Why doesn't anime have girls that wanna be beautiful brides anymore, Sup Forums?

Why doesn't anime have girls that wanna be beautiful brides anymore, Sup Forums?

Women are always being the bread winners, the leaders in the office, the men of the house.

What happened?

Why not girls that want to be beautiful brides as well as leaders and bread winners?

What is the appeal of a wife that doesn't work to pay for herself?
Whores would be cheaper.


They have to quit or their husbands look like losers.
That's just how Japan is.

Japanese culture shot itself in the foot again.
Women are expected to be housewives once they're married even though it makes no sense to remove people from the workforce in a country that is facing an aging population and shortage of workers.
So you have women working and not getting married because marriage typically ends their careers. So, they work, don't marry, and thus don't breed, adding even more to declining birthrates.

>Women are always being the bread winners, the leaders in the office, the men of the house.
What the fuck have you been watching?


Silly OP, Marriage is for siblings.

How come there are no sluts in anime anymore?

Watch more anime faggot

Yes she is.

Because that's just unrealistic.

The appeal started to fade after it became easier for men to manage their home lives

>wait, i don't need a traditional wife, i have hot pockets, instant noodles, a dishwasher, and high efficiency laundry appliances!
>i don't need anyone!
>let's see if there's a good deal on maki dakis on ebay
>ooh, only $50 shipped from hong kong, peach skin, nice

Marry for money?
Or marry for MEAT?

Import autists to serve in the workforce, rest assured that they will not breed when supplied with enough moe

Problem solved

this shit right here holy shit

Even with high-functioning autists, like 70% remain unemployed in long term. The shut-in NEET stereotype exists for a reason.

Who would want to be anything but a bread winner, though? It's not a one-sided issue either, men and women equally contribute to this reality. It's easier and less expensive to take care of yourself as a man than ever before and young men learn this early. Thus they'll put less effort into finding a gf and more into paying their own way and buying idol shit. Originally, it was unheard of to always be a bachelor, you weren't living a complete life if you didn't have it all (i.e a wife and kids). But fuck that, dating is hard and kids are expensive. So that's what you've got now. Look at all the herbivore boys--they're a direct result of all of this.

In the same vein, now that there's more options for young girls and women, they too have less pressure to get themselves a man. If anything, they have more pressure to land a good, stable job. Now imagine you DO find a guy worth marrying and having all the pressure to upheave your whole life to not only quitting the job you worked your ass off to get and maintain, but to do so specifically so you could make your life about your husband and eventually a kid. Even if you actually want a child, fur you anyway. The job market isn't lenient enough to allow you to spend time with your kids, you're considered selfish for wanting a job and kids at the same time; there's no upside.
Unless there's either stronger social pressure to have kids or get married, it'll happen less and less. And if the only incentive is fulfilling a societal role, then who'll actually be happy with that?

She cooks for you, does the house chores and takes care of your kids

It's a
nice day for a