Mc is paid to pretend to be weaker than the main girl

>mc is paid to pretend to be weaker than the main girl
>so she could continue to indulge in this fantasy where she's the greatest fighter ever
>mc always have to make her faint, destroy everybody in sight and wake her up telling her that she did all of that

Who would pay for something like that?

I hope you're not the retard who had this idea, OP.


This is really intelligent, you should ask trigger for this.

You would

I like the idea. But if all he does is make her faint and defeat everyone it could become boring rather quickly.
There should be more creative ways to make her believe she was the one to defeat the enemies without making her faint every time. If well done, it might work as a fun comedy.

That sounds like a long running detective series.....

Satania your idea is shit

Just make the main girl good but not that good.

Who's paying him tho?

Please don't bully Satania.

Make her family royalty or some shit and you're all set.

Why would they pay for it?

Because they don't want her to die?

Maybe they film porn with her after she wakes up,as an appology for all the damage she caused to private property?

But by paying for this nonsense they are worsening her chances of survival.
She is now convinced that she is invincible when she is not. That means she actively seeks out dangers instead of staying in the back row or at home.

It's a comedy

Comedies can have realistic motivations and intelligent characters.

Not in anime

>main girl is the 54th in line to the throne
>graduated top of her class in military academy and is getting deployed
>her father is always worried about her
>he hires the MC, the greatest mercenary to have ever lived to babysit her
>MC pretends to be her useless and weak subordinate who occasionally bails her out without her realizing it

How does he make her faint?

Chop to the back of the neck?

He kisses her on the lips and she faints from shock every time

So, risking serious permanent injury to her spinal cord and potentially killing her?

Don't doubt the MC.

By giving her the D