
What was the purpose of this story? I get the "stop being a neet" thing but not everyone has a supportive cute girl by the side

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>but not everyone has a supportive cute girl by the side
>missing the point of misaki this hard

It was about people trying to act big even though their own house is a total mess.

No it's - "look at me i'm kusoneeto" gimme money so i do not need to work.

Welcome to the NHK is tremendously important in elucidating details of NEET culture both within and beyond Japan. It neither portrays NEETs as unambiguous heroes nor as dangers to society, and instead shows how, within the context of the story, they can be like as people.

Ultimately, as far as a "point," I think NHK very successfully makes the point that the only person who can save yourself is yourself. You can only truly change if you want to change, and are willing to commit to the consequences of changing.

It's a theme that's touched upon significantly with Megumi's brother's story, Sato's circumstances, as well as Misaki's in the novel.

It's "nobody can help you with your issues because everyone has severe issues of their own".

It's shallow harem wish fulfilment akin to EVA, just to sell you crap, made by hack writers writing pro fanfics. Censored at that. Full with filler too. That was its purpose, fulfilling wishes

He didn't stop being a NEET due to the girl. He stopped because he no longer had money and was forced to either starve or get a job. The show beats this into your head and there's like a 5 minute long scene where he specifically says this.

He stops being a NEET because he finds things t work towards (Misaki, who goes from saviou to saved) and because he ran out of money and had to eat.

It had a couple towards the end.
>You won't work if everything is given to you
>99% of the time shit happens, but that 1% of goodness is amazing; so never give up
Yeah, they literally said this at the end. Also, the other NEET brother of that saleswoman was the same, he had no food so he went and got a job.

>thing but not everyone has a supportive cute girl by the side

thats the point. only you can help yourself. you can only change if thats what you really want. dont relay on people to make that change for you.

It's weird, like he would get better and his room got cleaner, but his fallouts were more and more devastating. It's confusing reflecting back.

The whole thing is bunk because the writer went back to being a hikki.

Not every story must have a certain 'purpose'.

The message is pretty obvious and simple.

You can't rely on others to solve your problems.

>The whole thing is bunk because the writer went back to being a hikki.
Wait. What?

Literally "just be yourself"-level nonsense.

Who's the target audience for this show?

Hardly. Satou only had to man up and stop fucking around to fix his life. Wallowing in self pity and procrastination didn't help him much.

He has two right hands.

The writer is a NEET himself, probably to this day.

Also there is no harem nor wish fulfillment.

Why am I even replying to bait anyway.

The point was for you to stop being a whiny bitch and take control of your own life.

It's a humorous analysis of Japanese social issues in the 2000's.

Online suicide clubs, hikkikomori, eroge, pyramid schemes, etc.

Satou and Misaki were merely at the forefront.

>"Nobody is going to save you, save yourself you lazy ass"

>this is nonsense

and it completely failed to address the biggest issue with the hikkikomori phenomenon

If you need a cute girl by your side to stop being a useless NEET then you are honestly pathetic.

It was meant to be humorous. That's why they removed the drugs. It was already rather depressing as it was.

Would you mind sharing your meaning with the rest of the class, user? I feel that "you're a neet because you did it to yourself" was already perfectly well enunciated.

>tfw you were most productive when homeless

Why do creature comforts make me so lazy?

First off, this should be obvious:
NEET and hikkikomori are not synonymous.

The development of hikkikomori problematic is quite interesting in how the people directly affected by the condition have never been given a public voice, in the face of the public it was always dealt with through the people who actually came up with the concept.
Hikkikomori themselves weren't given a voice at the time the issue was considered "pressing".

>people shut in their rooms with no human contact "didn't have a voice"

Really makes you think

You misunderstand.
There was never any attempt at actually getting them to talk about it that went anywhere.
They have been shut out of their own problem.

Thousands of people don't suddenly start deciding of their own accord that they are going to be useless sacks of shit. The problem always lies with external factors. Believing that every human has the ability to fix everything that is beyond their control is a sentimental delusion.

Which the show and novel addresses. Seems like you just suck at paying attention or you need IBO/Jojo tier narration to tell you exactly what's going on.

>but not everyone has a supportive cute girl by the side

Did it?
I just remember suicide island, pyramid game, game development, MMO, the inversion around the end and the introduction

Guys, what do you think about this NHK review:

I think this guy has a point.

sounds like a butthurt hikki that was disappointed the show wasn't a realistic reflection of his horrible existence. Sad!

>NHK is the worst anime of all time

Not even close, dude.

A shitty series that only the lowest of the low of hikkis can identify with.

He is not a hikki. But he tried to do suicide once and has some problems and he said its disrespectable how they treated the "suicide theme" in NHK.

>take a look at this guy's profile
>Mirai Nikki - 8/10

Nope, his opinion is worthless.

brb gonna do suicide

Read his Mirai Nikki opinions. You will be surprised. He has a lot of good arguments.

The message is obviously the hopelessness of life and escapism. How can no one see this?

Sounds to me like "he" is actually you

You're too obvious.

How is this even physically possible? Science says people who sleep 10+ hours a day usually die the earliest. I'd imagine he was on the verge of death at any given time.

Im not this guy, he is just my friend. Im serious. I dont like his review about SEL and Mushishi tho. But sometimes he has pretty nice arguments.

I bet he had a lot of good arguments about why he didn't suicide too

he tried, but he failed. there are no arguments. He literally says:
"If you attempt suicide, and fail, then you find out one more thing you suck at. Not only do you suck at life, but you can't even get death right."

>The problem always lies with external factors.

What sort of feel-good bullshit is this? If some grandma can survive alone in Siberia then you can drag your ass out of your tiny apartment and do something with your life.

I took a look at his/your EoE review. He is a retarded little fucknugget and i doubt you're any better, assuming that's not you in the first place.
Fuck off and lurk more.

damn how deep

When I was NEET I slept 14 hours per day regularly.

I could see someone doing 16 hours.

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about and completely misses the point of NHK

I find this very weird. When I went into hikki phases, i used to have a fucked up sleep schedule but i slept 6-10 hours per day. I'd only ever sleep 14 or so hours if i hadn't slept the night before. Do they also barely eat?

You are watching cartoons dude. We are all fucknuggets here. Either childs or manchilds. Choose now.

>That’s ironic, coming from a country where people ‘conformed’ and let the military run the Rape of Nanking and Unit 731.

tell your friend to try suicide again

People with depression sleep more.

I dunno why. Maybe because their dreams are the only place that isn't terrible.

You seem unaware of where you are

The whole purpose of Misaki was to show you that even if some cute girl were to show up at your front door claiming she can save you, it wouldn't be up to her, it would be up to you, only you can save yourself.

>The problem always lies with external factors. Believing that every human has the ability to fix everything that is beyond their control is a sentimental delusion.
No, what you just spewed onto your keyboard is.

I can't speak for everyone who has depression but I sleep because there is simply nothing else to do. At my worst I would just wake up. Jerk off for a couple of hours. And go to sleep before waking up again to rinse and repeat. Sleeping is just something I did to pass the time between wanking and playing Binding of Isaac. And I logged more time into that game in a couple of months than I did playing TF2 for years.

>Science says people who sleep 10+ hours a day usually die the earliest
d-don't scare me user, t-that can't be true

You do only jerk off and sleep and play games?

Dont you have anything better to do, like a job, girlfriend, cooking, working out, studying?

>only you can save yourself
A lot of people in this thread seem to miss the point entirely, Sato woudnt have been able to find a job at the end and keep on living if it wasn't for all the experiences and lessons Misaki gave him.
Basically replace Misaki with a psychiatrist and the concept is more or less the same, Sato needed his own will as well in order to stop being a neet but he also absolutely needed the experiences and guidance that Misaki gave him.

Mother fucker I was a depressed college student. I stayed in bed so long that I didn't eat for maybe 3 days. I crawled out of bed and vomitted clear fluid I was so hungry.

So no. I didn't have a job, I didn't study (which is why I dropped out), and I didn't have a girlfriend or cook.

I slept 14 hours a day when I was a NEET. You are essentially always tired and there's nothing to wake up for so you just sleep your life away.

You could go outside and work out. Run, Bike. No excuses for this. Also healthy.

Both sides are partially correct (as it always is). The NEET/hikki is the one who has to decide and act out the change, but without guidance or circumstances to trigger the process they never will.

When you are depressed you don't think of that. That's why people with depression are like they are.

I got better. Got a job. I'm still a shut in but at least I get out more and hang with friends.

I don't really care what you have to say on the matter. When you suffer with depression you're not thinking of working out or doing things. That's why I slept for so long. Take your finger wagging somewhere else.

Getting better on the inside as well or only on the outside?

Outside. I'm still a lazy sack of shit but at least I'm eating and I have to take care of myself or I'll be out of an apartment and food.

How do you got better? You taking some medics? Got to a psychiater or what? I dont know much about depression so sorry for asking.

What prevents you from putting 00 buckshot through your head?

Sounds like he's a quitter and hehaws about how he's worthless to cover up the fact that he's not willing to put effort into anything. His "arguments" are his excuses as to why he won't try harder to kill himself or get help

Tell him that you'll help him out with it. You're trying helping him out by trying to give him more exposure, so you can do this for him

Pretty much exactly this

Honestly watching this anime was one of the few catalysts for me turning my health and somewhat my life around, I feel like I grew to be a better person after watching it.

Is Genshiken similar to NHK? I heard its more comedy. Is it good, anyone saw it?

Literally like the end of NHK.

Psychiater or pills don't do shit but when you gotta eat, you gotta eat.

>How do you got better?
Got an apartment and had to pay bills. I won't say I got better. But I had to get to teh point where I couldn't just sit around.

I saw a counselor for a bit but stopped. I still need to really address it but for now things are better.

>What prevents you from putting 00 buckshot through your head?
I don't think suicide solves anything. Maybe it's because I grew up in the church and I have a fear of going into the afterlife on terms that will damn me eternally. And Maybe it's just my own uncertainty about whether there is an afterlife or whether or not my consciousness will cease and there isn't anything waiting for me after this.

Either way I would rather live and hope that things will get better than end it. People have asked me if I was suicidal but I've never seriously considered killing myself.

>Got an apartment
And the reason I had to get an apartment was because After I came home from college my parents put me up for 8 months before kicking me out of the house.

We're still on good terms and I understand why they did it. And honestly it's been helping me learn to better take care of myself.

I hate growing in religious family. They all blame every single fault of yours as the result of not praying enough.


It's a boring, overdone moral/message.
About as interesting as "Believe in the power of friendship!" found in literally every shounen.

I hate how NHK threads always turn into blogshitting.

Lol lost you at the second line. You don't even realize it.

found the libcuck!

It's not a conspiracy by the NHK, don't worry about it.


If you need some little girl to help you stop being a NEET, you're a bitch-ass nigga.