Is he right?

Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread: coup


Except his terroni lip service and being mean to SLOVEans he had some good vision and abilities

Never has anybody been more right before.

Except maybe the former king of Thailand who organised secret right wing death squads to kill massacre leftist student and leave them hanging from trees.
Also, every time western Jew backed politicians get in, his right wing military throw them out of power.

Elected politicians in Thailand never finish their term if they are even slightly leftist.

Heres the only picture of Mussolini that matters

The fruit of fascism is humiliation and death.

Being mean toward slovenians. Mussolini during the decade before the ww2 had been extremely soft towards slovenians, especially when you consider the damage the tigr was doing. Tell me a single European country in the same period that had been more soft towards minorities.
Pro tip you can t.
The historical prospective would make this kind of behaviour even more strange considering that Slavic people were used by the Austrian hungarian to repopulate the areas of dalmatia and Istria in order to put Italians in minority and prevent irredentism. Not to mention the pogroms Italian had experienced before


You can reject democracy without being a fascist.
Dying is not a test of ones Ideas.

Of course

The end result is always the same, look at his "face" and remember his failure.

Can you read?
Are you seriously unable to comprehend what I just wrote?

The leftist is blinded by hatred

>The leftist is blinded by hatred
Neither am I "leftist" nor blinded any hate...

But can you really not understand what
>You can reject democracy without being a fascist.
>Dying is not a test of ones Ideas.

The fact of the matter is, the world is a better place than it ever has been, and the level of Democracy within a country is closely correlated with the quality of life. So no, Mussolini is wrong.

Also, let's not forget that fascists were utterly BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by Democracy AND Communism 70 years ago. Both physically and ideologically.

"The direct man (or the man of action) is often possessed by feelings of revenge and may carry out that revenge quickly and effectively. Such a man is, of course, stupid, but he does act whereas the man of acute consciousness can never carry out any revenge. Instead, like a mouse, he will retreat to his hole, or corner, where he relives the insult, intensifying it, questioning and doubting it until his convictions are totally warped. Wallowing in his self-humiliation, he remains isolated in his own spite until his death."

Name one alternative to a republic that doesn't end in humiliating failure.

The republic and the Polis are literally the highest form of politics, everything else is just doomed to be a sad little failure like Mussolini.

>You in America will see it some day
LoL No

I was talking about the guy you were replying to lol

it is vulnerable to kike tampering and takeover by vast money interests.
take jews outta this and who knows what we would have accomplished by now.
maybe what he refers to is when it is corrupted ,what do you do?
i say it triggers the double helix protocol which whereby if the state is ever in peril from outside interest,assassins are deployed to kill 3 generations of the people attempting to overtake the govt and our society.essentially we take a lice comb to our hair every 100 years.
we need templars to counter the vampires,gotta happen.secret society v secret society

Mussolini is still beloved by many in Italy. It was literally communist Italian partisans who lynched him after the Allied military (more advanced than Italy because Italy was technologically behind with less military tradition)

Correct, except even in theory Democracy is meant to be a slow moving clusterfuck of an institution. The House in the US was literally designed to be a giant room full of bickering liars who disagreed on everything so much that legislation would rarely be passed. The same goes for the ridiculously long and arduous process for something like passing a bill. Democracy is one level above stagnation, and is still as suceptible to corruption and demographic changes as any other, for better or worse. Personally, Im ready to see the US balkanize and tear itself apart.

Space travel is the real ideal thats going to fix this shit. Once we reach a level of technology that makes space travel easy pretty much all of humanities problems are solved. With the limitless resources and energy in space we can do just about anything we want.

Want to create a Jew free white nazi paradise? find your rock and build it. Want to create a pure islamic caliphate? Find a rock and call it new mecca. Want to create a LGBTQAF feminist anarcho-syndicalist commune? find a rock and name it Shearth.

Our real problem is lack of space and lack of resources. Once those are limitless humanity will be too.

>Name one alternative to a republic that doesn't end in humiliating failure.
Monarchies worked for ~2000 years perfectly fine.
As a matter of fact, looking at recent History Democracies have a terrifying history of collapsing into authoritarian nightmares and starting horrible wars.

Oh sorry, didn't look at the ID.

>level of Democracy within a country is closely correlated with the quality of life.
source?Correlation does not imply causation

Yeah and many russians still love stalin so I guess that means the famins didn't happen

feels don't change the fact Duce was an utter failure of a leader

Government is supposed to be slow in public policy and swift in national defense.

interesting,guess they let the kids do wha tever,gayest nation on bong nat dat bong dat not bong dong wong
fuckers always do well here tho,get rich quick

his mistake was entering the war with Hitler. Italy was doing great until then

Democracy works in stable and economically powerful countries, that have the luxury of making mistakes or postpone political decisions for years and years without hurting the overall stability of the country.

>Government is supposed to be slow in public policy
but wouldn't this make people frustrated with the goverment ?

but america isnt a democracy in the sense true sense of the word
both parites are controlled by jews, doesnt matter who wins, the outcome is exactly the same, all candidates propose a lot of good things during election time only to just disregard them once they get into office
americans are stupid for thinking any president after ww1 had a will of his own, what they say, how they act, what they do or not do is managed by someone else, the powers that be.
americans were fed up with the nigger obama, so they just found donald trump and told him how to act, what to say, etc. It's been like this since forever, americans are infact retarded and that they are free whereas they are actually living in the most jewified and less independent nation

>the world is a better place than it ever has been
Technology is better but Nazi Germany had a higher quality of life than our current states.
>Democracy within a country is closely correlated with the quality of life
Not always. It depends more on the race of the populace. What we need is a good leader, not being led by the masses who are led by the media which is led by rich kikes and elite capitalists

Now I will give you that a Monarchy is an inherently more stable form of government but stable isn't always best. Your quality of life as a serf or freeman in a European kingdom from about 400 to 1300 is literally unchanged in 900 years. You're mostly at the mercy of the weather and you spend your life knowing nothing and slightly higher than a beast of burden on the societal totem pole. Sure you have a connection to your culture unchanged for generations and you know exactly who you are and what you're meant to do but theres about a 4/10 chance your life ends starving to death in winter or getting raped to death by bandits.

On the other hand Democracy and industrialization has brought more death and destruction in the last 100 years to the world than the previous 500 years combined but the fact that we're both literate is a fucking wonder compared to the rest of human history. For every million democracy kills it seems like it lifts 500 million to a standard of living never before seen on earth.

Democracies brought some terrible things to this world but you can't pretend that monarchies lead to a level of social and technological stagnation that meant indoor plumbing became a lost art for 2000 fucking years.

i used to think that until i saw this immigrant fiasco surface.we let go of the reins and china,russia and other countries step in.massive clusterfuck as foreign enemies look to fuck us up further.jew is bad,but they need illusion,other guys will fuckin dismantle us if we get weak enough.

Only the weak are afraid to govern themselves.

>Nazi Germany had higher quality of life than today

Yeah no where on earth in the 1940s had a higher quality of life than today. Have you even heard of smallpox or polio?

>ur quality of life as a serf or freeman in a European kingdom from about 400 to 1300 is literally unchanged in 900 years
this is not true there have been a number of important technological advancement between 400 and 1300 that improved the quality of life of everybody
>but you can't pretend that monarchies lead to a level of social and technological stagnation
how ? all the technological advancement that happened until the 20th century were done under the monarchy

Only after the 15th time a national diaster strikes, they realize that the executive branch has all the power. The problem is that everyone is extremely quick to hand their lives over to the government in times of need, only to never ask for it back.
this right here is the problem, they allow the swift national defende powers to retain tbeir level of control even after the time calls for it to be returned to the people.

Youre going to hang in the race war :^)

>guy dies
>guy's opinions btfo!!!

just look at the people on the news.
"What we really need is to have a discussion on x,y,z".
same thing in real life. nothing but do nothing faggots. and the ones that do actually do something are destroying the nation.

i think ur right,it is the racist utopia all races dream of.however they need outside dna eventually.there are multiple star treks dedicated to this idea.a voyager episode was an all female society that had to lure men in and dr ug and kill them to extract their dna which they used to impregnate.
theres just gotta be a protocol to protect the ideal.

>For every million democracy kills it seems like it lifts 500 million to a standard of living never before seen on earth.
do you have any proof that democracy is the reason why this people have higher standard of living and it is not actually caused by economical, and technological improvement?

Looks like the 56% face, I think I realize why you are so butthurt

Were going down anyway because of the immigrant fiasco, and inevitably we wont have the power or desire to hold back China or Russia as our welfare state collapses in on itself, better rip that bandaid off now. Let it fall, its the new world superpower's turn.

google cynthia mckinney,a based negro that spent her time revaling the secrets of congress.its unbelievable jew cookpot revealz.....

Monarchies have historically had more success than republics.


Hot damn you dont know jack fucking shit about what youre saying.

Except in Russia pretty much all of Europe dropped the hardcore practice of feudalism a few hundred years ago.

know how easy it would be to create a list of jew fuckwits and kill them?target aipac heads and other orgs like aclu,etc
all is needed is political padding
reeellly fuckin easy bro

Yeah you went from plowing the fields with a wooden tool to a metal one and had an extra 20 pounds of potatos a year. Its not really a great improvement of 500 years.

I didn't know the entire fucking industrial revolution happened under a world wide monarchy.

Fucking kek

You first faggot

No democracy.
Economically stable.
People free to live their lives as they wish.

Only rule you can't break is that you can't attack the monarchy or the military in any way.

All elected politicians get kicked out for trying to sell the country to Jews.

Also, the gay shit is mostly concentrated to red light districts and these faggots have no political power whatsoever.

Also remember, women CANNOT become Buddhist monks as the female mind is mostly incapable of higher thinking and this is central to Buddhism.

This is what happened to leftist students in 1973

The number one superpower in terms of land owned, resources, military power/projection in the 1800s, when the industrial revolution was occurring was the United kingdom.

>united kingdom

And your straw man doesnt fucking help your case either you absolute mongrel. Again,


democracy and capitalism is the best,most stable system it just has to be maybe descaled into community markets.can still trade globally but politically people with money have no say over what the communities do.bind it by the constitution but severely limit the fed to global trade,defense and world policy.
just need a solution to the jewish question.

Istria and Dalmatia was not populated by Italians and is not Italian. It was populated by Venetians (the only true Romans). Italians are lombards, moors, huns, vandals and probably arab too.

>The fruit of fascism is humiliation and death.
If you let the Jews decide, that very well may be the case
But we don't need to let our enemies decide our fate

What would you die for? Six more tendies? At least these men can stand up for something they believe in unto death.

Reminder: Mussolini did literally nothing wrong, and was murdered by criminals. Italy had a cleaner human rights violation record than the UK by the time the war ended.

Ive been there 3 times and have never seen or heard single thing sbout this, where did you find this stuff?

>there are fictional fantasy accounts of it so obviously is unquestionable fact

Then they becone martyrs to ever goddamn lefty and BLM footsoldier, congrats, white, conservative males now are lined up to be shot.

wtf i unironically love the thai now

got any links hard to find info on how tland gets rid of threats now

Democracy is a fallacy. It's an argumentum ad populam. Yes he is right.

>The only picture that matters

Nothing on industry, standard of living, birth rate, trade, social cohesion, or crime? If you want gory pictures, I could send you some albums of violence in the US. Have you heard of Waco?

gtfo with your anecdotal evidence and emotional thinking. I want a system that works.

enh,shit doesnt have to be machine gun parties in town square.people fuckin die all the time,heart attack,car accident,lost at sea,world is a dangerous place.

fuck yes. coup

If democracy is the highest form of politics then human civilization is doomed.

>Name one alternative to a republic that doesn't end in humiliating failure.

Name one republic that doesn't end in humiliating failure. Also, how many democratic republics have governed China? They have an authoritarian capitalist regime, and they're favored to be the world's next hegemone.

Why cant we just have a fascist dictator who chooses his heir. This is so clearly the only feasible endgame it honestly bugs me

He was in power for more than 20 years, and how many famines were there?

His mistake was entering WWII. He could've been the Franco of Italy.

>the Mafia is either eradicated or forced to flee to Jewmerica from Sicily under Mussolini
>democracy and equality comes with the Allies in '44 to South Italy
>Mafia flourishes and expands like mad
Hmm, it's like...

i dunno man that sounds pretty racist to me.

>Against authoritarian state control

Throw up an anarchist flag or gtfo. You aren't fooling anyone.

I live in Canada. Any fascist dictator here would have to find a way to incorporate non whites into his system.

I think democracy works great for municipalities and regional governments, but it doesn't work for an entire nation. Someone needs to think long term, and a politician with an election in four years can't reasonably make plans for 20, 50, 100 years in the future.

Take a page from Heinlen and Starship troopers, all fash, all races and genders.
>Everyone fights
>Nobody quits
>Or Ill shoot you myself

They keep their right wing system of government (monarchy) quiet, but look up their history.

Look up how King Bhumibol single-handedly removed leftists by organising actual far right wing militia (Red Gaurs and the Village Scouts) who went onto university campuses and lynched commie students.

Also, the Royal military of Thailand is not for the country. It is to serve the monarchy.

Btw their army is huge, have 1 aircraft carrier and military service of no less than 2 years is required for all men. Service guarantees citizenship

All the hippy potheads go to Thailand don't realise you can't insult the King or Buddhism or you'll go to jail for years.

The image of weakness of Thailand allows them to make fortune of tourists while still maintaining their culture. This is why you haven't heard about Thailand.

No Thai Prime Minister has finished his/ her term if they are even slightly backed by left wing Jews.

Thailand has had at least 20 military coups since 1935

It's primary purpose is the

Why the hate? Fascism has worked for you beautifully. :)

we get rid of skewed interest i dont think that is true at all

absolutely. the right move is to get rid of womens votes, niggers, and muslims. no questions asked, no discussion needed.

Here's one image.

dictatorship : shut up
democracy: yeah yeah keep talking

>the only alternative to Stalinism is anarchism

Read a book.

i'll add this to what thailand is actually like: they've never been colonized. they've never been conquered. that's a actual hand on bible free people.
those jungle niggers get my full respect.

Mussolini smells like shit, but he's right. He almost defends what Plato said in The Republic.


It is infantile to suppose that power doesnt turn into a totalitarian system in one or two generations in so-called democracies. The appearance might be that of a democratic election, but in fact the running candidates dont start with a completely clean, new, sterile system. You have wealth, power and interest built up over generations. Scheming and jewing aside, symply by working hard and saving money and making good decisions it is statistically impossible for people to not seperate into upper and lower classes. Even in an utterly ideal society, it is impossible for capital not to be emassed by certain families and groups purely based on the accident of birth. Since man is still randomly at the mercy of Nature, some people might die, some might not have offspring and some might have accidents or bad luck - in the most innocent interpretation of the word.

So you might have democracies on the thin glossy surface of a country, but deep in the belly of the beast you have a single ruling aristocracy. Because the avarage joe can, by definition, never afford to finance his political campaign and once elected he can not ignore the other powerful rulers of society who knock on his door.

Democracy's only saving grace is the unspoken agreement that its all a fucking charade. And once it becomes clear that all sides are in fact the same side a "choice" needs to be offered by the ruling classes or the public has the unspoken right to massacre them in a storm of blood and fire. See, Brexit and Trump. They are the latest decoys. But again its only a matter of time. Because if the decoys dont actually give the public some real concession then their half-life drastically diminishes no matter how often they get switched or replaced. And when the half-life reaches less than a week, we get something Sup Forums calls: GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!

Thailand's current prime minister was not elected.
The military just threw Thakin's elected puppet sister out of power and installed itself as the puppet government of the King called the NCPO The National Council of Peace and Order.

Thailand was never conquered by a European power (through clever diplomacy) and accepted Japanese cooperation to prevent violence during WW2.

Thailand hates leftists.
Look at what leftists did to Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma.

Look this shit up on Wikipedia.
I know this stuff because I'm married to a Thai lady who's uncle was commander of the Royal Thai army.

>The only alternative to Stalinism is a delusion.

Honest question: How come all nationwide communist regimes devolve into incredibly authoritarian governments which utilize slavery of their own citizens?

thailand is just a revolving military aristrocracy.bad people get elected,they go away via coup.
interesting defense mechanism that wont work here as big govt is seen as root of all evil.
and we dont have a revered monarchy,a loved american family.
maybe cosby and we know what happens when u idolize niggers.
i still think we need a citizens cia that will take care of shit when things get fuckin ugly and make that shit undemocratic as fuck.if u are against the health of the union,youre not invited and whatever tbe threat it is fuckin dealt with.problem with democracy is physical inaction thru thought of imprisonment or loss of livlihood.later threats to family but were gonna have to do somethin cuz the entire process is rotten


>'Your' ideology holds the record for most white people killed
>Commie flag.

Please tell me you see the irony in your statement.

Look at this news story.

easy as fuck when u have an outside alien enemy.all the while u would still have jews talking to bugs trying to sell us out to them so they can keep their shiny shekels.

what happened to his head for it to look like that?

not fascism's fault that jewish controlled foreign governments wanted to destroy them through warfare

Do you want an actual answer? It’s because the Bolsheviks had no set vision for the institutions of the Soviet state, and there was no established tradition of socialist jurisprudence or governance. All the had in the way of already existing institutions of government were the workers councils, the Soviets. During the Russian civil war more power was centralized into party hands and the autonomy of the Soviets as well as dissent within the party was curtailed so that the war could be won more easily. It’s important to note that this move was the subject of much criticism from other socialists. Now this in and of itself doesn’t always spell the end of democracy, other democratic countries have taken similar measures to win wars, the US during WW1 is an example. However those countries had already established political traditions and independent judiciaries, established opposition parties, etc that ensured the return to normality after the war. The Soviet Union in 1921 when the ban on party factions was introduced didn’t have that, so when power was centralized in the party elite there was nothing to ensure it’s return to the democratically elected Soviets. As for the other countries, they deliberately followed the Soviet example, which by then had already degenerated into oligarchy.

How do you avoid this? My best answer would be to entrench the institutions of democracy prior to the establishment of a socialist government, or not resort to the temporary centralization of power in the first place. The Kurdish enclave in Syria has taken this latter route with good results.

My father has been there far more than I, and he made special note of how many people beleived in the King, and enjoyed his rule. Why was Rama 9 the coolest monarch to ever live?

I hate democracy

Maybe they shouldn’t have attacked Poland, the USSR (in violation of a treaty) and declared war on the US.