White Pilled News!

Hello anons!

I am making a website for objective, but white pilled news.
It will have no opinions or analysis. It will not speculate or use words like “might” “possibly” “could lead to” “could possibly” or “possibly effect” in its headlines or articles.
Topics will include scientific discoveries, political facts/proposed bills, tax revenue and proposed spending (again, no analysis or speculation), coverage of basic political events, developments in technology and medicine, and anything else noteworthy but unbiased (museum openings, etc).
The sources will be peer reviewed scientific journals, copies of the actual laws and bills being passed or proposed, raw data from the federal and local governments, and direct quotes from nameable, noteworthy people (no “leader in Pakistan says x”) among other things.
All sources used will be included in each article, and each article will conform to a standard of unbiased language (checked against my list of “opinion” words).

But I need your help I think! I can’t see my own blind spots, obviously. I have some questions:
1. What other words do you think could be added to a list for cross checking for bias?
2. Any reccs for additional primary sources? I have some journals and government RSS feeds and databases in the queue, but I think I might be missing something.
3. If you’re reading this, I really hope you had a good day today because honestly you probably deserve it desu
Thank you!

Other urls found in this thread:


You ain't making shit nigga

I am!
I promise, I’ll post it when I’m done. I can’t wait for you to see

Okay guys, I’ll ask again later!
Seriously have a wonderful day!

make a glossary for words you think may have implicit bias

This is nice thread
>1. What other words do you think could be added to a list for cross checking for bias?
Stuff like
>some people (who?)
>the majority/minority (what %?)
>Questions have been raised (what questions and by who?)
Just searching for "weasel words" should get you a pretty good list of phrases to avoid. Good luck and keep us updated friend!

I’m thinking about building a browser add or something that could flag words in a text file on the article itself. Like spellcheck of with “if this happened”s. Would that even be possible?
I will try if it’s not dumb!

Ooh those are really good ones!
Seriously thank you so much. I think the “majority” thing happens a lot but you never know the demographic or percentage and that’s no way to be honest!
I will search weasel words right now!

If I had time I'd offer to help develop, because it's a good idea. But I don't, and it's going to hard as fuck to actually make it bias free.

study, research, test, etc.
-he who pays the scientist chooses the results

poll, live footage, quotes, etc.
he who buys the commercial slots controls the news

bills, laws, government studies, etc.
he who bribes the politician creates the law

That’s okay, I’ll post again in a couple of weeks with updates and if you want to help then you can!
I’m actually starting school again after a hiatus and I decided to major in computer science. I’m learning a lot and I’m pretty good at picking it up but maybe you could help me later if I get stuck!

Ahhh also, I need help picking a name for it!
Ideas welcome!

I'm no pro, that stuff is a hobby at this point. Have you given thought about what to develop in? Or are you still at conceptual phase?

Interesting take.
“Studies” without a good source is a word that seems so sneaky to me.
I can’t wait to be a light for news, I honestly think we can change the tides!

Something short and to the point. Doesn't have to be flashy, and definitely shouldn't be memey. "simply news" or something

This already exists. It is called CSPAN. Enjoy

I honestly am not sure, so still conceptual
I think everyone asks if there’s any unbiased news. So I want to make it.
I was honestly just going to think of things that would be helpful and try doing it, which is how I made my first website! I do get stuck with some things do to how much I have to learn though

Well good luck.
What kind of dog is that?

Hmm okay I like this. I’m going to make a stream of consciousness list and start with that
They are really great! But I would like to cover a wider array of topics. Also I think sometimes their headlines can be confusing/unclear and I want to strike a balance between not alienating people and being clear (but accessible)

Also, realize that even if you follow through, most people only say they're interested in non-biased sources. Bubbles exist because they are profitable; they are profitable because people like to be "right" but are too lazy to prove it.

Thanks so much for your help, really
Also, the best one of all! A sugar glider

Hmmmm...digesting yet not ascribing...Neat idea. If you are still following through in a month I'd like to join you. Got a contact?


Actually I don’t!
Is there a good way to make an email to use for this? Is gmail okay in real life?

>Is there a good way to make an email to use for this?
Something with no identifying information. Maybe even make (and then only sign into) the email through a vpn

It's okay initially, but if you plan to make the switch from development to professional, you will have to register a domain and rout emails from [email protected] to your gmail. Looks more professional. Make sure when you buy a domain that they offer email links and a c-panel.

Why only through a vpn?
I want to be safe but also I’m wondering how much is okay.

Call it "News".

Just another layer of protection to keep some crazed sjw ass fucks from doxing you for posting racist facts

Eh, if he's using https TLS 1.2, and isn't using McDonald's WiFi, he should be good.

Do you have a throwaway email you use? I can make mine tomorrow morning and reach out

Purchase an AWS, ssh into it. Problem solved?

Yea, I'm just paranoid. I was going to rent a billboard in Houston with "it's okay to be white" on it, but couldn't find a way to do it with guaranteed anonymity :/


You are welcome.
ME: [email protected]

As long as (((amazon))) doesn't "accidentally leak" his info

Aaaaand I just lost all respect for you...

Thank you! I’m going to eat and clean up before bed, but it’s been slow at work lately so tomorrow I’ll have time to reach out and I’ll send you some more of my ideas too
It was nice meeting you, I’ll be posting again with updates eventually so if you see the thread and have time to help then, you totally can!

Why's that?

Arbitrarily blaming a group of people because all of their idiots have been systematically killed by anti-semites. Darwinism is a thing. Couple it with a healthy amount of financial conservatism and a cultural appreciation for education and you get success.

But no. Jews must be running a shadow government. Kill yourself

Ill be looking for your post. Goodnight.

I like you a lot. It's so refreshing to see someone discount even stuff like analysis or speculation. When I look at media, I just want the facts, nothing more. I don't want opinions, or speculations, or making connections for me, I just want the facts.

The fuck are you going on about nigger?

I’ve actually thought about this many times; about having news presented people in a completely unbiased way - just the facts. I thought it would come down to robots/AI presenting us the news, but of course their algorithms could be inherently designed to be biased etc. Regardless, it sounds like you have some ideas and a passion for this, so it would be awesome for someone like you to get the ball rolling on this.

I can’t really offer you anything in the ways of development help or adding to your glossary of biased speech, but just simply wanted to offer you moral support. Best of luck, user!

Posting a picture of educated jews making and investing their money to become more successful than you. Media is profitable because of technological trends. Also, good education and a historical persecution from tyrants and nationalists tends to make one liberal.

Being butthurt about it won't change a thing.


And before you ask, yes I am a jew, GASP!!

Ooga Booga, Where the white gold at?

Nice idea you have here. I've been running a news website since last March. It's a bit biased (right leaning/conservative), but I'd be cool with exchanging backlinks and Twitter follows once yours is up and running. Check out newsmediawatchdog.com if you're interested - email address is at the bottom. Good luck, user... it's a tough business to get into.

>yes I am a jew

Explain to me like I'm five.

Well it goes a lot like this

>hey look at this list of anti gun activists...sure are a lot of Jewish names here
>hey look at this list of open border activists...sure are a lot of Jewish names here
>hey look at this list of porn producers (especially interracial)...sure are a lot of Jewish names here
>hey look at this list of journalists writing blatantly anti American material...sure are a lot of Jewish names here
>>hey look at this list of people that literally own media outlets...sure are a lot of Jewish names here
So on and so forth.

Here is some hot insider knowledge for you:
>Most jews are liberal = gun activists
>Open borders = we've been uprooted and been forced to emigrate many times
>Not supposed to marry non-jews = Interracial porn taboo fantasies
>Anti-American? You mean anti Nationalist.
>Media, already been answered.

Your point?

keep me posted

>Your point?
These are all terrible things and serve as a decent example of why Jews are, and have been historically, resented or hated.

Successful, non-violent unless attacked, and we keep to ourselves. Starting to sound a lot like jew-magic envy.

But hey! At least you have Christmas. BTW, If you try and steal my jew gold, I'll blow your head off with my gold plated HK.

>and we keep to ourselves
If that were really true, Europe wouldn't be in the situation it's.
>non violent
Technically true. They've become masters of manipulation, and have effectively weaponized minorities so they never need to dirty their hands. Brilliant really.
>u jelly
That's an understandable reaction, especially if you are Jewish, but not the case. I don't feel the same way about rich white people, or rich blacks for that matter. Not a success/class thing.

The good news

here is a white pill

Whoa there, don't try and pin europe on us as they were always racist and fucked themselves with treaties, just like with WWI. There is a precedent there.

Master of manipulation? Please. There are a LOT of those, many aren't jews. You're fixating. Are the Koch brothers or Murdoch Jews? No, but they are your allies so they get a pass.

BTW, your attempts at redpilling me are laudable. This is obviously a subject you feel strongly about. Might I recommend you getting to know some jews. You may change some of your views.

Did I won?


If anybody wants to jewpill someone, here's a screencap.

Why don't you just watch C-SPAN. It's the news without spin

That you obamaleaf?

No. Just that C-SPAN is the least fake news out there.
When it's just footage of all active hearings, and the floor of the house and Senate when they are in session, it's news without spin (at least from the network. The senators may apply spin with what they say, but again, it's not coming from the network).

True, but the washington journal offers professional opinions from policy wonks that tends to be useful and accurate.

I don't know. I like watching the floor of government. On days off I go to Queens park and watch provincial parliament up here in Toronto. I'm the only one who shows up.

Go find a nice atheist jew woman and procreate.

You haven't seen the dating scene. There's two types. There's this one

And this one

You'll find the good ones in the workplace, being too busy furthering their career to post shit online.

Learn some easy yiddish and casually drop it in conversation. Get yo matzo balls we son.