What's your favorite anime girl hair?

What's your favorite anime girl hair?

They all look shoujo as fuck

Anything up to shoulder length

Remove most of the strand detail and they're moe hair.

1 is my favorite, 22 is also pretty good.



Whatever is closest to this

1 and 23

My waifu's.


#28 AKA drillhair

30, 32 and 47 are pretty good.

26 rules supreme.

25, but i'm ok with anything above the last two rows. (Excluding 7,10, and 20)

01, 03, 09, 19, 20.

Short hair is amazing.


1, 7, 23, 30, 35

Do 4, 8, 10, and 20 even exist outside of this image?

This. Honorable mentions to 05 and 44.

Fuck, I like all of them. But the braided and pigtailed ones, as well as 24 and 8, stood out to me the most.

I'm a simple man with simple taste. Just long and straight is good with me.

26, easily. 49 stands out too.

Which is great, because variety. Plus they have curls.

14 is THE ONLY choice.
You are literally some plebeian scum for thinking otherwise.

2 > 24 = 29 > rest

23, 32.

Just saying.


26 of course

digits confirm

I remember this chart was supposed to come with some explanation as to what those numbers mean.

49 - "twisty twintail"
10 - "pastor's daughter cut"

i thought it was "shoujo starter kit" or something with names for each one

12, 15, 16, 21, 27, 30, 41, 45

Ya, that one.

Can anyone post it?

05 is the best on this chart.

>fifty styles and no air intakes

23 or 29, but longer.

9, 19 and 20 are the best.

Hime cut a shit.

>40 replies
>not a single person for 11
god damn it Sup Forums you've let me down again

Hime cut
Platinum Blonde
Red eyes
Donk butt

26 is the best hair. 8 ans 29 are okay. The rest is slut tier shit.

Big fan of 44 + glasses.
Classic look that always pleases me.