Reincarnation in an isekai

Get lolis
Be the loli

Be a loli that get lolis

Be the loli.

Lolis can not impregnate lolis.


Can I get the loli on the left?

> or
Do you even magic?

No evidence in either world that same gender procreation is possible.

I'll be a slime.

get lolis

No because you can't possibly do that evil smile.

Be the little grill.

futa loli

Get lolis.

I prefer the Danatlion route

>> be a demon lord

> hate on loli's
>>" Her chest was also flat.
>>Her chest was as flat as the Siberian fields
>>It was important so I emphasized it twice.
>>If you were a logical person with refinement then it was obvious to prefer matureness over immatureness, abundance over lacking. Lolita complex is a mental illness, everyone. I hope you are able to go to your nearest mental hospital and get a suicide check-up.

> have one hafu waifu,
>raise a psycho dataru
> get raped by loli baba

Dungeon Defense is amazingly great, but since it's Korean I don't think it's a fair comparison.

>not wanting to be the shota that gets the lolis

>characters hanging out in some random alleyway

I will never get tired of this

While we're on the topic of isekai, this was released recently. Is it as high tier as gossip makes it out to be?

First post gets it right.

It's worth a shot.

not with that attitude