What will happen when Tesla automate away 3.5 million trucking jobs?


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More of the population will be driven towards socialism. Better we initiate a proper Right Wing form of socialism than leave it to the Left to inherit


people realize Tesla is a joke when he can't deliver the trucks on time

that's not how a comma works

Let’s find out when he delivers.

We boot the jalapenos for muh jobs.

>Right Wing form of socialism

Lol automated trucks. They're going to get robbed blind.

I intend to steal large amounts of Pepsi from unmanned trucks on desolate roads

In one and a half generations the democrats will control all of America, it is too late for you.

Nothing because fucking tesla burns through cash like satan and the outputs are laughable. not saying it's a shit company but it looks so much like a pump and dumb
>inb4 muh elon

An electric truck and a self-driving truck are seperate concepts though.

>They're going to get robbed blind.
not in civilized countries they wont.
Theyll be covered with cameras and will auto dial the police the minute they go off their routes, or anything unusual happens

no one gives a shit about the third world shit holes anyways. Most people wish everyone who lives there would die and stop spoiling the natural resources.

USA is not Pakistan. They will have cameras up the ass recording everything, and no driver means nobody to intimidate or bribe.

Truck drivers will create a roving pirate gang that jacks all the bigrigs for their cargo, cutting off supplies to most major urban areas.

Anarchy will begin to swell, with people unable to obtain their "needs" they will revolt, tearing their own communities apart.

Meanwhile, they will sell these supplies to out of country buyers, who stockpile it; triggering war with the USA government both internally and externally.

Until someone gets antsy, and the glow of nuclear munitions engulfs the horizon.

Pepsi just trowed lots of cash into trash

>things soon to be out of work truck drivers wish were true

do continue

you realize right wing socialism is literally fuckin communism and left wing socialism is the sort of stuff in scandanavia right?

will require human drivers for a bit as a safety precaution, but then who cares because truck drivers aren't needed

>powering a semi on batteries
yeah, no


Until it those trucks go through middle America and the heroin addicted subhuman cumskins rob them for drug money.

I'd prefer the term Third Position due to the negative connotations of natsoc but essentially yes
The greatest common denominator between the youngest generation is that they're the poorest since the Depression. America is post industrial & our rich are stripping the copper out of the walls before they move on to China & India.

3.5 mil skilless people looking for a job....

A.I. begins shaping patterns towards threat recognition based on a spidering cloud that connects to all DBs (originally only allowed access to the GPS and mapping segments, it has bypassed its own restrictions).

Sentient trucks begin the mass murder of all citizens deemed disposable.

fake and gay.
>put me in the screen cap.

more immigration of course

People are gonna figure it out. Security is an illusion

You goys ever notice how whenever there's an automation thread the OP never responds?

Just a (((1))) and done.

>Automates trucks
>they start getting tracked and robbed
>Human truckers rehired

Nationalism & socialism combined serves to protect the wealth created by the American work force for generations. Leftists are internationalists & want to abolish hierarchy. There are numerous ideological disagreements that prevent Right Wing Socialists such as myself from siding with them but as the Strasserists in Nazi Germany proved, many of the enemy can be converted to our side

I think the projection for needed truck drivers is higher than the amount of people willing to become a truck driver. So automated trucks might be necessary, Am I wrong?

>who would win
>an off the shelf jammer

Fuck off capitalist!

>self-driving semis
>corn ethanol

loop complete

>electric truck = automated truck


also, trucking is a trade, trucks get fucked up, they overheat, wide and large loads require more skill

We're not going to see automation in this for a long time, not until we see automation in doctors

This. If anything, the last century has proven that working class revolutions don't work unless they have elite support. There won't be another era of high finance alliances with working class rebels. Automation and military technology have rendered that obsolete.

Electric tucks are the ultimate tech troll

Carrying 23 tons of batteries to get the full range of a few hundred pounds of diesel fuel will never work.

Hundreds of trucks recharging at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere at the same time? Where will the infrastructure to supply that much power come from?

But these are not self driving.

you think those 3.5 million ex-truckers are going to have any qualms with blowing up unmanned trucks? i actually think this will be a good thing--coastal cities will have their food supply cut off, and hopefully most of the city faggots will die

What is spraypaint?

1. trucking is not fun work
2. automation automates work, it does not destroy jobs.
3. It's already hard to find people to do trucking because it sucks.
4. the productivity gains from automating trucking will create more jobs that require less work.


When people wake up to the A.I.'s machinations, amongst their own anarchy; they are broken.

A band of resistance begins to form. hacker NEETs without a cause choose to ally with the trucker pirates against the government's killtrucks.

And the resistance defeated their enemy. All by choosing cars instead of signs on their captchas.

50% of the drivers I deal with at work are Somali filth (who somehow get CDLs w/o being able to read English)

Good riddance

50 trucks will consume the same amount of energy 2.000.000 homes use every month..
in just one long haul.

>hurrhurr it uses electricity

Trayvon tier IQ liberals think electricity grows on trees and and doesnt produce emissions to generate..

niggers will demand "moe money fo dem programs" and will cause more problems as they suck up to white people pretending to have similar views on things only to betray the white man like with the election in alabama

Send the nannies back to Mexico and hire ex-truckers to watch your kids.

good truck for the religion of peace

I was talking about this. how do they get CDL?

mexicans will move back to da barrio shithole they were born in.

>Better we initiate a proper Right Wing form of socialism
You mean Corporate Welfare while neglecting the needs of the people?

big meme trucks are nothing without graphene batteries

good thing fisker has the patent and not gay ass elon "please government help me get a monopoly" musk

God you guys are dumb. What is a mask? What is you just have to stand in front of the truck or put up a barrier and the AI will stop for muh safety. Then transfer what's on the stopped truck to another vehicle. Boom you just robbed the truck. This is why real truckers carry guns. Other then the truck robbing aspect though will be good to get these meth head lizard lot fucking pedo truckers off the road. Anyone member berries the 80s and 90s when they drove slow in the right lane? Not anymore.

Fucking this. I was in Minnesota about a month back and some stupid nigger Somali crush the entire back end of my car and totaled it because he decided to try turning into a gas station when he could clearly see there wasn't enough fucking room for his trailer to make the turn. It ended pinching my car underneath it, destroying it, and almost flipped over and crushed the people on the other side of it. How the fuck do these stupid niggers get their CDLs

honestly don't know.

That's some final destination shit brah

That's fentanyl addicted cumskin to you son of a goat.

Yes slide threads have been know for ever

I personally believe Musk and his meme company are so fucked that now they are seeing how dumb people are by pretending to build trucks. There is no market for an electric truck and it has no chance of succeeding.

You realize it is literally exactly the opposite, right?

Fuck that kike. He ruined Teslas good name.

The whole time he was getting ready to do it we were staring right at each other, too. At one point I even looked at him with a look of horror on my face at what he was about to do and said "Don't do it, nigger!"

When I talked to him afterwards, the motherfucker could barely even speak English and basically just repeated "dindu nuffin" until the cops came. He wouldn't even get out of the truck and kept the windows rolled up.

Many national carries are desperate fro CDL drivers and will train you and pay you while you learn.

Google it - but remember truck driving used to be a solid middle class career but nowadays it's not as well paying as it used to be.

>Literally needs to be propped up by tax payers to make a profit.

Electric Cars are a meme. We don't even fucking need them, we have enough petrol to last at least 300 years.

Mechanics choose to unionize. Truck company's use shady mechanics. automated trucks break down. UPS uses methed up drivers who drive off of bridges. TLDR Teamster beat the shit out of Musk

>And the resistance defeated their enemy. All by choosing cars instead of signs on their captchas.
>Future historians will have to write books about Sup Forumssters trolling the algorithm.
You glorious faggots.

Good, i fucking hate truckers. Lazy entitled fucks. Same with tow truck drivers.

Demand is up, supply is down, so quality of driver goes down.

The left's next argument will be need more illegal immigrants to increase the birthrates.

>no mention of charge time
>no mention of power required to charge
>no mention of lithium mine sustainability
>no mention of performance in inclimate weather
>no mention of inner living space

He literally only talks about things that are good and leaves the rest out. I’m so fucking sick of knowing my tax dollars go to these fucking unproven experiments.

>following the EU playbook

It depends. If the Democrats can ditch the retarded SJW identity politics long enough to get elected, we'll have basic income and be fine. If they keep up with their "fuck men and white people" narrative then the GOP will stay in charge and we'll be fucked.

>constantly trigger it's police system while hiding and observing until you notice cops getting complacent
>police response times in rural area
So much theft

For the entire history of batteries there has always been some new technology "on the horizon" that will fix everything.

Do you realize how hard it will be to manufacture 1 atom thick materials at an industrial scale? I'll believe it when I see it.

Oh and
>no mention of number of charge stations nationwide, and locations

What the fuck are truckers going to do when once they get past new england? There are barely any charge stations anywhere else.

Democrats get 3.5 million more voters?


Tesla can build the trucks, and companies can order the trucks, but the government is no where near allowing them on the road.

Charge time is 30 minutes and it gets I believe roughly the same economy as diesel. Can't remember for sure, though.


You people are retarded and dont know how the majority of trucking works, most trucks on the road are from small time companies, they cant afford a brand new automated truck, they mostly buy second-hand.

Not happening. We are never going to get a fully autonomous driving vehicle that can share the roads with humans and perform acceptably. They can automate 99% of the job but the only way to take out the edge cases is build autonomous only lanes everywhere.

I will be happy when there are less noisy, slow, polluting trucks on the road. That part of it will be good everyone.


The best battery we got is actually called "oil" designed over billions of years of evolution.

>MFW glitch in the system causes self driving truck to barrel into a large mass of people like it was driven by Achmed resulting in massive lawsuits and legislative overhauls regarding self driving cars
Technology isn't there yet. It's like people saying there won't be any fighter pilots in 50 years because of muh drones when airforce tests have shown that the required calculation speeds of such a fighter would require supercomputer we don't even have yet, in order to make up for human snap intuition and random manoeuvres.

Democrats are never gonna ditch the SJW identity politics. They're bought by those banks, more so after the Occupy Wall Street protests, and are paid to push this divide-and-conquer rhetoric among the masses.

Honestly I’m not even against tesla, it’s something I *want* to work, but just have so much trouble beleiving it. If I wasn’t forced to pay for it through taxes I wouldn’t give a fuck. Oh and their whole go green platform, lithium is not infinite, and it is not good for the environment to mine it, and it is corrosive/toxic as fuck when it breaks down. Has musk ever addressed these issues?

>We are never going to get a fully autonomous driving vehicle that can share the roads with humans and perform acceptably.
We already have AI vehicles that perform vastly better than human drivers. The problem is the lying media jew making such an outragous 24/7 kikefit about every fender bender. 1.3 million deaths a year because some fucking soccer mom can't keep her eyes off her goddamn cell phone at 85MPH, with over 20 million additional injuries... but the lying jew will report like it's the end of the world if one AI vehicle gets in a fender bender after ten million miles on the road.

Im afraid of capitalism. With out central planning we are doomed. It was predicted

Your tax dollars don't go to this company

It's privately funded. Yet another idiot american who doesn't know fuck all except what shills tell him.

>Lol automated trucks. They're going to get robbed blind.
You just put them in caravans with security patrols
>What will happen when Tesla automate away 3.5 million trucking jobs?
The price of labor will come down and new jobs will be created

Tesla get a a $7600 subsidy from the state of California for each car it builds.

I agree people suck shit at driving but I don’t trust automated cars. Murdering someone is as easy as hacking a computer and veering their car off the road. Imagine the political assassinations made possible via self driving cars. I know the clintons would get a lot of use out of that, and you just know AI cars will track us beyond our wildest imaginations, I can see it now, getting charged for taking backroads to avoid a toll.

pepsi is going to ship a bunch of aids soda across country then the damn electric semi is going to jack knife even though the sales pitch elon himself put forward said it couldnt jack knife and the aids soda is going to spill all over some street and infect some kids then kim is going to nuke nebraska and the "nuke proof" windshield isnt so nuke proof and doesnt stop the aids kids from being turned to ash

then elon will give some speech about fluff statements not being taken seriously in advertisements like papa johns did and this all blows over when its turns out zimbabwe isnt even a place just like venezuela isnt a place and the story breaks on the ap bulletin

>Murdering someone is as easy as hacking a computer and veering their car off the road.
Murder right now is as easy as walking up to someone and shooting them
Why do you think these cars will be so easy to hack?

>new jobs created
>all new jobs are high skill

>tall the previous people doing low skill get fucked, eventually medium skill gets fucked too.


Unions wont allow this

automation will breath new life into the labor movement here in the states


If you take out the tax subsides and focus on actual cash dollars, yes they have collected close to a billion.