Why do white people cry about white genocide but stubbornly refuse to have white children?

Why do white people cry about white genocide but stubbornly refuse to have white children?
>I can't afford to have children
The majority of European countries have free healthcare,education, welfare and housing.

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>white supremacists
>logical consistency
pick one

Many reason:
1. Culture: People are no longer obligated to have children, rising a child is seen as a burden and women women want to have careers
2. Western male and female becoming infertile, less sperm and less eggs
3. Westerns have chosen to live hedonistic lifestyle, playing video games and having sex all day

>having sex all day

Millennials are having less sex than previous generations.

>The majority of European countries have free healthcare,education, welfare and housing.
well that's fuckin bullshit.
I was looking to flee america for this very reason and was put off my massive increase in living expenses.

There's no loyal women to have children with.

Even if you yourself have 5 children it doesn't matter, and getting into a rabbit breeding race with the untermensch is just retarded. Only option is to cleanse our lands.

Drinking, doing drugs, masterbating...etc....

Because, first of all the definition White children relies on the word White, which isn't an all encompassing term just as far as skin tone from what I have come to undertsnad. Second, on an individual basis as to why not to peruse it is because the United States does not feel like a place suitable to raise children that I could have. It is just now on the cusp of introducing food that has the potential to be oriented to the needs of people according to their biological geneology, but this was so far from the case when I was growing up and the institutions felt like a real looming threat now that I look back on them and their terms.

That said, if by some coincidence, the institutions including the houses of organized religions and obviously the commercial and entertainment institutions did not target people like me specifically knowledge of doing so. Well, then it still opens the theory against having children as subject to experimentation and having them be very limited.

If we are accepting of the nature of this realm I suppose it is fine to subject children to it, but for me personally, the boundaries of some versus the unlimited abilities of others doesn't exactly garner faith in a particular religion either, regrettably so. At some point the sense in it all became very mute.

that monkey isnt white

We wouldn't have to worry about keeping our numbers up if their weren't brown people here to compete with.

This is what a real white Americans looks like, right?

why do 56% facers insist on memeflags?

this is me. 100% pure andalusian phenotype.

>Dark eyes
>Dark hair
>Dark skin

Same reason it happens in Japan and every rich country
Women marry at 30+ if at all

>white genocide

This is just another word for natural selection.

Jews must be destroyed first

why bring a child into this hell world only to raise them and watch them betray you by dating a nigger or worse


That makes no sense. The US has a lot more brown people than Poland(both numerically and proportionally), yet Poland has a significantly lower birth rate. However, both are below 2.1 children per woman.

whiter than you ahmed

children are expensive. most millennials are poor, still paying off student loans, no expendable income to afford caring for a child.

Ffs, user. I agree the nosering needs to be removed with pliers but still breddy hot and thus not white.

>Why do white people cry about white genocide but stubbornly refuse to have white children?
Because you're all full of shit, doing it for money or lulz. I myself have bred 3 pure Aryan children, and I'm raising them to be good Communists and wage war against the Bourgeois and their racist dupes.

>>Dark hair
>tfw dirty blonde hair

I'll never be a real human

Race aside, isn't every first world is declining right now?
Not only all western country but russia and japan fall in to this now, and population is slowly taken over by immigrants.

Limited selection due to many White women choosing to take themselves out of the dating pool (highly hypergamous, highly promiscuous, making themselves physically unattractive, feminist).

I could probably knock up and be with a girl I know easily, but she's such a slut and stoner and would make a shitty mother. It's better wait.

That's because White Polish people don't have black people and the risk of becoming a minority.

Because modern white women are traitors not worth staying with

How to destroy the white race? Simple, convince them that the best hope they have to fight against their creeping genocide is to embrace a shitty form of post-modern Christianity and that all they have to do is work hard and be content at a mid-level job and have a couple of kids -then die peacefully with their mediocre life, mediocre job, and mediocre family while mentally masturbating that they're "woke" (but use an alternative word like "redpilled").

The so called "solution" that is tossed around here is nothing more than mediocrity that damns whatever white kids you do have to a future that violently hates whites, they will live out their years in a country that looks completely different than they do.

Until white men wake up and are willing to actually sacrifice to change the world, then we are doomed. White men must stand up and be willing to physically "drain" the swamp.

Grow a fucking spine white man.


>free housing
Yeah, with the shitskin criminals you're supposed to be outbreeding.

>raising racially aware children in the ghetto
Have fun with that, they'll be lucky to reach puberty.

> The majority of European countries have free healthcare,education, welfare and housing.
No, they don't. Even our socialist shithole doesn't provide everything you listed.

>stubbornly refuse to have white children?

zersetzung.... we are being gangstalked to death.