WHITE PRIDE is a retarded laughable idea: the thread

tell me why I should support white pride?

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You shouldn't. There's English pride. There's Greek pride. There's (even) Polish pride. But white pride is fucking stupid

For the meme

white pride is identity politics, which puts it in the same catagory as black lives matter, lgbtqwftqa+-, feminism, etc.


>2 memeflags and a leaf make a thread

I don't like the word. You can say European pride, since English and Greek pride are a part of that cultural framework. However, it is debatable whether USA or other outliers are a part of European ethos, so the broader the category, the more nebulous and debatable its parameters are.

>tell me why I should support white pride?

You're obviously a kike using a meme flag, and since kikes aren't white, we wouldn't expect you to support such a movement.

Based kekistani magapede

Have an upvote

How are Jews not white

you don't have to, but if other people want to they should be able to. I personally think it's like having tall pride, kinda retarded but whatever.

>tell me why I should support white pride?
Because "I" is an illusion|
You are the result of genes replicating themselves, over and over and over again, you've basically lived for centuries, and should view yourself as the present manifestation of ancient and future genes and will.
Therefor, everything whites have achieved and will achieve is part of who you are.
So be proud.

Ethnicty > Race.

Though North Americans don't seem to understand how much we here in Europe value ethnicity over race.

Polish, Austrian, and Hungarian men wouldn't like their women marrying white american men, regardless of them sharing the same race.

That's something that North Americans seem to find difficult to comprehend.

Silly nazi, you should be proud of your own achievements not the achievements of others
P.S it is therefore not therefor you dumb racist

Shitskin mad?

It's a failed boomer meme. Leave this shit on Stormfront.

Are you white?
Then be proud of your race
Then fuck off nigger, sage

You could always fuck off to africa.

You shouldn't, it's dumb

You should just KYS

European ethnicities still have more in common with each other than with shitskins.
White nationalism for the US and New World, ethnic nationalism for Europe.

because, 4 diversity

Fuck off nigger you are in the wrong neighborhood

If you're white you should support it. This is what it comes down to.

Yall never understand because you're cocksucking leafs.

>Silly nazi, you should be proud of your own achievements not the achievements of others
I do. I'm proud of the achievements of whites, not that of niggers.

>P.S it is therefore not therefor you dumb racist
It's either or

So you disagree with these folks and think they're Nazis?


Blacks need black pride because the suffered slavery and colonialism

Tell me you white supremacist, when was the last time your people suffered slavery or colonialism you bigot

nice try leddit, do your homework and then kill yourself

>Blacks need black pride because the suffered slavery and colonialism
Doesn't that undermine your point of
>you should be proud of your own achievements not the achievements of others
Also, aren't you implying that by changing the standards for blacks that they're inherently different from whites?

tell us why it's retarded first

You should be proud of yourself no matter what your skin color is.

Then again, that is implying the amount of melanin in your skin means anything.

The nazi logo's, runes etc. make you a fringe group everybody shuns. If you wanna go big, you've got to take the center. Let that hair grow, cover up the tats and buy a proper suit ffs.

>White "Heritage"
lmbo when a bunch of chuds get together and talk about how they're from poland, sweden, slav etc like they aren't just dumb and white.

At least you losers only get taken seriously in your clubhouse.

Because "they" win if you don't, nothing upsets "them" and ruins "their" plans than a happy and healthy truly European family and people.

There's no reason to be proud of being white. The only reason there was a resurgence in this idea during the Trump campaign was because incel teens and men wanted to fill the crippling void inside themselves.

>amount of melanin in your skin means anything.
It means you can photosynthesize n sheeeit

If you have to ask you should just kill yourself because we don't want or need you

Well, exactly. If everyone else forms gangs, you'll never beat them as an individual. Rugged individualists like you get curbstomped by the first mob of collectivists they run into.

Are you white?

Yes: then we are the only real allies you will ever have.

No: because if not you are a hypocrite. Everyone else has their racial pride movements and months. So too should white people. Everyone should be proud.