Can I Get a "Fuck you" in the reply

Fuck you Ajit Pai you corrupt selfish fucker.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck U Ajit Poo

Fuck off.
Net neutrality is a meme. We were fine before the government had their fingers in it. We'll be fine afterwards.

net neutrality should destroy facebook and other normie internet hold outs
the rest of us will find a way to continue
its the best thing that can and will happen

You voted for this, nigger. Shut the fuck up.


fuck off you shit-eating bucktoothed pajeet

Fuck you, Google. Fuck you, Facebook. Fuck you, Yahoo. Fuck all of you edge providers benefiting directly from Title 2 in Net Neutrality that spread disinformation to encourage the average person that:
1.) Net neutrality is just too difficult to understand so we need """explainers""", and
2.) What Ajit Pai is talking about somehow has a large amount to do with Cox & Co and not Silicon Valley Giants that currently hold a far greater monopoly on data and want to continue to have free access to our PI.

So yes, fuck you OP.

Fucking Ameritard Google and Facebook support repealing net neutrality because cements their monopoly position.

I didn't. Both of them are a joke. I'm not black btw

>Google and Facebook support repealing net neutrality
no, they don't
They're some of its biggest financial proponents.

I don't think you understand how the Silicon Valley benefits from "neutrality". Please fuck out of our politics.

If there was justice in this world he would drop dead on Christmas.

If someone pinned this POO down tomorrow, and raped him in broad daylight, would you even stop them?

Net Neutrality is a kike ploy to consolidate all internet traffic thru kike monopolies

Nope. I'd be happy.

believe it or not comcast actually does run into bandwidth problems at peak times. and if you torrent 10 tb of loli porn per day... maybe you should be paying more because you're blocking the resource for everyone else.

I wish comcast would release more data on the matter, because staying silent gives more ammunition to their critics.

Netflix consumes 40% of the network bandwidth, while youtube consumes 20%.

> I'm such a child I would let a person get raped because they want to slow down my anime streaming

go fuck yourself sandnigger


Maybe they'll vote to not repeal net neutrality?
All we can do now is hope.

vote to project net netraility

Why do you hate success and ambition so much, OP? Didn’t you vote for Glumpf?

friendly reminder

I apologize that I'm not 100% on anime lingo. I'm white btw

>There are people right here in Sup Forums who ironically supports the NN repeal.

Based Pajeet Poo
BTFO these shills please
Never coming here again could only improve my life.

>believe it or not comcast actually does run into bandwidth problems at peak times
thats their god damn problem, not mine. If those assholes sold me 1gig/sec down then I want 1gig/sec down and I dont need their pathetic cringy whineing about how they need to block and throttle sites because "its too hard" for them to give me the shit they sold me.

They could already charge me by the fucking gig down if they wanted to and getting rid of the rules that keep them from blocking and throttling aint going to change that.

tell that cunt to get to the point quicker next time i didn't want to read a dramatic novel

You have to go back

Don't assume things you don't know isn't true dumbass.



Fuck you, OP, for siding with Netflix against Comcast and acting like you’re serving the public interest.

Goddamn where’d this nigger get his teeth? Recycled bathroom tiles?

>Customer wants what he paid for

Nice Non-post. Why even post?

>huuurrrrr companies wouldn't abuse their government monopoly to make money

im sorry your attention span is shit

Remember when Sup Forums would stand up for net neutrality? Now we have hundreds of shills for corporations.

ganbatte ajit

repeal that obongo shit

Sup Forums used to be lefty as fuck too. We all grew up.

For the worse.

>hurr durr i dont understand anything
because the government created this problem so it could solve it like it " solved" television
fuck off

lemme get uhhh fuck yea

Nice narrative you got there.

Fuck this unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat for thinking that him and 4 other bureaucrats having unlimited regulatory/censorship control over broadband internet behind closed doors is too much power for such a tiny group of people to have. As the man on the TV instructed us to mindlessly repeat, we can't let him get away with voluntarily giving up his own power.

Tell me you nigger, who created the ISP monopolies by selling them special access to certain areas?

>when you stop pooing in the loo so you poo on internet freedom

I like how everyone treats it as the government can't step in and stop the ISPs when they fuck around with lying about speeds and pricing.

>thinks this poo + 4 (FOUR) other unaccountable bureaucrats having unlimited control over broadband internet = internet freedom
They're not sending their best...

I agree with him, but he needs to stop that shit and accept the fact that the average person is too retarded to understand the implications of 4 appointed bureaucrats having unlimited censorship control over the entire internet in the USA. This poo is more courageous than you faggots comprehend. The only reason people like Soros are shilling so hard,(to the point that this poo's life is at risk and requires security 24/7), is because they want a future democrat FCC to use this power to censor political wrong think. You may not appreciate what he's doing, you may even hate him for it, but count your fucking blessings that Hillary isn't in charge right now with the power her FCC would have. That's who they were intended for and Trump is ruining everything.

Great post user

Fuck you nigger 'Bama

I fucking love this dude, so based. A pro salt miner.

If Condomcast throttles me, they are dead meat. Don't fuck with my connection that I am paying for.

This, fellow internet denizen! I have read tons of explainers from Vox and Wired that have thoroughly explained to me that plebeians like us are unable to grasp the particulars of Title 2 of Net Neutralilty, and that we should trust what Silicon Valley and politicians representing them tell us to think. After all, we don't want to have to pay for our Google usage and force the government to acquire warrants before they track our actions on edge providers, do we?

Don't stream Netflix on 3TVs and they won't, triple nigger

I like how everyone pretends the ISPs gave a fuck in the first place.

Mfw trump hires the poo to go after the porn

Fuck you FCC poo

Not I, I wrote in my grandpa's name. Suck it Justin

I don't use Netflix. I use Fire TV Stick with Mobdro and Terrarium TV installed to watch Live TV and shows and movies.

I also use FB to keep in touch with friends and Youtube. So yeah Comcast will pay if they touch my connection.

this has the answers you seek.
