I can't imagine myself using Ledouche's geass for anything besides ordering hot girls to have sex with me...

I can't imagine myself using Ledouche's geass for anything besides ordering hot girls to have sex with me... And robbing the occasional store for sustained funds obviously...

How high are your ambitions Sup Forums. At this point I'd be happy just to live a comfy life. No illusions of grandeur for me.

>not just using it to order people to be your eternal slaves

those things you mentioned also sounds pretty nice OP

should i watch code gayass

nah, having other people around all the time would make me uncomfortable, even if they're brainwashed I'm sure glimpses of their original personality would surface occasionally.

Maybe a single old chill butler in my mansion but then I'd just probably pay him normally because a zombie butler might also freak me out

I would just Geass myself to be super ambitious.

>not having that order overlayed with a later order to act as normal, having them act as they normally would but obey every command of yours

they dont even have to be around you, it should stick

>Geass Ivanka to marry you
>Geass Trump to accept you as his son

I would probably try and arrange for humanity to do unethical and controversial stuff like mass cloning humans and selectively breeding them to create a superior race. Also would have a generation ship built and sent towards Tau Ceti. A floating city would also be cool.

I guess no illusions of grandeur for me either. Just want to witness cool things.

>not ordering nippon to make sequels of your favorite show with extra budget and official porn

this desu

This way Miura will actually fucking finish berserk before he dies.

That sounds like typical underage faggot response

okay, go take over Japan you delusional weeb

Self-Hypnosis is probably the best you can do with it.
Set a trigger that changes the way you act, maybe even go a step further and make it a trigger that allows you to set up triggers.

nigga have you not seen mr robot or any of the other thousand series and anime that deal with this.

the best way to do self-hypnosis is to not.

I would establish a Western European Empire and use it to take over all the inferior races while protecting the individual racial groups in the Empire such as Celts and Germanics.
After I'm done I would defer most duties to my subordinates so that I can force Nips to make their anime the way I want or get genocided like the chinks.

Can you imagine being Lelouch and having to pretend to think that girl is hot....

It can't go wrong if you set it up in a reasonable way.
You simply need to spend a little time planning out the initial "setup", the rest can't go wrong.

I don't get what you're talking about
It works out well for everyone in this particular series.

That'd surely come back to bite you in the ass

you shut your dirty fucking poopmouth

I want C.C. to give me her geass.

Because you're an ordinary person with ordinary wants, like most people. CG (and DN for that matter) appealed to the inner chuuni, the desire of youth to feel exceptional. That's innocent enough but realize we're nothing like Lelouch or Light and would accomplish little or fail miserably if we tried to be.

Shit, Lelouch thought his school life was boring until later. That's him, he's a former prince with other stuff on his mind, but any random faggot would kill to be in his place. Milly's antics are enough to sell it.