Why does reddit tend to be left while Sup Forums tends to be right?

Why does reddit tend to be left while Sup Forums tends to be right?

because both websites are full of faggots like you

OP eats sausages with his anus. Sad!

It's almost like leftwing ideologies can only survive if they take control of the forum and shut down all debate

>bunch of guys just shit on the uneducated, smelly pirate.
Liberals are fucking stupid.

Because reality is non political and conservatism is biological programming and natural where as liberalism is unscientific, built on human inventions. When you tear the veneer of liberal consensus circle jerking you start to see reality. Reality and natural order are dark and unforgiving hence why our neurological programming is adapted for it. This is why when times are plenty liberalism and degenerates are rampant plagues on humanity and people revert to conservatism when times are tough.

Because reasonable people find the pic you posted to be retarded-manchild-dudeweed discussion

I'll add that Sup Forums is contrary to the circle jerk on the left and the right so its natural that we'd have a more conservative realistic view of the world than Normie retards who get their opinions injected into their minds through media and leftist professors rather than discourse and self education

Falling for the left/right dychotomy it's for bluepilled faggots.




Because virtue signaling gets you a ton of upvotes.

> between
To uphold the autism of the board, let me point out that it's "amongst".

>Sup Forums tends to be right
the correct answer is that Sup Forums has always sided with the contrarian; in the next few years, it will likely swing left again. it had a decidedly progressive outlook when i first started coming here

Because you’re a faggot op

Echo chamber vs free for all. The rules determine the game - in this case upboating causes a hive mind effect while sliding only encourages posting

Because Reddit is normie as fuck and being left is what's socially acceptable right now.

Because Sup Forums are mostly children, and incels who want to be “edgy”.

Exactly. There is only interest and self interest. All actions can stem to those basic biological reasoning.

If you break down human action or all action into its most basic form the impetus behind it is always selfish in self serving even if it appears it isn't.

Because Sup Forums has free speech and we are anonymous. Nobody is truly liberal, they just have to be on the outside.

WE aren't afraid of getting doxed for giving out opinion or statistically validated stereotypes.

This image is cancer and you helped spread it. Kill yourself.

Because our language isn’t policed by mods(threads maybe, but not posts) or subject to up/down voting. Open speech tends towards the right because it holds up better under mockery and scrutiny.

One has a point system where you get reward for having the same think as the others.
The other is anonymous where you can spout what ever you fucking want with out negative repercussions.
Both are about being seen and heard.

>le contrarian

This is such a bullshit answer from people that don’t really understand it here. If you think Sup Forums is EVER going to be left wing with what it now means to be left wing, you don’t spend much time here.

If you are a weak-willed human robot, who long since forgot it's millennial process of self realization, I would agree. If you can self-make, black and white is n o longer an end.

Reddit is owned by Jews, simple as that.

because one of these sites allows freedom of speech, the other doesn't.
once upon a time reddit allowed freedom of speech too and it was more right-wing than left-wing back in that day

basic rule of the internet is that the less censorship there is the more rightwing the website is

You know it'd be sherlock

He nailed it.

Freedom of speech

Because reddit is for soy boys, who want to upvote and like and be pretentious.

Because reddit is full of safe spaces and faggots who need them, whereas Sup Forums isn't (and never was, what with all the gore and CP)

I can't sit still looking at that picture. Seriously.

>Why does reddit tend to be left while Sup Forums tends to be right?
The right values free speech, and here you can say pretty much anything you want.
The left wants to suppress free speech, and on reddit you'll get banned for saying things not in line with the popular opinion of the board.

That's because leftists can't actually win an argument. All the facts are against them, so they have to silence anyone who speaks those facts.
And they get away with it because most of our side isn't willing to admit yet what we really should be doing.

Reddit suppresses discussion.

4c doesn't ban free speech like rrrrredddit
They ban all right wing thought and all racist thought

>Sup Forums being right wing
>supports socialist nazis

the only supposed "right wing" thing about Sup Forums is you fags are white nationalists. hating non-whites or being a nationalist doesn't fall under either right or left wing. there are conservative nationalists, the middle east, israel, and liberal socialist commy nationalists, nazi and soviet union, etc

Sup Forums claims to be red pilled yet takes in all of the fbi/cia "alt right" propaganda. divide and conquer. you faggots are so dumb you will never figure this out.


>believing in free will
Nice blue pill

Sup Forums is anonymous

I agree with you but it is also because Leftists have a pathological aversion to wrongthink. It is actually very hard for them to read thought crime, it makes them feel evil even just being around it, and a sort of contagion panic sets in. They will either excise the taboo material or flee the community itself, rather than engage with it. The exception is when they go on the offensive, but this is never argument, it is usually ridicule and outrage.

The few Leftists who decide to engage right wingers end up becoming very conservative.(see Scott Alexander of Slatestarcodex)

>and really bad eggs
>wubba lubba ding do-

Because reddit is a jew board

>not understanding natural law
good goy. obey your wannabe god masters who have "authority" over you and give you "rights"

You fucking faggot, leave Initial D out of this


Reddit is policed and moderated and Sup Forums is contrarian.

Right now the left have the cultural power so places with people in control go left while the contrarian congregate in places they can shitpost and go right.

In the early days of Sup Forums the last echos of the conservative religious right still had cultural power and Sup Forums was full of people shitting on the right and republicans.

Not because they were left wing, but because they were, and we are, contrarian shits.

What facts are those specifically?

>my attention span isn't long enough to read a couple of sentences
Go back to Africa, Jamal.

Reddit pop culture fags are thoroughly plugged into the matrix. Consuming mass media and obsessing about it like we obsess about the nature of the world. They are consumers. We are thinkers.

>none of those people are real

>a few lines of text is now too hard to read

There have been studies that show anonymous boards that are unmoderated become right leaning while moderated boards go to the left. Most of this is left is fell good and does not hold up to scrutiny while right tends to harsh but true.

I think the biggest reason is the demographics of each site. This place is probably 80% white male outcasts that view liberals as holding them back from getting laid.

I'd also say that it's easier for a small group of individuals to push a narrative in an anonymous environment like Sup Forums. Eventually it becomes known as a "conservative hangout" and attracts more like minded individuals.

O'Sullivan's Law

Remember that the right was evangelical Christian Right that wanted to exert their religious beliefs on the people much like the typical sjw wants their grubby fat hands in everyone’s business today. In my opinion, the overarching theme is that we want people to leave us, our vista, and our tendies alone.

The right always claim truth but never have the facts to back it up.


And our waifus, can’t forget those sweet 2d loves.

irony is perfect here

My god the spacing

fuck off, Sup Forums is a neutral website with both leftfags and rightfags
>h-h-hey sheldon

this wasn't even true back in 2006, faggot. guess what, I got laid first in 2001 with my 15 year old girlfriend then first threesome same year with her and her friend. you faggots need to seriously ditch the "ebin vergin:" faggotry.

>haha virgin losers
>le secret club meme


That is entirely untrue. Take the most controversial example- race. On the surface, it is very obvious what is going on. In every category East asians score the most positively, then Whites, then Blacks.

What the Left does when confronted with this is invent torturously complex just-so stories that account for these discrepancies(these stories are always inconsistent) or they just outright lie or silence.

All of the facts back up the racist view, the Left never offers its own facts, instead it 'interprets' the fact away.

Are you out of your fucking mind? Reddit is the most right-leaning site there is. Sup Forums is basically Reddit who decided to move to Sup Forums to spread their pseudo-science hate speech.

>but tose niggorz or chimpanzeez!
Russians are the real trained chimpanzees.
>but tose faggitz or ruining air Coontree.
You ruined your own country when you didn't give ancom a chance. Stop taking it out on us! Saged!


(edit: thanks for the gold, stranger!)

There is no true haven for us, comrade. 'Tis why we must resist, though yesterday certainly saw a victory for us. I was happy to see more and more of our ilk come out of the woodworks, we can't be the only among this cesspool.

You’re so cute when you talk like that.

Sup Forums swings whatever way trolls/triggers the majority of normalfags.

You're right we need to get this hell over and just let the commies take over. After the inevitable wholesale death and collapse, we will be safe from the red menace for about a century. Not to mention if we have a violent revolution most of Sup Forums and I will be killing the same faggots that advocate for communism. After the bourgeoisie are disposed of Hector Jamal and, I will all balkanize. Hypothetically of course.

The upvote downvote system and moderating for opinion favor the status quo while the format of Sup Forums lends itself only to ideas that are able to compete by their own merits

It is convenient that it isn't controlled by the establishment, it's just too bad this is what people do with free speech. Would Hitler have come to power with this?

>USSR flag shitting on Russians
You seem somewhat confused

Because Sup Forums has freedom of speech, so it will always be right wing. Reddit is heavily censored, which leftists love

Yeah. That's why the_donald hasn't been removed yet.

Censorship is necessary for a left wing community to exist

Reddit is code for 'Secret Society Of High Functioning Retards' They look just like you, me, and everyone else. But you spend just 5 minutes trying to talk to them, and you suddenly realize...."This fucker's a retard!"

Funny, since most of them sing a song of morals yet are willing to sell out for laughs. This is why we will win.

You won't kill shit, fatass. You'll sit your ass on the couch and be content with your TV and computer screen keeping you just above minimal levels of entertainment. Us on the other hand, we're active and organized on the streets. You can speak all you want about the second amendment and how you're so tough, but in the end with us becoming more familiar in firearms and actually training rather than LARPing, you're going to be nothing once we take over. Into the gulag, or into the fields you go

Let me ask you something. If someone yells fire in a theatre and people get trampled, is it not free speech?

You suck nigger dicks.

That will be all

>Strict moderation - easy to get banned for wrongthink
>Virtue signalling and groupthink built into the platform via votes
>The most "trendy" and "popular" opinions become the most visible, which creates a circlejerk environment
>Inconvenient or politically incorrect truths become hidden via downvotes, ensuring very low exposure
>Identities and reputations prevent unfiltered honesty

Sup Forums:
>Weak moderation - Say whatever you want, just don't break the rules
>The most controversial posts get the most replies, thus creating an environment of intense debate and chaos
>Inconvenient or politically incorrect truths remain visible and stand on their own merit
>No identities and reputations to worry about. Anonymity allows for unfiltered honesty

tl;dr Lefties prefer realities which they're able to construct and control, whereas righties prefer reality as it is.

No, you seem to be confused. Marx was born in Germany, Mao was Chinese, Tito was Yugoslavian, and you're a dumbass

Stop watching tv and netflix. Grow up. This goes for everybody. The golden age has begun, and you are not paying attention!

Exactly this. Authoritarians vs contrarians, every time.

Sup Forums isn't right or left, Sup Forums is defiantly right, but the rest of the website isn't.

That is technically free speech yes, so you are correct that nobody endorses entirely free speech. The Right however is much more liberal on this issue than the Left, usually banning only speech that causes immediate harm to people, this type of speech is usually speech which misinforms people of a situation, eg. the fire scenario tells people there is a threat they need to escape from immediately. Another example could be if you tell somebody the road is clear but there is actually a truck approaching.

Because more anonymity, no vote downs and far less moderation = people saying what they really think.

>all white males

fucking racist



Yeah but the USSR was mostly Russians by number. The hammer and sickle was created during the Russian revolution.

/k/ is right wing. Sup Forums is right wing. Sup Forums is right wing. Sup Forums is right wing. /his/ is right wing. Sup Forums is right wing. the only true places that are anywhere near acceptable is /lit/, /out/, /soc/, and Sup Forums (along with the anime boards)

Nice meme flag. Now KYS.


/lit/ and /out/ are both right-wing.

I'll give you /k/ but not the rest. Hating SJW interfering in media like Sup Forums and Sup Forums is a path to right wing but it doesn't make somebody right wing.

This. Sup Forums has always been a place for people to be almost entirely free to express themselves regardless of written or unwritten rules.. Even the board's own rules and etiquette are regularly shat on.

Sup Forums, for me anyway and I feel for many, is about people saying whatever the fuck they feel. Genuinely, satirically, just to get a laugh or maybe just out of compulsive autism.

Also, for me Sup Forums is one of the only places that feels like the 'old' internet, when anonimity was still the norm. When I first got the internet some 20 years ago, nobody in their right minds would act like people do on Facebook and Twitter today. We were actively warned against sharing names and personal info.. The internet changed a lot since then. I remeber when using Google was not the norm..

Is this projection or are you dumb enough to underestimate your enemy? I'd gladly post a picture of myself if I could absolutely make sure metadata was stripped. I used to take physical fitness pretty serious after I got done being a zogbot. That was mostly body building. I've now changed up to mostly MMA and hiking inawoods for specifically this purpose. Your dreams of revolution are detrimental to your own survival your just too dumb to understand it.