Kaji was the only sane person in Evangelion

Kaji was the only sane person in Evangelion.

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Sane people don't get themselves killed.

That is simply not true

People are locked up when they attempt suicide because the wish to die is considered unsound.

He was ready to die in order to uncover corruption and nepotism, and he was aware Misato would be lost without him. There's only like five people like that in the entire world, it's not exactly normal.

So you think being a hero is not normal?
Maybe better than normal.
Exceptional in a good way.


>Kaji was the only sane person in Evangelion.
>Survivor guilt

Pen Pen kinda qualifies too sorta.

So who killed him in the end? Did they ever answer that question?

I want to believe it's a good thing. I lost two jobs because of trying to be an honest person and speaking up for what I thought was right. I refused to do drugs at work, I spoke against embezzling company money on drugs and forex, and I refused to do free work outside working hours or answer calls when I'm not at work.
I uncovered years later that my honesty used to be a laughing stock at work, and that they considered me mentally ill for not being selfish. The official reason for being fired was that I was browsing the internet instead of working (while they were doing drugs). I finished college after getting fired and now I'm a neet for 3 years.
Behaving like that hasn't brought anything good to my life. In fact, I think I only acted like that because I saw Eva as a teenager and it got under my skin.

>don't do drugs
>don't get addicted
That is a win in my book.
And who cares about a group of junkies honestly?

Exactly. Though having some money and a social status would be great too.
I have so much guilt for failing to find work. I'm just a financial burden on my mom. And I have to listen how I shouldn't rebel or get political every fucking day.

You shouldn't rebell against your parents it's morally wrong.
But that might be just my inner confucianist speaking.

Respect, user-kun.

what the fuck kind of job were you working at where "doing drugs" was the day to day activity

I know. It's just that there's so many different things on my mind right now. Also, did we talk before? I could swear I know you from somewhere.

I was in two different animation studios. They were mostly doing stuff for advertising. Imagine if Gendo and Fuyutsuki were stoners, it was like that.

>I could swear I know you from somewhere
Maybe from the two threads where we discussed the ending of Evangelion?
Drawing conclusions and such.

Making him the craziest of the lot.

Fucking druggies should be purged.

This is what makes my blood boil about Evangelion.
>Reach conclusion
>If I don't destroy it myself immediately somebody else will

I know I spent the whole day talking to someone and it flew past in a second. I was starting to doubt if you were a real person or just a gestalt I created out of several different people.
How was your experience with Eva, now that the dust has settled a bit?

Dude needs to shave that peach fuzz

I have sworn to myself that I will rewatch it in 6 months.
It's weird but thank God it no longer captures all my thoughts.
Started to see a lot of similarities when it comes to people.(Girl who hurts everyone around them etc)
Still ashamed to admit jt had effects on me.

I still want to stay in touch. Don't ask me why, I don't know.
This show gets under your skin. It's too personal, too human. Someone's deepest desires put to words.

Toji too.
He had his issues but was a completely functional person that tried his best.

He really wanted to protect his sister. I can relate to that.

I would say it's more like a cry out for help.

>all too human
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

shinji was just a 14 year old who reacted pretty normally for being put in such an abnormal situation

>I would say it's more like a cry out for help.
Was there ever any difference between the two? Humans are incomplete.

Toji, Kensuke, Hikari, Maya, Hyuga, and Aoba were the only sane ones.

They're also the least developed characters.

Crying for help is fleeing from evil
Desire is wanting something good as a plus

Because he had already accepted his fate

It was Shinji. He didn't want him to break Misato's heart once again by leaving her.

Adapt to the situation instead of blindly following your ideals, user. Doing what you think it's right is nice and all but you just drew the short straw there because of pack mentality.

You could have quit the job as soon as you noticed you were going to stick out like a shore thumb. It's not worth the aggravation. Neeting for 3 years is too much, man. I do it between jobs when I'm fed up with responsibility. Not being shackled to 3DPD gives you that kind of liberty.

By that definition, I've never really felt desire. I just latched on to anything that can get my head above water.

Voluntarily becoming a neet is like buying your own chains and prison outfit.
Unless you do it with an anbition (self study,writing a book) you will just degrade yourself.

You have never desired an item?
Never desired attention from someone?
Never fell in love?

I didn't neet voluntarily. There simply isn't a lot of work, and all of it is through contacts and nepotism.

That is why I said "voluntarily"
Falling out of the work force/education by accident is a tragedy.
You lose purpose.Unless you have an ambition

I've fallen in love plenty of times, but it was always pure deperation on my part. I didn't care about eating or going to sleep. Whenever one of us couldn't sleep, we spent the entire night talking or texting. I didn't care about being alive, I only cared about her.

Fucking Eva.
Drawing out my inner armchair philosopher.

Do we pass the test, Dr. user?

More like the most stable and secure, alongside Fuyutsuki. I think sane is a dumb concept when used in that way.

The question is:
>Do I pass?

Most likely a random NERV grunt, the dudes in suits. Precisely who didn't it doesn't really matter to be honest.

But how will you know which one is me, unless you're talking about (you)?

I'm talking about (me)
Only (you) can cure yourself.
At least when it comes to feelings

What if my feelings are the only thing I have? The only thing that's uniquely mine?

Then share them.
Sometimes bein unique means being alone.
Your thoughts can make you crazy if you keep them to yourself

I've already said what I thought was most important. That I want to give all my attention to somebody. And that I don't know who she is or if that person even exists.

>OCD and obsessed with 'truth'
>so much he neglects the woman she loves

When will Anno make something besides Evangelion? Surely he can't just keep pulling AUs out of his ass and give us new and worse characters with bigger boobs for all eternity.

I ran out of ideas user.
I don't know what to say.
Maybe we meet again someday.

He released a non NGE movie just last year.
Where were you?

>I don't know who she is or if that person even exists
She does exist, but she is paid by the hour.

I want him to make a new impact on THIS industry, make anime great again and all that shit. Godzilla doesn't really cut it for me.

Thank you for everything.

>never worked with real humans


what did he mean by this?

Wasn't that long haired dude who worked at nerve pretty chill?

Yes, and he didn't seem particularly stoked about instrumentality either.

And of the multitude of possible SHINJI'S, which one would you be trying to lead this little thread with?

is this a real question

Kaji was CIA spy and American patriot
Jews killed him

Is this real English? Are we seeing the very start of someone's downfall here?

What was he even trying to do? I don't get it. Why did he hand over Adam to Ikari?

>Working with degenerates.

>he's never checked the extra material.

I don't think Aoba should be there. The guy was an extreme nihilist.

To gain his trust. He was a triple agent, at least.

Kaji is just great, such a chill guy. His garden hobby is 10/10.

Charles was the only good person in Madame Bovary

The creator sind that he was one of the most fucked up of the cast.

Maybe he is depressed as fucked, and just wear a mask because someone must.

You'd be sane too if you were fucking prime Misato daily

He was nobody's agent. The only thing he cared about, beside Misato, was the truth.

Ultimately yes, but in order to accomplish that she got involved with a lot of people, at the very least the Japanese Government, Seele & Nerv

>he got involved

Shinji standing in the open to watch an angel had evacuees screaming deranged moron at him as they ran. Kaji was already there to garden.

NGE manga author Sadamoto said Kaji was the most depressed character in the franchise, even moreso than Shinji, he just hides it well
his death scene is a lot sadder in the manga

>tfw Aoba didn't have a transition guide because he'd never had a single passionate desire in his black, nihilist heart


>cruise control for cool

He was (probably) just going to move Yui out of 01 and back into her body (which is possible because bodies are just goop and an AT field, which Gendo would at that point have absolute control over)

Selee wanted to go full collective consciousness.

Hog yui all to himself, the selfish bastard.

>anything to do with anime
They are two completely different perspectives from two completely different individuals, therefore should be treated as such, so don't mix up the characters