How bad where hippies Sup Forums?


Good music, shit Morales and values

they were the 60s equivalent of modern lefties

Aesthetics wise, about as bad as Reddit. Just look at how faggy they are.

they can be really really bad

So bad that alot of them died at an early age from Hep C.

Fags that need extermination

They were the start of the liberal movement.

They preached peace and love and how we should take care of the environment like just like Jesus did.

Funny most people on here claim to be Christian but are against those values.

Jesus she looks like she's in her sixties.

I am ancient, almost a summer of love baby. While my parents were not, some of my friends parents growing up were hippies. They had decent ideas, but were pacified with cheap and plentiful drugs. Just neutered really. Nothing wrong with peace and love, but readily available drugs and casual sex led to massive degeneracy.

unlike OP, most of them could spell

i don't like hippies, they are all degenerates!

Old fag here.

They were pretty bad.
Often riddled with disease, lost a shitton of IQ points if they did drugs before 25.

Most of them were "chill" people, they won't bother you, but they're still dirty and will get mad if you criticize their way of life/religion.

Some of them were alright, and didn't go to Kent State tomorrow.

Pretty lame and annoying; however, relatively harmless compared to modern day sjws.

Espousing principles without living up to them is hypocrisy and that's what the hippy movement was all about. It was nothing more than hedonism disguised as a spiritual and social movement.

bad and if you want to shit on their gravytrain ask about the bags of dogshit they would throw on returning soldiers in vietnam.

vietnam was the worst mistake ever made,gave a bunch of drugged out losers a cause.
i was really against invading iraq,afgan-could get bin laden with a simple drone strike and ground team-and vietnam was gives leftist a popular platform.bush didnt help with his fake ass wmd pony show but im with trump man,stay outta other peoples shit.let them fuckin figure it out.its the VERY reason the left uses for refugees,we bombed,were responsible.theyd say it anyway but it dwindles their popular political capital to nothing.

yeah theyre ok if u dont fuck with their buzz.hey man,wanna protest the tuna netting thing?nah im gettin high....

u just know all of them got that way in prison.were compleeetely bitched out in jail.

WHat the fuck man. Ive never seen people like this and ive worked in Berlin for 4 months this year. Given I dont go to districts and parties where these people are but jesus christ whats up with that indian dude? This is some fucking twilight zone shit.

bill looked like a beast

but they started it

>some fucking twilight zone shit.
It's western civilization now

It's a bit simplistic, but I like to put them into three categories. You've got your "We just to listen to music, get high, and have fun" types. These are your typical rebellious kids, but they're responsible for the hedonistic "If it feels good, do it" mentality.
You've got your political activists hippies, joining Weather Underground, following Abbie Hoffman around, or storming government buildings/college campuses. These folks are the infiltrators and "thought leaders" of today pushing their perpetual revolution down our throats.
Lastly, you've got the "Screw this rat race; I'm going to go out into the woods and build a little house, raise some chickens, grow some tomatoes, and live in peace with my family" types. This is the only group I don't have a problem with.

Hippies are dirty fucking scumbags, fuck them

>pacified with cheap and plentiful drugs.
heard theories that the drug thing (and maybe the sex thing) was actually pushed by THE MAN - to subvert the movment
