Are Germans really this cucked?

How can germans be this cucked while jews flood their countries with niggers and shitskins?

The jews spits in their mouths and yet the germans asks for more???

How can One nation lose itself completely over 70 years?

Germany deserves the be nuked you dumb leaf.

Well it’s all your fucking doing them being this braindead you dumb kike.

Weren't they exempt from fighting in WW1?

Didn't they then try to steal the country via revolution?

Didn't they try to run away during WW2?

How is that doing their duty?

Germany has been an occupied people for the past 70 years. The last time the Germans elected a government was in 1933. In 1945, the enemies of Germany marched through their streets, raping, killing, looting, and destroying at will. Afterwards, many of the German elites were systematically murdered. Their will was attempted to be crushed. Anyways, the enemy powers set up a puppet government, and began teaching Germans their version of history- the Germans were the ultimate bad guys.

And because of their guilt, they invited thousands of people that want to kill and hurt them. I don't want anything to do with those iditos.

Denying/researching the holocaust is illegal here and there are people in prison because of it.
The normie doesn't know that the jews are behind it because they stay in the shadows. Our media makes up varying reasons (demographics, climate change, war, economy) why we must tolerate the shitskins coming in. The mainstream media are completly owned by the (((elites))).

Whites are a race of moralfags the bad thing is they are intelligent meaning they can be manipulated by an evil race(jews) into doing what jews want(enslave the world/NWO) by constantly guilt tripping them anytime they try to refuse jewish agendas.

The world would be better if whites never existed these lunatics will cause the end of humanity.

I wish I could disagree, but there really is problem with how sentimental and guilt tripping white people are. Not all of us are like that, but too many.

How do more of them not Realise what’s being done to them?

East Asians might be the Future by the looks of it they might be the only ones Able to Eradicate the jew For Good.
But then again, The Bible says The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth, & Us Whites sure do look Meek right about now..

Then kill the immigrants in your land white pussy oh wait you cant and you never will because you care more about being a good person than saving your culture, good fucking riddance you cancer to mankind jewish puppet.

Whilst I admire your Ruthlessness towards the dark races why aren’t you showing your flag?

Just look at Cuck and REE, they are that cucked

>Whites are a race of moralfags
Ayyyy lmao

In an homogenic society that is an advantage. Because white people punish themself with their own conscience when doing something bad, you need less law enforcement. And the jews know that because (((Freud))) and other kike psychologists did their researches on whites testsubjects.
Obviously that is exploited in multiculti societies.

Psycho German pathology they go along with it just like they did they did the Nazis because they were promised the world and they're the best

Whites are not as impulsive as nonwhites thats why crime rates are lower but white sociopaths are some of the most dangerous criminals on earth both violently and white collarly.

Well the difference there is that the Nazis Promised them Success & Prosperity
Whilst the eu & media promise them decline & replacement
Clearly people would be more inclined to agree to the former


I think self-punishment is one of the drawbacks of intelligence. This leads to intelligent people dying out and destroying themselves.

Doesn't matter. We weren't meant to leave this rock and for 99.9999999% of people born on this planet they will die and remain on it. It is essentially one big graveyard and you can't escape it. Civilizations always collapse and ours seems like it's pretty far gone. Don't know, don't care, no one will learn from this and they too will make the same mistakes. This cycle will continue until this planet is no longer habitable and our species is finished.