Blacks and White Women...Won For Doug Jones

Hey Sup Forums.

Name me ANY racial group in America which votes for a political party at a fucking NINETY SIX 96% rate. Anyone?

Now answer me why WHITE women, are also voting with them? You think this is NOT about Demographics?

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Niggers are not people

It's almost like historically marginalized populations vote against the ones systemically marginalizing them.

Based Stefan.

Demographics is destiny.

Cuckservatives need to stop denying reality if they want to save their country and its people.

>caring about actual human lives

top zozzle

No shit, it's easier to blame others rather than accept self responsibility

Asians are 90+% in favor of democrats

>systemically marginalizing them

Are you pretending to be this retarded?


It's almost like this bullshit line of reasoning fell apart with the GOP and Hispanics. Reagan granted full amnesty to 3M of them, they responded by turning CA blue for eternity.

Love how they keep saying how people with college degrees vote Dem. Shows that they have been indoctrinated so bad they might as well be as smart as niggers.

Highest home ownership levels for Blacks in HISTORY currently.

Answer: Vote unanimously 96% AVERAGE for Democrats.

Of course.

Which is exactly what Sup Forums is doing haha

I love how Molymeme is a white nationalist now. Good times

So are Hispanics so are Jews so are any minority group really.

White women are traitors wow who knew

>historically marginalized
what does that even mean? like when they receive my tax dollars for free?

Yep. Democrat party is the FUCK WHITE PEOPLE party.

W-what the heck!? You're telling me that I forgave Lauren Southern of her coalburning on the basis that she was working so hard winning White women over to OUR side... and they helped get ANOTHER Leftist elected? Whaaaat?

Nigger women and White Whores won it for a retard Dem....

You're confused OP?
Look at Africa.
They've been living there longer than anyone's been living anywhere, and its fucked.
The only civilized places were created by brave Danish settlers, but now the nogs have ooga'd and booga'd so hard even those places are turning to shit.
The bottom line is that aside from the few respectable black folk that won the cranial lottery, the vast majority default to gathering up and gyrating to a beat, shrieking and squawking a limited set of noises (loudly), culminating in the males trying to accomplish something with violence.
It just hasn't been long enough since the times where those instincts & traits were a way of life.


Step aside, white women. The black woman is in charge now.

>niggers sucking white democrat dick

just like clock work. Fuck anyone saying we should court the blacks for support.

If traditional values win there will be no more dick carousel and no more infinite facebook starbucks tinder fun. They are rejecting responsibility.

It makes less sense to let a woman or a nigger vote than to let a dog vote.

Dogs are loyal to their masters.

Whores and niggers are overdue for a train ride and a lungful of rat poison.

why are we ignoring that he had accusations of being a pedophile against him, regardless of whether or not it was true or not

Black women clearly showing that they are superior

They have absolutely no self respect kek. You can't even blame niggers for having such a low view of whites when this is what they see everyday.

Fuck all niggers and roasties

Ssssh goy we're all one race, the human race.

That's a man baby

What is wrong with these people? Why is everything so grandiose to them?

Probably shouldn't run any 'moore' candidates for 'legitimate rape', huh?


They're patting themselves on the back so hard they will wake up bruised.


The real Jews, in Israel, hate niggers.

And they hate American scumbags who pretend to be Jews so they can call anybody who insists that those "Jews" be held accountable for their crimes "anti-Semitic."

White women are such fucking traitors it's actually physically revolting.

Asians and Hispanics are around 70-30 for democrats. Blacks are 90+ for democrats

White women collapsed Rome too.

When they stop breeding, they go a bit wacky and just collapse the entire society.

They also hate pretty much anyone who isn't a "chosen one". That's why they call us goys and only ass kiss when they need something.

Yeah women and blacks dominate the world wait wat
Calm down you incel moron.

You racists just don’t know what the black woman goes through on a day to day basis.

>These are people that live and breath

How did we come to this point

Niggers and women will believe any bullshit, start memeing nonstop accusations against all communists.

Niggers are so retarded.


Keep telling yourself that white women are your allies and need to be protected

We need a World War with a mandatory draft for all genders. The population needs to thinned.

Last time we had a World War, our vets came back and raised the Boomer generaion.

>Now answer me why WHITE women, are also voting with them?
The majority of White women did vote for Moore, just not as large a majority as there used to be. The problem was that many Republicans didn't want to vote for an alleged pedophile, so White turnout was low in general.

Wonder how many niggers voted for him just because they thought he was black after seeing the name

>a white man from Alabama in charge of the democrat plantation whose name is Jones

>republicans freed slaves
>kkk were all dems

white women voted for moore, trump, romney, etc.
stop false flagging just because you like niggers and spics so much

96% of how many?

That's the problem. They don't.

Women hate racists.... racism is literally your platform...

Fucking BASED Colorado & West Virginia spics

I guess we could hope for a plague or a nuke.

If we killed that 30% of race traitors would it still be considered genocide? I'm not racist against blacks or any other race.

hey dingus, white women voted for moore.

he lost because republicans didn't suppress enough votes

I can think of two reasons. Women are natural leftists ever since they got the vote. They are the progenitors of the welfare state, and they die without a husband or gibs.

Second, they most likely voted against Moore because of their "care-based morality" rather than a "justice-based morality". There is no conclusive proof that the allegations against Moore are true, but if the popular opinion is that he is guilty then they wouldn't be able to emotionally justify their votes. So they threw the race, because of "muh feels".

Jeff Sessions won the same seat with 97% of the vote. NINETY SEVEN.

It's true, women really are natural Leftists. They are emotional creatures, and thus prime targets for Democrat policy-makers. It's all about muh feels with them at the end of the day, and this is what they vote for. Society collapses whenever they play a direct role in politics. It's part of why men throughout history, across the world and countless unique cultures prevented women from entering the politics of their societies.

“They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.”

― Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West

okay thats nice but see white women voted for moore. Its the white males who abandon the pedophile. when I think of alabama white males I don't think of numale white cucks, the opposite really.

If your shitty hypothesis is correct, white women voted with their feels and went along party lines meanwhile the intelligent white male chose not to vote for a pedophile

>Niggers are not people

>say you'd support removing all blacks rights, thus presenting a clear and present danger and a not in their interests
>dude fuckin niggerz vote in a bloc

More white women voted for Jones than white men did. In an election as close as this, those votes really would have helped.

Sup Forums genuinely does not understand this

you know what would had really helped? not saying slavery was good for blacks in Alabama

He should have lied to not hurt the poor niggers' feelings?

Blacks vote Democrat for gibs no matter what. He could have spent years of his life cucking for them and garnered little to no support.

> highest home ownership levels for Blacks in HISTORY currently
> after 8 years of black Democratic president

Yeah they should vote for GOP tho

This. But fuck Romney.

You mean Wyoming?
It's probably just two households in Casper or something, ha ha.


1.5 million votes to Trump and less than 1 million to Moore. This is the result of how you handle rape allegations. You just say, "You're lying" and end it there.

>I won't vote for a man who was called a rapist that one time!

White women were a fucking mistake.

Would you like to know how to solve this problem? Go fucking breed, and get your ideologies in order make some compromises like a person and don't drive women away with all the degenerate nazi-beta pedo bullshit.

Women voters were a huge mistake. I'm utterly convinced that a Islamic caliphate is absolutely necessary.

>Kill the (((Intellectuals)))
>Throw degenerates off roofs
>Suffer not a woman to speak

It's because the average republican is racist as fuck.

I think we are going to see another "crossing of the Parties" but it might be more like obliterate all sides first

Yeah, that animal lacks a vagina, sweetheart.

>that one time

I have more toes than you have neurons you fuckin psycho dylan roof

Can't wait for these people to never be brought up again because their lies have served their purpose

A House divided can't stand. Establishment GOP fucked over Moore.

Bannon will try again in Arizona and Minnesota, he must have learned from this.

It took a billion dollars and two parties working together with a massive voter fraud operation in black counties to defeat Moore.

Let's get real here.

>Now answer me why WHITE women, are also voting with them?

Because :
#FalseAccusationCulture (!)

And why Niggets and women ?
Because both are DUMB AS FUCK!!

Low test Soyboy detected. Go lop off you dick already loser.

Don't you guys just HATE how blacks won't do what we tell them to? Even after we make them feel subhuman and call them "nigger" at every opportunity. What a bunch of ungrateful jerks! I can't believe they wouldn't vote for the pedophile republican who wants to gut social programs, disproportionately affecting blacks! Why wouldn't they vote against their own interests to do what us brave alt-righters want? Makes me so darn mad!!!!


All this proves is that smear campaigns work and now the media is going to outright slander more candidates.

Brainwashed useful idiot.

Let them have their little parade, they still don't have our government from us yet. Remember, we are still in the beginning stages of the great awakening. Just like in The Turner Diaries, this is where everyone is still just going with the flow as long as their stomach is full, and the constriction is feeling far too great, but if we can persevere, we will win a great many more battles after this. Donald Trump was not the nuclear bomb into the pentagon, he was the FBI building bomb. The purge of the GOP of all of its cucks will be the mortar on Washington D.C. Then the induction into The Order will be the RAISE Act and ultimately the end of immigration and chain migration.

Kill yourself.

>He speaks the obvious truth on nu/shit/

Ding ding ding.

He's right you pansy.

very simple to understand but they still don't get it. astounding.

>>republicans freed slaves
>>kkk were all dems
Also true:
>Liberals freed slaves
>kkk were all conservatives