
Just noticed this on our "100 pesos" bill. Why is the star of David on my country´s currency?

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The superior 100 pesos?
No kikery, unless you count the U.S. flag.

urg, typical junglenigger
forgot pic related

Because the Rotschilds controls all the central banks.


More importantly, why is there a white person on your currency?

lol rekt

What are the do the other symbols mean those are all geometrical patterns

OY VEY! We fucked up. Shut it down.

Argentine confirmed for white country.


How's Evita regarded these days?

Argentina has always been jewed. The Perons were related to Ponce de León, presumably of the same heritage as Moses de León, the guy who fabricated the Kabbalah hoax.

Because (((they))) are trying to wash the German out of you.

>Perons waifu is still on your currency
Don't let them find out

How's Argentina, and Peron's government (1946 -1952) opinion in germany? Pro-hitler? leftist? Pro-USA?

Haha, what do you think

did they just attach that guys head to another torso? were they too fucking lazy to draw the whole thing so they photoshop botched your currency and printed it millions of times?

jesus. how third world can you get.

They own your central bank, of course

Because your country was founded by freemasons

Dude it's like if you haven't realized Argentina is (((white)))

How they are viewed? Most people don't know shit about Argentine let alone Argentine history apart from 'it's the place some Nazis fled to'.
That includes me for the most part, all I know is that our progressives would start kvetching if they found out you have a "right wing authoritarian" on your banknotes.
Then again in their minds you're probably too brown to criticize.

You can research on the Andinia plan.

Sorry for the low quality but I can't acces the picture.

relax worthless nigger. it dosen't matter anyway

Mossad got him out of Chile after this, the plan was to lower the costs of the property.

Just like this are all kind of incredible reports from the Patagonia, Israeli military training in Douglas Tompkins land, Zionists buying land and attacking the people living there, very weird legal procedures done with blackmailing.

I should compile all this reports before they are cleaned from the web.

Why is Hillary Clinton on your money?

please do