We should not allow these dumb fucks to leave the union, I think we should invade or if everything else fails...

We should not allow these dumb fucks to leave the union, I think we should invade or if everything else fails, nuke the fuckers, they're useless either way.

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> dont let the useless guys leave the union

shut up you dumb fucking german cuck and go get raped by an arab you failure of a country

fpbp sage

want another go, Dietrich?

t. serb diaspora

what did you just say to me paddy?

Du Hurensohn pisst dir doch in die Hose wenn sich Fliegen auf dein Essen setzen und besinnst dich leichtgläubig auf die parlamentarische repräsentative Demokratie, wie kommst du drauf irgendein Stimmrecht zu haben um es hier auf Sup Forums auf sinnvoller Art und Weise zu nutzen? Spast.

germans are subhuman

here he is, come back here you! NOW!


>"Y-you're useless!"
>"So stay tied down to me, you're no good on your own!"
Germany is a qt, but papa England should've never stuck its dick in crazy.

Sure try again. Germany.

could you go to Sup Forums you utter wankstain

Hey Klaus, who's nukes are you gonna use?


Die Briten müssen führ ihre Verbrechen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Jede Bombe, die diese feigen Briten auf deutsche Frauen und Kinder geworfen haben, wird sie jetzt teuer zu stehen kommen!

Nie wieder soll auch nur ein Brite jemals mehr Haben auf seinem Konto vorfinden. Die Schuld muss außerdem an deren Kinder und Kindeskinder vererbt werden.



>can't understand the Queen's English


Don't understand why Germans are so anal about the EU. Did they expect it to last forever. No union last forever, as a Briton I know this. Furthermore, upon going the EEC the UK was told a thousands times over it would not become a political union. But alas it is. So we just want to leave because it does not suit us anymore. It not an attack on Europe.

'Besides, a small community cannot live long; "brethren and sisters" forced to meet continuously, amid a scarcity of new impressions, end by detesting each other. And if two persons through becoming rivals or simply not liking each other are able by their disagreement to bring about the dissolution of a community, the prolonged life of such communities would be a strange thing, especially since all communities founded up to now have isolated themselves. It is a foregone conclusion that a close association of 10, 20, or 100 persons cannot last longer than three or four years. It would be even regrettable if it lasted longer, because this would only prove either that all were brought under the influence of a single individual or that all lost their individuality. Well, since it is certain that in three, four or five years part of the members of a community would wish to leave, there ought to exist at least a dozen or more federated communities in order that those who, for one reason or other, wish to leave a community may enter another community, being replaced by new comers from other places. Otherwise, the Communist beehive must necessarily perish or (which nearly always happens) fall into the hands of one individual - generally the most cunning of the "brethren".'

Because it went so well the last two times you tried

You’re a German.
Your opinions don’t matter anymore.

You don't even have any nukes, Hans. France has them but isn't going to blow us away on your orders.

They've already triggered Article 50, which means they must leave unless the rest of Europe wants them back.

So if you don't want them to leave, there are two things you need to do:
• Ensure the rest of Europe wants them back.
• Tell them.

They're finding Brexit's far costlier than they anticipated, so if they had another referendum they'd probably vote to stay in.

>nuke the fuckers
lmao whose nukes are you going to use, yours? oh wait AHAHAHAHAH

> Unbeknown to most Germans, Germany declared war on Briton at the Brexit results night.
> The British government had a crisis meeting, worried the rest of Europe might join sides with Germany.
> Briton, fearing yet another war with mainland europe where Briton crushes all their armies and wipes out huge numbers of white men.
> The British quickly decide a sole campaign against Germany, and only Germany is needed.
> Maybe Spain too, if they keep eyeing our fucking island rock we like.
> Different ideas are hurriedly talked about.
> A tactical bombing of political officers
> Assassination of key figures.
> A rapid para strike team to take over government buildings
> So on and so forth.
> Finally a Royal Marine Engineer comes forward.
> Reminds everyone, Germany is fucking killing herself with immigrants, and the German government is behind it.
> Everyone agrees, no action is called for, the Cancer of Germany government and mass immigration will kill Germany.
Everyone drank tea, scones where eaten. Keks rang out.

Japan a friend to Germany over England.
> I hope this was made for keks.

You dont have any nukes, you stupid Kraut bastard

what did you say about the fucking queen cunt. How dare you speak her language and threaten her sovereignty. How disrespectful

>We should not allow these dumb fucks to leave the union

> they're useless either way.

So why do you care if they leave or not?

Can someone tell me why we're supposed to hate you again?