Why do 99.99% of blacks vote democrat?


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Democrats give them gibs. Republicans don't.



>import niggaz as slaves
>pay hefty price

get fucked

b/c white people (western european caucasians) are the only ethnic group in the entire world that don't act as a tribal collective.

Because they're NPC golems that obey their masters. Black women in particular depend upon the Democrats to provide welfare (from White taxes) for their children because they have no husbands/fathers in their life.

They have the common interest of ruining the country

Dems say they'll give gibs, but they just raise taxes and let the niggers assume they get more gibs.

99.99% of blacks DON'T vote democrat. 99.99% of blacks are so distracted with stupid shit and don't have their shit together enough to realize their ID is being stolen and used to vote in elections. Have you ever been to a polling place on election night? I have literally NEVER SEEN A NIGGER cast a ballot in person.

Gotta keep that gibs train rolling. Also poor people think they should vote democrat but, shocker, they are still poor.

... and whenever one of them fits the stereotype we are supposed to believe "they aren't all like that".

I submit to you exhibit A. Vote totals in the 2016 election and 2017 Alabama (as only the most recent examples).

because they are hungry niggers. no white person who votes conservative should be around nigs. no white person who doesnt want mountains of muslims in the country should hang around nigs

kanye is just a hungry nigger who wanted larger record sales he isnt based and neither is any nigger in alabama

Why don't black voters vote for some accused child bride tester from alabamhuh who also likes slavery era daydreams? I don't know.

Because they are dumb enough to believe what the dems sell, over and over and over.

Because they can see the nigger hate threads like anyone else.

>Hur Durh my online racism has no consequences, it has to be the gibs

Thanks for the Pro tip.

Probably Jones' history of fighting the KKK combined with Moore's "we don't need any amendment after the 10th" controversy.

Nothing would change from it too, because niggers are vindictive animals who perpetuate those stereotypes in the first place. No one would hate blacks if they didn't kill or steal, yet they manage to fuck up both most of the time.

And thats something we desperately need to change. Radical individualism is a cancer than needs to be eradicated.

Right wingers always vote policies that lock up niggers for low level offenses
Why would a cow work for McDonald’s?


"Low level offenses" like homicide and armed robbery? Really? Not at all.

In fact, African countries sever your hand and lock you up for shoplifting once.

If those kids are going to be hungry it's because of the woman on the left in that picture. Hell, she's probably hungry while she's eating.

Takes niggers to know a nigger.

because 99.9% of repubs are white supremacist

In 2012 they were twerking and holding signs. Had to be repeatedly warned by the cops to not threaten people and stay back 100 yards from the entrance. A respectable black man that was next to me going in said they didn't even vote and were drunk after talking to them. Yes, I lived in the ghetto for a short time.

Black person here. Let's be honest. If most of you had your way, you would want us all deported at best, or genocided at worst. Most black people understand this, even if it's just at a subconscious level. Most of the Republican party essentially just wants a return to white Christian sharia law. There's obviously no place for us, so why bother voting for you? I see so many of you make posts about how all us niggers should go back to africa. I don't really think you're joking that much either, it's clear most Repubs just want us gone completely. So why would we vote for the GOP in any fashion? No matter how shitty the Dems are, at least they are made up of people who don't want to have us eliminated from the country.

I think the Republican Party should just admit they are the party of white people already. To even call yourself the party of capitalism feels disingenuous when city liberals in California, New York, Chicago and Dallas are much more effectively practicing trade, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Because Democrats create jobs. Republicans crash the economy.

Unlike retarded white people, blacks actually vote in their own interest.



>ooga booga nigga nigga GIBSMEDAT


Had to put a sheboon in her place and explain more white people voted for jones than black people at work today.. dats descriminatio yo.

Nope, the dindus exchange votes for wealfare. If blacks wanted money they would vote GOP and get jobs.

>No matter how shitty the Dems are, at least they are made up of people who don't want to have us eliminated from the country.
Actually, they kill off you guys through their pro-abortion stance. They're doing better job of advocating genocide than we are since 59% of black women in Alabama abort their children.

They portray their harmful actions as a virtue because they know that your demographic dismisses action for sappy talk. Not to mention that they segregate from you guys.

Digits of God. A job gibs you money niggers.

Too dumb to realize they're still on the plantation, picking votes instead of cotton for Massa now.

funny you should say that, why are the sketchy parts of towns filled with them?

GOP destroy jobs and crash the economy.

Btw Obama did more for white people than any Republican president ever.

>Actually, they kill off you guys through their pro-abortion stance.

But abortion is our choice.

You guys would forcefully deport us, or kill us, if you could.

wow, the black ppl wanted Doug Jones more than they wanted Obama. Shit is fishy.

>dems give them niggas gibs
>dems race bait
>niggas too dumb to think how reps' policies will impact in the future
>also gibs

Do whites come from albinism?

MFW kek chose my post

Oh, they get gibs. $30,000 per household per year on average, iirc.

Because they're retarded.


Theyre more intelligent than the whites that vote republican

nobody cares about your pathetic tripps

get some quads then we'll talk

>muh pedo roy moore
>based bubba bill

Yes, and every intellectually and spiritually fullfilled woman with a mother instinct has made that choice. Democrats hate you, give you false promises and then literally convince you to kys as a means to progress.

reckless republicans still pissed based bill balanced the budget

Oh fuck off with that bullshit.

Obama for all eight fucking years blamed Bush for the economy. But once shit starts to change after the inept fuck is gone is due to him and not Trump? We are supposed to believe that?

You are all niggers, he lost cause he said America was great under slavery, Calling out slavery as good automatically get the black to vote for the other guy, He sent the wrong message that force the black to mobilized

Because they're anti-white.

Do you get paid more money if you get quads for your shilling?

>go to bed hungry
>get up hungry

Wew nigger logic is astounding.

Does anyone in that photo look hungry?

if it was whites, they would be calling them uneducated whites our something. kek. you know it's true. double kek.

Nothing against you, but that's the strange part of today's society, everyone wants permission to do objectively bad actions. They want approval to slit their wrist, commit suicide, sever their bloodline through SRS, and perform acts of genocide.

Anyway I don't blame you for taking offense with those comments, I take offense with those anti-white shit too. Have a good day.

>Obama for all eight fucking years blamed Bush for the economy.

No he didn't. Obama barely said shit even though he inherited the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression.

The mess the next Democrat is going to inherit will be a total and complete disaster.

ya my pay quadruples

If you could just convince your race to act like civilised human beings, we might not hate you all so god damn much. I hate black "culture", there are plenty of black people that I get along with.

This. They are too fucking retarded to survive without gibs, so they vote 99% of the time to keep the gibs flowing.

Their interest is to not work. Both crime and voting democrat are means to just that end.

Simple user vid explains all


What does that have to do with modern day americans?

The niggers are still there that's what.

>occupy democrats. lol

Again, it was broken until the fucking nig left. Eight years is a lot of time, we had more than enough time to feel the results of his policies on the economy. Don't sell me that bullshit leaf.

And this is what I find amusing. Why don't poor whites vote to give themselves more "gibs"? I feel like they could easily get more affordable healthcare, better wages, better hours, etc if they just voted for it. I think white middle America has such a weird conception of being prideful of not asking for much, but you need to reconsider, maybe you DESERVE asking for more. Do you really think corporations have your back?

Because you all call them niggers all the time then anytime there is a right wing black man you autisticly scream "BASED BLACK MAN!" Call me a shill, I rather have a conservative hard working black man at my side than a liberal soyboy that posts "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" on his FB.

>he same presidency that started the push for banks to give shit loans to spics and nigs who couldn't pay
>comes crashing down years later
Ur fuckin retarded m8.
And 8 years of QE and 0% interest rates isn't fixing an economy. It's outright desperation and bubble building

Don't you know that all white Americans are at least middle class?

>93% and 98%

They don't actually vote

>Roy Moore literally thinks that we should get rid of the 13th Amendment that freed the slaves
gee I wonder why black people didn't like that?

Gibs are literally unsustainable and you need an inflated state to steal and redistribute the gibs. The average white know this and vote against it, in general. At least they used to.

Whites don't want to be a net tax burden on their country. It's a simple concept really.

Its hyperbole to make a point. A very common tactic.

Is that Elizabeth Warren on the right?

I really don't care if blacks vote democrat. Like it or not blacks were an integral part of the formation of this country and are here to stay. My problem is with spics and immigration. I think there is a huge difference in Tyrone Jefferson who's family has been in the country for 200 years voting straight dem and 200k nigger first gen Somalis that the dems imported expressly for winning elections voting straight D.

Why do inbreds Southerners vote for billionaires?

Oh right the hookworms.

Not even a demo b4 you ask.

Because Democrats are the party of the poor and workers.

>Why do inbreds Southerners vote for billionaires?

Because muh bible muh guns

No, the amount of money paid in taxes far exceeds the amount given back in food stamps and cheaper heating bill for a lower middle-class family with a couple kids. You should look into the amount you're paying with all the taxes you never think about. Sales tax, people just say ehhh. The Payroll tax is hidden from your paystub, but they do show you the smaller ones like medicare,state income, fica. Taxes are everywhere. Have you ever considered that the reason your city says 'incorporated' on it is because government IS a fucking business? Its the business of the the Federal government to divided and conquer for more power. Money is power, gibs for more power is their business model. And the Jew nose this. Stop taking my labor and freedom. I'll advocate to be free instead.

What's wrong with Africa?

>You guys would forcefully deport us, or kill us, if you could.

Yeah no that's pretty spot on. I'd rather RWDS your whole lot then give you another dime.

They used to all vote Republican because Lincoln was a Republican but then the Southern Democrats defected post FDR and the parties sort of flipped ("conservatives" became Republicans and "liberals" became Democrats). Also gibs.

People with low IQ make the perfect pets.


they vote in their self-interest to not be exterminated or made into slaves.

>Moore says America was better off under slavery

Hmmmm I wonder why


the slave learns to love the lash

What, do you expext them to vote for Sup Forums approved racist candidates? Are you fucking retarded?

They'd be low IQ if they voted Republican. Republicans clearly hate them in most parts of the country.

I vote Democrat because they're for Net Neutrality personally.
Republicans are too busy trying to ban all my porn and shit, can't have that.

because theyre too fucking stupid to realize that historically the democrats were the ones who wanted to keep them as slaves.
ask any average black man and they will be completely ignorant of this simple fact.

>niggers are retarded

Aren't black women supposed to be really religious? Why would they vote for a guy who wants to abort their kids?

What's wrong with Europe? Why don't we force you to go back to Europe?