Kikes on twitter are literally calling for a military coup against Trump now

Kikes on twitter are literally calling for a military coup against Trump now

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This should be encouraged

>military coup
>against trump
pick one

He thinks the military is going to be on the communists side

>If the GOP is tampering with election results

Liberal projection

yep the military is totally gonna coup the president because david bowies druggie movie director son tweeted about it

Gotta say, after 8 years of kang nigger, I just don't think the American people care enough to revolt

Yeah if only we could protect the integrity of the vote. Maybe if you were required to show some form of identification before voting.

Woah hey that's nazi thinking that minorities are too stupid to have voting IDs

This. When your enemies are making a mistake you shouldn't stop them.

We should make a treasonous leftcuck bot army that does nothing but push for a military coup against Drumpf

>republican judges destroy voting records

republicans are the ones that want you to use IDs to vote which is far more secure than what we have now. but apparently libshits think this is racist.

How can you expect someone with brown skin to know how to get an ID??? FASCIST CUNT

When did you know that Moore was going to win?
>when I saw this account

What uh what who user who do you think allowed the Bolsheviks to storm the Winter Palace in 1917? I’ll give you a hint: it was the military.

That’s David Bowie’s son isn’t it

Fuck man, not Duncan Jones... Moon is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Good. I want the leftists to wage war against the United States Military. Should only last a few hours but it will be the greatest happening ever

Dubious. Last name not Bowie.

I thought hacking elections was impossible?

Elections are largely useless already

It's LITERALLY ruined by the last 30 seconds of all the voice overs when """Sam""" is in that shipment pod thing.

Notice how he says state.

These fuckers are so subversive with their language.

He is speaking against quite literal republics.


Lol, do it faggots!

Yes only democrats can tamper with elections! Get with the program!


lol ikr. these libtards live in their own little world though where they actually think the military isn't heavily right wing

Oh fuck, is that David Bowie's son?

In a way I'm glad Bowie died when he did so I never had to hear him cuck out about Trump and be as much of a little bitch as his BLACKED family. His daughter doesn't even look like him. Sad!

Most love Trump because of his treatment towards Israel. Why lie, OP?

Rev up those FBI tips boys

Yeah it's him. Why are they destroying voting records? Shouldn't we both require ID and hold onto the results in a digital file? TBs are cheap why is this even a problem?

but the dems were the ones trying to rig the election.

Hillary literally rigged the primary and paid a foreign company to find dirt on trump.

Also just remembered GERTY was voiced by Kevin Spacy. Fuck me.

Liberals are the last people who should be asking to scrutinize voting records. Suddenly their millions of illegals and multiple-voting niggers go away.

It is, his middle name is Zowie and David Bowie's real surname is Jones.

I can't believe how much salt has been produced since last November. If it were real life salt there'd be, like, so much salt. I think it's unprecedented.

You also must be careful as to not do something that would get you accused of being a co-conspirator.

stop posting retarded people's retarded twitter opinions.

a dumb retard being a dumb retard isn't thread worthy.

didn't david bowie have sex with a 13 year old? Is this really over the moore stuff?

> Men I order you to depose the President.
> CNN headline news. Mass revolt as dozens of generals and 100's of officers are either killed or imprisoned. Military in disarray as leadership attempting to overthrow the Trump administration is purged. Journalists and elites flee the US.
Please I think I would breakdown in tears if this happened.

That would be awesome, it would provide Trump an excuse to make a complete purge without repercussions.

>judges destroy[ing] voting records
yep seems legit

Holy shit, someone with a sockpuppet please mention Lori Maddox.

>entrenched Republican judges

Meanwhile Judge Hooks in Chiraq lets a hate criminal/kidnapper off with probation, a white man gets 15 for bacon on mosque, and an illegal spic gets away with murder. These leftists are outrageously fucking delusional they always accuse the opp of what they are doing. We need word for this latter behavior. prog-cusing or something.

What the fuck? Isn't this the dude that made the Warcraft movie? He can suck my ass

>military coup
>for democrats
Also puts their gun control agenda into context :^)

It is actually, they approved destroying the digital record. It honestly is a big issue.

>Conveniently ignoring Kornilov was barred from crushing the Bolsheviks by Kerensky

Nice try Schlomo.

Their lack of concern for their own country was proved by the pitiful response to forced integration. The anti white politicians should have been executed for doing that. Nobody cared enough to do more than grumble and run away. King Nigger was just more proof that society is a farce and the President is nothing but a figure head to take the attention off the Central Bank.

If Sam Rockwell goes full libtard, I just may cry.

Duncan Jones doesn't go by his last name Bowie

This, best case sceneraio we can squeeze them when they get loud enough into voter ID laws

>I..I wanted secure elections ... bu .. but THAT WONT WORK BECAUSE BLACK PEOPLE ARE TO STUPID TO GET ID's

Do these retarded niggers really believe it's conservatives rigging elections and not the liberals? How does someone get this retarded? Welfare, I'm guessing.

The RED army, you absolute waste of European genetics. Why wouldn’t the communist military allow for the execution of the Tsar? I’m surprised they didn’t do it as soon as they did.

They had a civil war before that, which you would know if you took two fucking minutes to read Wikipedia and educate yourself.

T. Angry Ruski


DRUMPF is hitler and should be TAKEN OUT LIKE GARBAGE.

What are these tards talking about? The left is notoriously dirty in elections.

Iiberal projection ?

Russia in those times was very, very different from modern day America, and gommunism hadn't yet earned its horrid reputation. Also, they had to get through the White army, and they would have failed if not for outside assistance. There is no hope for such a revolution here.

And yet liberals are the ones preventing us from having transparent, secure, and auditable elections. Imagine that.

Also, there are basically no jews in the military. The "jews" are like General Clark who have like a jewish grandpa on their dad's side and are irreligious.

I'm just waiting for the salt mining threads. This shit is on lockdown. If it wasn't for the accusations, I wouldn't have given a shit about this election. But now I'm emotionally invested since this will give Trump power over the RINOs, and prove that the right wing doesn't have to play by the left's 'believe victims' game. That's right, Trump is immune to accusations of sexual assault starting right motherfucking now. No more Russia narrative. No more rape or sexual assault narrative. None of it works. It's just the leftists jerking eachother off and creating the appearance of a false consensus online.

>OK so let's examine the voter roll-
>Well can we at least require identifica-


- the post

I’m just saying that any time a court was overthrown in history it wasn’t because the military fought on either side—it was because the military allowed the court to be overthrown.

All three of those results protect the Jewish Master's slaves from being stopped from doing their work. It makes a lot more sense when it is put in context.

lol go ahead and try

Wow, we've never seen such pure projection allied to such total desperation.

Don't cry, no matter how much you'd feel like it. You need clear vision to see the niggers and commies your aiming at down your scope.

>when you misunderstand someone on Sup Forums so bad that you accuse a PhD candidate working on his dissertation in Russian Art and Architecture of the Revolution of needing to read the Wikipedia article on Bolshevism
Judging by your flag I’d guess I know more about Russian history and culture than you do, faggot.

>literally regurgitating Confederate talking points
It's like 1860 all over again

What's up with Californians being so god damn braindead?
Is it the air? The people surrounding them daily that makes them into hardcore liberals? Or what?

I call for a military coup against CNN, NBC, CBS, Diseaseny, Time Life Warner Aol Atnt Cosmodemonic...

Its like how African natives never developed. The weather is so nice that it creates a false sense of security, preventing them from advancing.

The same military that overwhelmingly voted Trump?

Sure, guys. That will work!


It's the city living. It literally changes you.
They're like a house cat.

More than anything, Trump has the support of the Marines
We take our oath of service very seriously
Chair force on the other hand...
Bunch of cucks

>has no argument
>h-heh you misunderstood me

Please tell me how It was the white army who executed the Tsar.



Lol I remember hearing that from owen benjamin. The indoor cats or whatever thing.

The Presidential election roused many people from their slumber. The neo con / neo liberal chicanery is right in front of everybody’s eyes, once one is aware of it.

although i guess despite the nice weather we have emu's, snakes, jelly fish, sharks, spiders, stingrays and every other creature spawned from hell to keep us on our toes.

>call military all kinds of names
>military pls halp

every time

baby killing murderers!...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................please halp!

This plus the left uses cult like methods to brainwash their ranks. Just look at how they eat themselves. Leftists demand complete mental surrender from their followers

Nice manipulation of the emotions, there. Is any respectable man no longer respectable simply because they deny and don't believe in the truth? Have some nuance, for gods sake. God save the queen? More like god save the entirety of the United Bloody Kingdom.

>son of David Bowie is afraid of Americans
Color me surprised.

Exactly, if there is some type of imminent threat to prepare for, it motivate humans to be prepared.

You have the same flag faglord

Moral fagging

Demand Voter ID now!

Protect our elections!

If all it takes to destroy our democracy is Republicans winning an election or two I'd guess we were fucked anyway. The melodrama is off the charts with these idiots.

Chair Force here
There are a few cucks but overall most of us support the president
I want to see them try

Spoil them with Star Wars Spoilers Everyone I inform of Luke dying in Episode 8 thinks it's a laugh riot

At least you guys aren't commies like West Point.

This, they had gigantic hiding spaces and were rescued with a resupply from Woodrow Wilson. The whites had trouble getting an agenda or leadership together but consistently beat reds when they met.

>they unironically think this
The military takes no sides in this shit, cucks.
If ANYONE dares to rise up, be it right-wing or leftists, we will completely crush you in record time.
Go ahead, give us an excuse to finally wipe you out, sandniggers got boring years ago.

>side that is against guns plans a military coup
I honestly don't know what they are expecting.

For fucks sakes, you faggots had one job and you blew it, enjoy mass migration and liberal gloating for the next 10 years.

you stupid fucks couldn't stay united for 2 fucking years