Tatami Galaxy

So this is like a worse version of Hyouka?

It's certainly influental if you look at Shafts work.

Poor man's hyouka.

It's pretentious.

>I didn't understand it so therefore it's pretentious.
The themes were pretty straightforward and the series was pretty tight. Onion was the truest of bros.

Can't really see any relation to Hyouka at all.

It's completely different from Hyouka. Hyouka was good, this was boring. Tatami Galaxy. And they weren't even similar at all

is this like a shitty quality bait?


It's better than Hyouka. The only thing Hyouka had going for it were the VAs: Tomoya Okazaki and Sunohara Youhei as Oreki and Satoshi

It was a decent anime but it will forever be hated because it had its own style rather than falling into line with moeblob, angering a bunch of retards.

Rose colored life

>it will forever be hated
It's only hated by the anti-Yuasa crowd on Sup Forums, which literally consists of 5 people.

Thats 5 times the amount of people needed to derail every single madoka thread made on Sup Forums ever.
The power of ONE etc.

It's a poor man's Hyouka but a thinking man's Bakemonogatari.

Clannad an unbelievable shit compared to Hyouka.
Hell Clannad is an unbelievable shit compared to anything.

Has it happened to you that you finish an obscure / talked to death animu and there's instantly a thread about it?

I've literally fiinshed Tatami Galaxy like 10 min ago yeah it was fucking time holy shit, and it was amazing, as expected.

Then I looked at the catalog and here it is, like fucking clockwork, what are the chances? I've been delaying watching this for years

4.5/5 anime, would turn back time and watch it again for the first time

I think you mean "9/10"

No, it's definitely 4.5
At least until the last episode, then it becomes even greater

If you say it's straightforward why do you assume he didn't understand it?


You need a special prize of some sort for this post.

I still haven't watched this

I started watching it but the characters talk so fast that i just can't keep up with the subtitles. I'd probbaly have to pause every 1.5 seconds and ruin the experience for myself. Not fast enough of a reader.

Its a 7/10 in my book, a good show but idk why its praised a lot.

It's only really like that in the first episode because the main character is taking the piss. The rest are fine.

I hope you're fucking ready cause there's a spin-off of some sort airing next season.
It's a movie

The 1st ep fast speaking reminds me of some western movies style of storytelling, which is fine when you speak english.
The style is not suitable for subtitle reading.

What's about Tatami Galaxy that triggers people so much?

>Straight froward and simple plot
>Nice Visual and general direction
And that's it. And people are always crying "pretentious" or shit like that. Tatami Galaxy is really well made but pretty inoffensive anime.

It'd be one thing if you just didn't like the story or some shit, but not being able to read the subtitles fast enough just makes you look mentally-handicapped.

Read a book, fuck.

It looks different to other anime, therefore it's pretentious and bad.

It has really nice character design, Im sure no ones bothered by how they look. It has somewhat similar artstyle to sayounara zetsubou sensei which is also loved by Sup Forums.

Not that guy, but that other user is either too retarded to understand simple themes or is just shitposting

Akashi is a miracle of the universe

The only people who call it prtentious are either shitposters/trolls or newfags who think the shitposting is Sup Forums's consensus and are trying to fit in. Also almost no one on Sup Forums knows what pretentious means

It's a good show but I didn't like how it focused on one girl to reflect on the protagonists behavior. She could have been the origin of the protags development, but not everything about him.

It's just shitposting, man, don't think too hard on it.


I actually didn't know about this and now I'm hyped.

Didn't it have several episodes with the MC being forced to choose between three different girls, none of them Akashi (who I assume you're talking about)