Some questions for Christcucks

You all like to shit on atheists but refute these points.

>The Earth was created 6000 years ago
We have relatively accurate information that puts that date at 4.5 billion years

>Man is god's greatest creation
Right so god's greatest creation isn't actually his creation at all. Its a product of evolution from single celled life. Oh and that greatest creation isn't even at the center of everything.

>The universe follows a geocentric model
For hundreds of years christcucks thought the earth was the center of the universe. It wasn't until scientists like Galileo and Copernicus came and proved them wrong. The earth isn't even the center of our damn solar system.

Any scientists at all that questioned the church were considered heretics and satan-worshipers. Some would go on to be put to death for proving these dumb christcucks wrong.

It wasn't until the scientific revolution that people did fuck all. Look at the medieval ages. Fucking nothing happened. Wanna know why? People couldn't be fucked to go against the church and why do anything for this life? Its all about the afterlife anyway.

The Church held a monopoly over Europe and was historically corrupt as hell. Look at the Roman Catholic Church.

Religion has been at the root of many wars with countless deaths. For example: The crusades, Thirty Years War, Muslim Conquests of India.

Look at how many religions there are. All believe in their own version of how things came to be. Each with their own belief in various divine beings. "We got no proof but this is what we believe. If you don't you're wrong"

You cannot prove the existence of a god just by the lack of evidence revolving around the creation of the universe. Why not just say "Science has yet to explain it"? It explains everything else christcucks have been wrong about.

So my question is are the atheists BTFO or the Christcucks who spend half their life on their knees praying to a god to help their shitty lives.

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Tip fedora pleeeeeeeease.
t. jew worshiping christfag

>"I can't refute any claim OP made so instead I will make fun of him hehe I win."

I think the Christian religion is a work in progress. Nothing that you say is false. I just think it needs to be critiqued overtime just like science is critiqued over time

most atheists know to shut the fuck up already. when has reason beat indoctrination? OP is a faggot.

>We have relatively accurate information that puts that date at 4.5 billion years

why atheists always only mention christians?

there are other religions, go knock yourself out

Don't you even come in here with that shit. Its accurate within +/- 1%. Nice try tho

Prove it faggot.

Anybody with a highschool education can understand radiometric dating. Radioactive isotopes decay at a constant rate. By knowing the initial mass of the radioactive element, and measuring the mass of it at a current time we can find how long that material has been around. Faggot.

How was the initial mass discovered?

Bathroom scales

>The Earth was created 6000 years ago
Just because a few people believe that, doesn't mean all Christians do. I think the one's who do are drinking their bathwater.

Number of parent atoms originally present = number present + daughter atoms formed by decay. Just cause you don't understand it doesn't mean its wrong

Sure. Christians that don't believe it, don't believe in the timeline that God created Earth. Many Christian scholars put that date at 6000~ years ago based on what is written in the bible. If the age of the fucking earth is inherently incorrect in the Bible, considering god created the earth, I find that embarassing. God created the earth but the biblical text will tell you an incorrect date for when he did so.

First of all. I live a good life.
I'm well off financially, going to get married soon and I'm really close with both family and friends.
Prayers have three purposes: the first is the greatest, to chant the glory of the Lord not because He needs it but because He's the only being worthy of worship in all of Eternity, the second one is to better ourselves, we ask the gift of faith to help us get closer to God and led a more pious and rightful life and the third and less worthy of them all is to ask for help in this material plane.

Having said so, your points are pretty generic typical of someone who is ignorant because of his own Bad Will.
>The Earth was created 6000 years ago
False, no true Christian takes all of Genesis literally and I can prove you that the early Church Fathers or Theologians shared the same worldview.

>The universe follows a geocentric model
Funny you say that, because that's unblibical.
The reason people were geocentric back in the middle ages was because of the huge hard on they had on Aristotle.
Galileo was not sent to court because he dared to contradict the pope but because his calculations were erroneus and he insulted the Pope by calling him Simplicio, which at the time had the same weight as calling someone a retard.

Every human organization can be corrupted because men are corruptible, but for every evil man there are plenty of good ones.

No need to touch the crusades, you are on Sup Forums you should know by now of the evil of Islam and of his ferocity and what he did to the Christian world.
The crusades were just. Even the ones against the pillagers and rapist known as vikings.

Convert and be saved.
In any case you smell of reddit. GTFO


To God, time has no meaning. It is just as accurate to call one of God's days a thousand years as it is a day by our scale.

ALSO this.

>its a product of evolution from single celled life
We were created by anunnaki prince Ea. He mixed anunnaki gene with primates back then. Then Enlil started to larp as Yahweh.
And bitch Science is the new religion. Same shit like christians. You say something against scientifc narrative you are a pseudoman and mentally ill or schizoprenic
Fuck off you are just like the very christians you hate

>OP thinks he's an atheist edgelord
>proceeds to attack christians like all boring cucktheists while a shit ton of theologies exist and have existed and acceptance of a higher power doesn't even require theology.

When atheists become intelligent some day, then atheism can be discussed.

>All of these things only apply to biblical literalists
I don't know what to say, other than that you're an idiot who hasn't been paying attention to theology for the last 500 years.



Actually he did win

>crusades against the Vikings

Go back to school, Mario.

And don’t forget the Italians and Franks crusading the Byzantine Empire.

the moon moves away from the earth a set distance every year
many years ago the moon was closer
many years from now the moon will be very far away

"earth was created 6000 years ago" says who? the bible? No, some scottish theologian said that. Not the bible.

Life is not a product of evolution, evolution does not explain life, it simple explains how life forms change over time. Srsly though this evolution thing is for brainlets who think they are enlightenned. The theory of evolution, which might be correct or it might be incorrect(I believe it is correct) means absolutely nothing when it comes to the discussion of wether God exists or not. The naturalistic universe is explained in naturalistic terms, and work through naturalistic mechanisms? Shocker. We all know that atheist-tards. It's the rest which is in need of an explanation. Reality as a whole. "muh dog and wolf had a common ancestor, take that christians!" :P

That geocentric model was Aristotle's teachings, again, nothing to do with the bible.
You atheists really do embarrass yourselves.

Uh, humans not even the center of the universe. In terms of what, and by which scale does god measure? In terms of size or value? See? Humans are at the center of this universe.

Yeah yeah it was against the baltics and whatnot
Vikings should have got a well deserved purge too btw

Former atheist, I'll see if I can help

>Science says Earth is 4.5 billion years old, God BTFO
Genesis is largely an allegorical representation presented in such a way for primitives to understand. God (and Jesus) tailor their message for their audience.

>God didn't create us it was evolution
These aren't mutually exclusive concepts. Evolution is God's engine of creation. Nothing in the Scripture refutes this.

>Christians thought the earth was the center of the universe
True, but it doesn't say that in the Bible, that was a wholly human deduction (generally held by EVERYONE) and later proven false.

>Scientists that questioned the church were considered heretics
Not an untrue statement, but, again, nowhere in the Scripture does it say that "science is evil". The Church persecuted people they believed threatened their earthly power, which was wrong.

>le Dark Ages meme
The "Middle Ages" was a period of vast knowledge loss brought about by the fall of Rome, the Black Plague, etc. Generally, the only people preserving knowledge or inventing anything during that time were Christian monks.

>The Church held a monopoly over Europe and was historically corrupt as hell.
Not arguing that corruption exists, the Church is as susceptible to corruption as any other human institution. By the way, the Scripture specifically warns against those who use faith for personal power.

>Religion is the root of all wars
Humans have been killing each other since we existed.

>How do you know YOUR religion is real?
Once you've experienced God's power firsthand it's not really that hard.

>You can't prove God exists, science wins!
Science is merely the process of understanding God's universe. We're infinitesimal by comparison, and so laughably primitive it's silly.

>Christians want Sky Daddy to give them what they want
If you read the Bible you'll see that prayer isn't about asking God for things, but being thankful for what God has blessed you with. God isn't a genie.

I think it's greater than 6000 years old (which I'm not quite sure where that number comes from). I'm not sure how long, but there doesn't seem to be a clear answer to how old the Earth is from the Bible, besides a bare minimum.

I don't think it says man is God's greatest creation in the Bible anywhere, but I think it's fair we can assume that based on what Jesus did for us on the cross. I don't know why that's something odd to consider though. He made many amazing creations, some even more complex than us I'd imagine in terms of biology. The fact that we are giant screw ups and can still give glory to God in all our mess is why I think he chose us.

Where does it say in the Bible that the Earth is the center of the universe? I think those were assumptions from earlier philosophers and scientists, which like you said were proven wrong. Calling us 'christcucks' doesn't help your argument either.