Sup Forums's face when Funimation dubs all of the shows worth watching this season and literally saves anime

>Sup Forums's face when Funimation dubs all of the shows worth watching this season and literally saves anime
Wew lads, 2017 off to a good start!

Other urls found in this thread:

They've been making SimulDubs for a while though

Dubs are for normalfag casual scum


Where do you think the next generation of otaku will come from?



You should go to a Japanese imageboard then.

What's to stop them from watching sub releases? If they can't deal with hearing other languages they should find a hobby that doesn't originate from a foreign country..

Not him, but I started watching dubbed anime and have since moved onto superior subs.

Pick one.

I pick these two.

Dubs? I've been away as a regular user of this board for like eight years but don't users here still hate dubs?

For the records, I don't give a crap, just wondering. Mind you... anime culture here has changed (probably for the better). You used to be unable to even mention streaming without being mocked to oblivion. Heck, crunchyroll used to be a pretty lame site since they were making money streaming content they didn't have any rights to. Now they're a legit subscription service and an industry pillar.

And that's enough of my rambling now.

You know how when CR/Funi took over basically all subtitling, it led to a kind of mass acceptance of a mediocre, often error-riddled standard of quality, intrinsic to a rushed out corporate job?

Yeah I don't know why anyone gives this 'simuldubbing' shit the time of day.

What are they dubbing? I don't keep up with them.

Unemployment office.

Pretty much everything that Sup Forums is watching this season.

If you can give me an example of sub par dubbing/subbing, I'll agree with you and cancel my subscription to Funi

Oh shit, I didn't know they dubbed stuff like this. Interesting.

Is Reddit raiding us or something?


Thanks for posting with a trip, so that I can easily filter you.

>Can't even follow basic instructions

Dubfags everyone.

>is reddit, a place where you NEED a name in order to post, raiding us
>while posting with a trip

Not LWA though

So they dubbed Konosuba and Maidragon?

Are you a desk intern shilling your company's work? For shame.


>not dubbing Maid Dragon
>not dubbing Demi-chan
>not dubbing Gabriel Dropout
>not dubbing LWA
>not dubbing Urara
They're dubbing nothing worth watching.

They are dubbing Maid Dragon. 1st EP was released today

>Sup Forums
>People who care about dubs (Fujos)

Pick one.

Dubs.... more like duds. Serioulsy, if you watch dubs, at least don't make yourself look dumb by taking pride in it. Accept yourself as the pond scum that you are.

We both know you don't actually have a subscription but

Normalfags have taken over the site, since Sup Forums keeps causing Sup Forums to appear on the news. People now defend dubs and streaming unironically. Bottom half of pic related.

>it only takes 2 hours to trigger Sup Forums
I'll file that away for when I'm hung over and board.

funny thing is normalfags showed up in 2005-06 when Code Geass aired

You could be confusing normalfags from casuals from other anime communities dragged in by site raids.

> dubs
> saving anime

GG was the final nail in the coffin for this site. Everything was still tolerable before the reddit exodus.

Normalfags have been always coming though, what's important is how many come at a certain time. New blood is always necesary for a website to mantain itself over time, but if too many new people come at the same time and don't adapt to the site (or in an attempt to adapt, they mistake a maladapted for a regular and imitate his behaviour), it's culture will change.

> Crunchyroll is dubbing Gintama starting at season 3
It was inevitable.