Are You a REAL American? If you're a nazi GTFO

Are You a REAL American? If you're a nazi GTFO.
This board is for patriots and winners only.
Not even Trump likes you nazi fags.

i regret voting for trump

I am a white nationalist. Got a problem faggot?

America should've allied with the Nazi's like they fucking offered to
Hitler just wanted a future for our people and the Eternal Anglo had to go and ruin it all

>He fell for the "No 14 without 88" meme

Punching commies is a more established tradition for us. We've killed more commies than any other ideological group.

cant have the 14 without 88



Reminder: the biker's movement was born with Vietnam vets that felt disenfranchised and abandonned by the US gvt. As a result, they celebrated Nazism and often carried nazi memorabilia.
It took only one film, Easy Rider, to give the public the idea that bikers were first and foremost patriots. They weren't. But because of that single movie, countless bikers switched from Nazism to patriotism. They fell for ye olde Jewllywood trick...



Shut up nazi
Fuck no

Lol actually Commies have killed more Commies than any other group.

Stalin's purges would be Hitler's wet-dream.

Just jewburger

Ironic how we get called Nazis for believing in the same thing as the American soldiers who actually fought the Nazis.

>Are You a REAL American?
well, no

Shut up, burger. You sided with fucking communists. You have no right to call yourself a patriot. You are just a puppet for the kikes.

>The American soldiers believed that Nazism is evil, which is the same thing as Neo-Nazis believe
Stop the presses, everyone! I think there's been a mixup.

No one gives two shits about bikers.


what the fuck is wrong with trumptards? WHERE'S THE SHILLING IN THAT PIC? it's just a typical troll thread, that's what trolls do, they want you to get emotionally invested and take the bait

god you fucking people are dumb

Pretty much

4 jew is kill

how will they ever recover

I find it funny that America's two greatest enemies: nazism and communism are now two sides in USA fighting each other


When did I say I was a Nazi, you stupid piece of shit?

What are you talking about?

Someone has to possess the testicular fortitude to stand up against (((them))).


I'm 82% african, can i come to the USA or am i too white?

Picture of Jew
>are you a real american
(Shakes head and moves on)

I hate all these fucking shills mods please delete these threads they don't promote discussion they do nothing they are purely here to be fucking retarded.

I don't care about Nazis
Nazis are dead and only larpers remain
The real threat are the commie social marxists fucks that need to be exterminated once and for all

Nazis were more patriotic than any other race faggot

You mixed up bitza
In my country we cut you up for to cast powerful juju against our enemies

Fuck off were full

weaponized tay sachs
ashkenazi calcium bump


Sorry, but I'll always be more loyal to the Fuhrer than the founding fathers. What America needs right now is to become a Männerstaat with a real leader, the founding fathers were based but were definitely idealists and with what the western world after industrialization has become I think they'd have ended up supporting the Hitler either way

Boomer detected.