Are we sure the right can meme?

are we sure the right can meme?

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I fucking hate net neutrality now! This guy really talks to me!

This guy is taking the backlash personal, that or he's gloating over his imminent victory. Isn't making youtube videos a bit below a man of his position and status?

based p ajit

master troll

Hahaha what an epic troll libtards owned epic style !!!

>He portrays how childish is the average Left
Also those comments section, fucking communists wanting everything free.

Glorious and based af

Leddit on suicide watch

>only the left are against jew corps controlling the internet

the video is funny as fuck though.

Jew corps, jew govt, pls don't be dumb enough to believe you're safer either way

Post ONE (1) argument in favor of Net Neutrality that isn't
>without net neutrality companies will ___

normie culture btfo

>t. libtard who got owned epic style

Post one argument against net-neutrality that isn't already debunked.
>See, I can move the goalpost too!

1 gov, many corps. kike

Without NN companies have in the past committee highly egregious acts such as throttling networks, offering illegal services to prompted proprietary services, and do things such as illegally double charge customers. Net neutrality was a literal counter to the fact these companies sued the FCC and won after the FCC punished them for illegal business practices since the FCC technically did not have the authority because prior to NN internet was only a type 1 good and not 2 like it is now under NN.

So the govt has a more clear monopoly then?

>that video
>that sense of humour
This guy is bro tier. Fucking Communist need to die already

>When a company engages in anti-competitive censorship of website content, it is subject toantitrust regulations enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC investigates cases of monopolistic behavior and anti-competitive practices. Moreover, there are additional consumer protections against anti-competitive behavior that already exist within the FCC, such asSection 201 (b)of the Communications Act of 1934, which allows the FCC to evaluate whether actions of communications companies serve a broadly defined public interest.

>These existing protections prevent censorship. The FCCstopped Madison River Communicationsfrom blocking its own customers’ access to competitorVonage’s telephone services. This action was dutifully punished without expansive Title II regulations to govern net neutrality.

And then Verizon sued the FCC and won because without being classified as a Title II the FCC doesn't have enough authority to uphold these rulings in court.
Which is why they classified them as Title II.

every 4 years you have a new one. the same kikes run the corps.

well, the same kikes run your kike'd slave country, so who cares.

>Response 9 minutes after a link to 38 minute video
Watch the video, it takes extensive time to solve these problems. And then the companies can come around and sue the FCC for overstepping their boundaries because regulations already in place aren't enough to legally justify their actions.

Plus you get a rather extensive history of how long net-neutrality has been "Brewing" in the FCC. It's not something that magically popped up, it's something that came over a long period in response to said "victimized" companies actions
>Muh "Exception proves the rule!"

Ajit needs to go back to India, He wants the internet to be kike controlled.

>wanting to deport legal Americans instead of illegals
>"wah wah, he's gunna take away mah internet"

libtard pls go

Nonwhites who came after 1965 are just as American as illegals. As in, not at all. Fuck off Texancuck

Difference between you and I is that I will still be able to afford the internet. Crawl your filthy animal ass back to you goyims feet

Why don't we tax air, too? I'm sure we can't have them communists having air for free.

there is literally thousands of unstable literal autists who browse this site daily and have absolutely nothing to live for, besides this shitty site and you mean to tell me one of them doesn't snap and ..'remove' this guy? I mean, I am obviously against killing 'innocent' people, so mentally unstable person reading this, pls don't hurt that guy who wants to take away your rights. I mean it. Don't hurt him. Bad.

How, those Comcast-hating lefties sure got BTFO here

State enforced Net Neutrality = Chinese style government censorship and monitoring. It's really not hard to imagine why red.ditors want that. I know how it is in China and trust me americans, you don't want that.

I tried to watch until he literally gave a straw man misrepresentation of the anti net neutrality arguments that have nothing to do with why abolishing net neutrality is a good thing and attacked that anyways.

And he says that he's done his research lmao. Fuck off.

I can't wait until we get data caps on our home networks and bam plastic forks. Lmao knagcuckroo

nice propaganda m8, meanwhile I'll be posting from my gigabit connection enjoying not having NN over here.

wtf I love the FCC now