Is there anything more horrifying than an open air office?

Is there anything more horrifying than an open air office?

>that Black Lives Matter coarkboard

A job.

Looking at this gives me anxiety and makes me feel /comfy/ to be blue collar.

trump as president

>human interactions

That sucks, zero privacy and constant evesdropping. Its goy cattle

"Omg did you hear what XIR said to XE"


It’s an ant farm for soyboys.

Yes. The people who love them.

multiple 10-hour days logging soil next to a mud rotary drill rig on 15F weather with th eoccasional freezing fog/misty rain

>3:4 ratio of women:men
>all look white
Someone in HR is about to get sacked

Yes. The people who work in such offices. Much worse.

Where’s the vibrent diversity? This picture is bigoted and white presenting. I’m shaking at this white privilege and power

I worked in an office like that for awhile with about 200 people. Now I work in a cubicle in an office with 5 people and I unironically enjoy the cubicle.

apparently no one there is using a cpu-intensive program. id be freaking out if my laptop were unplugged

Rev up them H1B pajeets.

a closed air office because you'd suffocate and die

hello redd!t

No, the purpose of these is to increase productivity by giving the manager a clear view what of everyone's up to.

>more horrifying than an open air office?
Yes...anything related to a job...getting up before noon...drug testing...that kinda shit yano...

hello fellow /geologist/

If you are working as a cog in the machine, open air offices are great. You have full access to everyone and you can just walk up to them and pick their brain instead of emailing and setting up a meeting.

If you are a manager of people, better have an office. No way worse to break up concentration on planning and strategy than the random walk up.

That + 100% Apple = SJW city

bro i appreciated the joke. suck a cock

>hey jim, can you meet me by triangle in a little while? I need to talk to you about this new spec
>nah man sorry i have to bee at trapezoid for a meeting soon

i help out with the geotech stuff occasionally, not my cuppa tea. env scientist by trade, prefer groundwater and asbestos work, with phase Is being half my job