Which bible, anons?

I know the ((scofield)) bible is kike-tier. So what's the best translation.

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it's a kike book
translation isn't going to help you

Greek Septuagint

kjv, also this

Yeah. Jesus flipping over merchant tables and calling them the Jews who lie, whipping them, and calling them out in revelations...while all church fathers wrote and spoke anti-kike shit non-stop. All while the Talmud states Jesus is a heretic and boiling in excrement. Jews love the guy... Sure thing, shlomo.

Ethiopian Coptic.
The more books the better, I say.


I'm just looking for the most accurate translation first. More books sound juicy though.

you the kikes the sand niggers
all the same
christians are the followers of a rouge jew profit

you all worship the same god out of thousands throughout the world you just argue over who's version of kissing your gods ass he may like better

I've really enjoyed "the message" (MSG) translation, passionate and readable

Nice deflect, not gonna work though, kike. Stay on subject - you called it a "kike book". Attempt to back that up in the face of the bible calling them the synagogue of satan, Jesus flipping their tables/whipping them, them putting him to death for preaching the opposite of what they did (that all men could enter heaven, not just "the chosen"), and all respected church fathers naming the jew, and their methods, in notes to governments and the public. I'd love to hear it.

christians are the followers of jesus who they claim is the son of the jewish god
you're like sunni and shia muslims hating each other doesn't make you different

So you can't. Ok. Now shoo, this thread isn't for your kike grandstanding.

why would a kike call the bible a kike book in a insulting way?
just explain that cause I'm baffled at your logic

It's a good shill narrative to keep people from the religion that kicked kikes out of every nation in Europe.

or the kikes were smart enough to rebrand their religion for nonjews and it's worked for 2k years because of smug asshats like yourself

Read up on Martin Luther. He wrote a book called the jews and their lies. He will. Guide the way for you user.

The one that includes Gospel of Thomas and its proper interpretations.

This actually

I don't know man. Jewish people fucking hate anything to do with Christ. It's pure hate. That kind of hate isn't a facade. It's not a trick. They fucking despise Him.

The New Testament is probably the biggest red pill you'll ever read on Jews. It's short and explains a lot of what you may not understand about them as a people going back thousands of years. I really encourage everyone to read it. If anything else, it's kind of an important book anyway.

>Not reading Sumerian texts

The only un-jewed Bible is the Septuagint. The Vulgate is irredeemably corrupted.

What does Sup Forums think of the New World translation? It's the one Jehovah's Witnesses use.

The Book of Enoch and the Gnostic gospels

she is so hot, also this

Read the Roman Catholic Apostolic one.

The Gnostic Bible...mainly the book of Enoch and the Apocryphon of John.

The Holy one.


you know that jesus and his disciples were all jews...right?


< christians.

I lol'd good stuff gonna sit here and wait for one of them to post a fedora, seems to be their only response to anyone that questions their cult that believes a zombie space jew born of a virgin who was his own father is their god so they drink his blood and eat him

Well none of them ever existed but in the book yah