I hate being turkish and i think im going to kill myself soon

i hate being turkish and i think im going to kill myself soon

sorry bro

Cool story brother

gonna need a lot of cans of raid for that

do it

Don't forget to take as many turks with you

>inb4 greeks are turks

Peace out. No more turk man posts.

2 choices
-Do your country and the world a favor and eliminate Erdogan
-Come to America and start a new life bud, drop your shit culture and become a nice conservative low tax paying texan with a cute wife

Sniff your father's arsehole through his jeans from behind

get a dna test to check that you're not descended from european converts first. it's unlikely but possible.

not funny

suck a dick greco-arab rapebaby

Kek no wonder you're 56%.

you have issues dude

It could be worse. It could be a lot worse. You’re not a nigger are you? Just be thankful you’re not a nigger

>tfw you btfo gr*eks so badly their descendants are still butthurt today

Just improve yourself idiot.

>genocide his nation
>deny it
>”man why are you so evil you have issues duuuude”

dont do it roach we love you

>genocide his nation AKA every single fucking empire that has existed


If you show this kind of self awareness then you're probably not a turk genetically

i've NEVER said that. stop implying shit.

>implying it wasn't the eternal venetian's fault

I'm thinking to move to another country brother. Why don't you?

So it should be justified? If tomorrow kurds team up and knife the whole population of a few Turkish towns, you won’t be mad about it?

Go to Germanistan. Worst case scenario, you earn 3000 euro.

Yes but the were nothing like holocaust. It was just a way to get rid of rebellions and massacres while fighting a fucking world war

How is your country relevant?
Erdogan funds Hamas and Al-Queda, money we've given to turkey has gone directly to terrorists under his decision.
He needs to die

I support Hamas.

why do you give all the good reasons to eliminate this head cockroach if you're trying to argue against it?
