person who really put it to paper was in fact a Catholic.

>They think they can re-found western civ

Good. Somebody has to.

>books in the Western canon

You completely failed to name one. Let me guess. The Bible. Bronze Age jewish fairy tales that even Sup Forums christians only believe in half of. And you assholes wonder why it all came crashing down. No wonder the west is fucked.

It's time for a new ideology. Morals and civilization need to be based on a strong foundation of survival, self defense, masculinity and nationalism. Instead of scaring people into things with the holy Boogey Man, spread good ideals using their own merits.

>a strong foundation of survival, self defense, masculinity and nationalism
All the defining traits of Atheism!

Everyone should take note of how angry most of these posters are that anyone believes in god. Its a very strange position to take.

It's funny you posted that. Ayn Rand had more balls then your pussy jew Jesus.


That's funny coming from the "Degenerate! Degenerate!" crowd. You can dish it out, but you can't take it.

>Being this mad about religion