Araragi knows what will happen with him after death. Thousands years of suffering. He saw it himself...

Araragi knows what will happen with him after death. Thousands years of suffering. He saw it himself. What will he do about it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>thousands years of groping lolis

lol nice curse

I'm pretty sure that it's closer to the billions.
Anyways, his best options are to either to live a long time and earn as much karma as he can, or become a full vampire, get exorcised, and go to christian heaven.

> or become a full vampire, get exorcised, and go to christian heaven.
I don't think it's possible.

Why not? He already has issues with becoming a full vampire by accident.

>What will he do about it?
Probably go home and nut one of his sisters.

He is not christian.

If he gets exorcised with christian holy water and symbols then it probably doesn't matter. People still put stock into converting on their deathbed in order to have their souls saved.

Exorcism doesn't wipe your sins.

Exorcising a vampire is the same as saving its soul. That's why religious symbols work on them in the first place. The whole hubbub around Jesus was that he took care of the whole inevitability of sinning part. Also, the big sin of aiding Kiss-Shot is buddhist, not christian.

Becoming a full vampire again is in fact very easy. Break the bond and you get Kizu Araragi

> Break the bond and you get Kizu Araragi
Just feed Shinobu enough blood.

When is Kizu 3 coming to theaters in the states?

or that

Meanwhile, the necromancer who created doll, broke the biggest taboo and killed himself to became some sort half-ghost monster, kidnaps innocent bystanders and hunts immortals simply because he's butthurt chills in the upper levels of paradise

Snail on the other hand can burn in hell forever, how dare she die before her parents, River Sanzu is not enough for such a enormous sin!

>in the upper levels of paradise
I thought he was in hell too
If Mayoi can just fucking walk to heaven then what's the point of it all even

He is in Hell, the lowest level of it even.

Yeah, but he said he can go back in forth between Heaven and Hell freely.

He is in between Hell and Heaven

He just took a trip down to hell, he usually stays in heaven

Oh. Well it's Specialists being OP as usual I guess.

Live with Shinobu and continue to piss her off with his dumbness.

Waga aruji-sama yo

Well, at least he promised to stop being dumb on purpose after a century or two.

False. He becomes more of a vamp by letting shinobu drink blood, but never a full vamp.

Read Kizu.

What do you think happens when Shinobu continues drinking till she is at full power? Araragi becomes a full vampire again, but just for a short while. But doing this is bad for the connection.


why is teen vampire the best design and girl

He's suffer together with Shinobu, seems fine to me

>Araragi knows what will happen with him after death. Thousands years of suffering. He saw it himself. What will he do about it?
There are other afterlives. And frankly, the afterlife itself is fake anyway, there are no gods truly running them. So he can just cheat the system like all the other Specialists. He got Snail out, and it isn't like anyone is actually trying to stop him. The human belief that constructed the afterlife is extremely flimsy, because in the end it only existed to benefit humans.

New PV is out

Oh yes

What PV?

Kizu III


All these "thank you" images that will never be scanned is a shame.


>within 10 minutes of being posted

>New PV is out

how many time Ararago dies in the final battle?

I have no words

Don't piss yourself

I like the parts where it flashes between them buddying up during the rooftop scene and murdering the fuck out of each other.

Oh shit

Kiss-Shot please stop murdering hy heart in tenth of a second flashes.

This is going to be a top-shelf reaction image when we get BD rips.

There are actually a lot of good reaction images in the PV.

where are people getting the screenshots I don't see kizu on nyaa

Nvm I am retarded plese fuck my face




Crabfags on suicide watch.

As batfag I don't care who wins, as long as the crab loses



I'm not saying she's winning, just that cat never kissed Araragi, and she still has more on-screen kisses with him than crab..

This PV is fucking lit

I need to know the PV song its awesome

Track #18 from Kizu II OST

Something for the plebs who only like her loli form to consider.




Oh, now she gets scared/shocked. She watched three other vampire fights and got her guts ripped open without batting an eye.