Niggers are unintelligen-

>Niggers are unintelligen-

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I didnt know Harvard had a niggerball team

I have no doubt that this kid has got to be quite smart, probably smarter than me.

What I do doubt is that he's as smart as the Harvard median.

Curious what major he picked

Blacks are a standard deviation below whites at every college, which means they get their SAT bumped up 200 points just for being black.

((Harvard in 2017)) Affirmative action.

Diversity quotas and Affirmative action

Ivy League is meme these days

Nigger won gibs sweepstakes because he's black not because he's smart.

Making this thread over and over again isnt going to convince anyone that niggers are smart. This is just affirmative action.

Oh well, it's not like OP will respond. Another shill who made a drive by thread then left because he knows he cant argue shit against it.

Affirmative Action, racism of lower expectations.

degrees are worthless, all according to (((their))) plan

Doesn't mean anything. Made a 32 ACT and a 4.0 while taking college classes early online along with class president and LSU wouldn't even give me a full ride because I wasn't black. This country is fucked.

They literally lower the standards for anyone who's not white or north east asian.

>2022 class
Wait what this nigger isnt in his senior year yet?


>nigger wins education
too bad you can't loot it

meanwhile white people have to EARN it not WIN it.

On a sidenote, having a larger cranium and bigger prefrontal cortex is an indicator of high intelligence is it not ?

Look at that niggers forehead it comes out over his eyes and his eyes sunk in. You will have your outliers like deformities and stuff though.

so few nigs get accepted into Ivy leagues when they do it makes the international news

Harvard doesn't let intelligent people in.

Actually intelligent people aren't allowed to live in American society.

Afromericans have normal foreheads yet still act subhuman.

>black scores average white student grade
>wtf i'm a genius now

I wish I was smart enough to explain how the bell curve works to all white people.

>won early admittance
at least they admit he didn't earn it

>(((ivy league)))
There's a reason why Unabasedman blew these faggots out of the water.

Harvard is like 10% black each year

If you want to know what Harvard would look like without AA and Jewish nepotism, look at Caltech.

Thought it was 250?

You know, this guy looks like he's half white. It's the white part of him that got him there, even though he "won" it, instead of earning it.

Lol I love laughing at the jealous racists in this thread
Just because someone who has more melanin in his skin than you accomplished something doesn't mean you have to cry about you never achieving anything in your pathetic lives despite being born in privilege
LOL! Sad!

Why do they literally say nothing about his academic achievement and only that hes black?
Could it be that being black and actually going to school was his great achievement?

Nice clock Jamal

Lazy too. You can't even finish your sentences.

You're probably right. I'm not so sure about the new SATs. I took the old SAT out of 2400 points, when the standard deviation was around 300 points.

Remember the stories where blacks were getting accepted into every exclusive college in america. It was a feat considered impossible.
It just proved that the system is rigged.

Why should I care who a jewish school lets in? Hopefully he breeds with a jew to make the ultimate criminal.

C'mon race is more than melanin. You know that. Also, if I send 1000 Somalians to Iceland, do they suddenly have privilege?

>Be black
>Be smarter then your average 80 IQ ancestors
>Harvard has diversity quotas
>Get picked over whites with 2x your potential because you were smart "for a black"

>north east asian
you could've said east asian you fucking retard


I feel for him.
He might have gotten a really good score.
But he will never truly know, and always think it might have been affirmative action that got him there.
Imagine the level of imposter syndrome

and HOW did he earn it?

The fact that this makes news is exactly the exception that proves the rule.

Has been bleached.Jews.+250 SAT points.

>"imposter" syndrome
No wonder you got nowhere in life and are jealous of a POC who has had more success in life than you despite having much less privilege. LOL!

Do any of the articles detail his ACT or SAT score? National Merit Semi Finalist? If not, SAFELY assume it's low as fuck and he only got into Harvard because he's a nigger.

northeast asian could specifically refer to koreans + japanese, you fucking retard

from hearing blacks talk about this they dont care. Gibs are gibs. They all feel like they are entitled to things anyway.

I guarantee you're lying if you actually had/did all that you claim you've done you could've gotten a full ride at most school especially LSU of all places. I had a 4.0 & a great SAT + ACT score and I got 6/7 full ride offers in a matter of a few months.


> accept more niggers
> get good press

Sorry white boy. You’ll never trend on Twitter like Jamal

Lol I love drinking your salty racist drumpf supporting low life tears. You losers are jealous of a POC who has achieved more than you ever will despite you being born in much more privilege than him. Sad!

He's like half white, bro. Leafs are funny. Where is all of this privilege you keep blabbering about?

This entire board if filled with white bois kvetching.....

what is caltech demo's im lazy

ever heard of a bellcurve?

>h-hes h-half w-white haha im totally n-not salty at him doing more than i ever will
Try harder drumpftard

Colored people, more like.

Monkeys can no go too?

Steps of this process:
1. Admitted
2. Ivy league pats themselves on the backs for being diverse
3. Student drops out half a year to a year later with massive debt
4. Ivy league financially enslaves him for life
5. Nobody hears about the student's plight
6. Another hapless youth successfully fleeced

Ever heard of being born into bad socio-economic conditions? No? Well the gentleman who made it into Harvard probably has, just like many, many POC and very few white people. What's your excuse now loser?

day of the rake when?

Lmao, it depends on what he gets at Harvard, and if he even succeeds.

Hey stop projecting yourself on POC, not everyone is a high school dropout like you Cletus

he won it or he earned it?

5 stages of grief...... :(

are you fucking dumb nigger? plenty of poor white people. Fuck off loser leaf

The state of Louisiana was talking about shutting down LSU and other state universities to deal with the budget crisis that their poo governor created. While the schools were able to stay open, they likely made lots of cuts, including scholarship money.

And we don't care, I can't wait until the reafs purge canada of you niggers.

Mate, I can't tell if you're trolling, but there's a lot of white people in poverty, and he does have the benefit of affirmative action.

Fuck off, leaf. I'm a MS holder and you're getting fucked in the ass by Mr. Cheng at every turn. Bitch.

Ah yes, the new Harvard.

I’ve been at three top universities over last 13 years (not Harvard—rejected twice) in extremely white male field. The whole field cums buckets any time a decent female or nigger comes along. Most don’t get hired, but they do get a shitload of interviewss. My salt years are long past now. It just happens to be true.

Why is Sup Forums against this? I mean sure - harvard is an marxist indoctrination centre, but if a nigger does something useful and doesn't live on white gibs because of muh identity political ''arguments'' aka muh slavery muh oppression -good for him and for us.

Its almost like its easy to get into a college when they lower the testing and grade requirements because of your skin color.

A greater percentage of black people are born into poor socio-economic conditions compared to white people. Stop playing the victim, virgins, you suck at life because you're a bunch of lazy losers who prefer to blame minorities for their problems. You're on the wrong side of history.

>Acting like Ivy League schools are worth anything today.
They're meme schools.

Wrong, LSU saves all its scholarships for minorities and out of staters/athletes

i'm all for it, as long as he wasn't benefited by affirmative action, which he probably was.

This guy is definitely a troll. You played me, congratulations. Thank you.

Sounds like someone recently got rejected from an ivy league school and is now crying on the internet. LOL!

>muh wrong side of history
>more blacks being born into poverty
maybe they could get out of it if they didn't have a culture which promoted being a fucking retard

Nah m8. I've had my degree since 2009. Did you even watch the video, leaf?

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Did you make it out of high school yet?

Yeah, your primary school degree maybe. LOL!

Go fuck a kangaroo or something, do whatever the rednecks in your area usually do, you suck at this

Why are you typing like a boomer? Let me guess. You came here from cbts?

Evidence the Negroid/Aboriginal is not human like the Mongoloid or Caucasoid is, and how races are not equal.
Part 1: Genetics
The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes

Scientists Discover Why Black Runners Are Faster Than Whites

Average black IQ is lower than average White/Hispanic/Asian IQ

There is a Difference Between Black Brains and White Brains

Negroids closer to chimps then whites or asians


>In a combination of 19 studies on Black and White brain sizes, every single one shows Whites with a significantly larger brain size than Blacks. The calculated average White brain is 1398g and 1438cc while the average Black brain is 1275g and 1343cc - 91% and 93% of the average White brain.

>The heritability of brain size is extremely strong at 0.90 and not one study to date has shown larger brain size for Blacks, nor has any study shown anywhere close to equal brain size or structure for Blacks and Whites.

>The White brain has a high degree of fissuring (higher complexity) and the Black brain has a lower degree of fissuring (lower complexity) in the cerebral cortex of their brains, where abstract and conceptual thought is performed.

go back to sucking jamals cock, justin

*flunks out unceremoniously six months later*

See pic related affirmative action makes it harder to be genuinely happy for people like him, there is always the shadow of their being an unmerited reward.

>a basement dweller trying to tell people they're not human
Why am I not surprised?

they are just meeting their Democratic demanded Quota.

Sounds like I've hit a nerve there. LOL! Go study and maybe you'll get into a great university like the honorable young man mentioned in racist OP's picture

Don't go projecting yourself onto others now hon

>"The supragranular layers in the dog are one-half the thickness of those in the ape, and the thickness of the ape's only three-fourths the thickness in man."

>The supragranular layer is 15% thinner in Blacks than in Whites

>"The grey substance of the brain of a Negro is of a darker color than that of the European, that the whole brain is of a smokey tint, and that the pia mater [the innermost membrane covering the brain] contains brown spots, which are never found in the brain of a European."

>The front of the Black brain is less developed and the back more developed compared to that of Whites

How does his score compare to an Asian candidate?

>Which corresponds to the sloping forehead of Blacks. The frontal lobe (front of the brain) is involved in higher mental functions such as "personality expression and the planning of complex cognitive behaviors" which corresponds to the lower IQ and higher crime rates (impulsivity) of Blacks.

>Blacks have much lower slow-wave brain activity during sleep than Whites

>Due to brain morphology differences between Whites and Blacks, Blacks absorb 30% more nicotine than Whites per cigarette; it takes longer for Blacks to rid their bodies of the drug.

>Indeed, "Numerous studies have demonstrated significant racial differences in the metabolism of tobacco-related products."

>White women generally have wider hips purportedly due to the larger brain size of White babies compared to Black babies, and this is also a suggested contribution to the better sprinting performance of Blacks compared to Whites

Have you ever considered getting tested for autism?

Harvard football needed a running back.

Not every black guy is going to Harvard, and not every black guy is holding up a liquor store. Generalizing, good or bad, is the root every irrational prejudice so think about that and focus on evaluating individuals instead of entire groups on the basis of some of their members.

cmon its your own fucking post

>>Which corresponds to the sloping forehead of Blacks. The frontal lobe (front of the brain) is involved in higher mental functions such as "personality expression and the planning of complex cognitive behaviors" which corresponds to the lower IQ and higher crime rates (impulsivity) of Blacks.
>>Blacks have much lower slow-wave brain activity during sleep than Whites
>>Due to brain morphology differences between Whites and Blacks, Blacks absorb 30% more nicotine than Whites per cigarette; it takes longer for Blacks to rid their bodies of the drug.
>>Indeed, "Numerous studies have demonstrated significant racial differences in the metabolism of tobacco-related products."
>>White women generally have wider hips purportedly due to the larger brain size of White babies compared to Black babies, and this is also a suggested contribution to the better sprinting performance of Blacks compared to Whites

This guy is BTFO. Keep the hate-facts coming.