Reparations for Slavery

Fun fact. Americans bought slaves from Africa, they traded guns and powder for slaves. African tribes and kingdoms used the guns to take over other slaves and sell them to the market for more powder. Americans fueled an economy of war and slaver in Africa.

>punishment for ancestor crimes

for suggesting this you should be treated with convulsive therapy and forced to take anti-psych meds til the end of your days. you are fucking dangerous and I fear for my life when you are near me.

Slavery was not a crime though

Yet you want to punish blacks because they were slaved.

Goddamn (((Americans)))


stfu pussy

Why worry about the past when you should be putting efforts to end current slavery that is still on going in African countries

King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:

In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:

"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…"

Yeah, those fucking (((white people))). Its all their fault! Reparations for Isra *cough*, I mean, blacks!



>Americans fueled an economy of war and slaver in Africa.

Now take the USA out of the equation.

Would African tribes have continued to hunt eachother, war, and take slaves...

Like they had been doing for thousands of years?

of course they would have. The only ones that owe slaves reparations are the African Tribes that ensalved them.

They already have reparations - they get to live in a nonblack country

>Americans fueled an economy of war and slaver in Africa.
only after the africans were doing it for thousands of years already.

Not nearly as much. U.S paid gold for slaves and gun powder.

Fucking Americans.

reparations for slavery - the ebt

Your a fagot most of the true slavery was done by the Portuguese, and more slaves were brought to bra,I'll due to. The lower amount of risk involved due to shorter travel time,plus your own country men owned the port thus reducing the value of the slave making them harsher worked. Combined with the fact that Caribbean and Brazil both had more slaves introduced plus the fact that processing sugar is more labour intensive that tobacco or cotton, american slavery was not the worst

How do you pay a salary to property? And am I going to get reparations for my ancestors property (ancestors) being taken away from them?

Why not reparations to all the Mexicans whose land was taken even though the treaty said they would keep their lands in the new america. Territory's bough from mexico?

I had a buddy whose ancestors owned slaves. He was a small independent farmer. Every 15 years or so, the children of the same people he payed off would show up and hit him up for reparations. He eventually had to sell off acres of land to big farms that were already enveloping him to pay off these fuckers, thereby forcing him to hire fewer and fewer people. They never invested the reparations. They always spent them on rims and whatever nigger trend was in at the time. We're not talking plate of rice crispies reparations. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars. The long and short of it was that these niggers destroyed the jobs of everyone who worked under him so that a monsanto truck could drive over and do all their jobs, he had to sell off all his property and move into a retirement home to stop getting hit up, and now the next generation are starting to hit up my friend.

The question is, how much of this family's money has to get invested into GM stock in the form of Escalade purchases before this stops?

Through war?

Fun fact: Arab-run slave trading still occurs in Africa today.

Through the Mexican-American war, the USA gain land, and those Mexicans were suppose to keep their lands in the USA.

This is the samefag shill that started another thread about how the nazis were "bad people" even if the holocaust didn't happen.
sage and this faggot should neck himself

Reparations imply damages and damages implies blacks in the United States are worse off than the ones in Africa. First step in mitigating damages is to send their ungrateful asses back to Africa. If they do not wish to go back then obviously the benefits outweigh the damages and instead of reparations blacks should be taxed extra for the privilege of being here.