
>calls us faggots

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Autistic screeching is not an argument Trumpanzee. This is the beginning of the end for your fascists rightard policies.

So creative. Thanks OP. I'm with her now.

Its big government policies enacted by boomers that ruined the economy in the first place.

Welcome to the suck.

daily reminder that all this doomsaying is as old as people and that Faith in Christ is a happy alternative to this nonsense.

>Autistic screeching is not an argument
Then why are you using it?

>autistic screeching not an argument

Then why link to an article doing just that?

>Autistic screeching is not an argument
t. Autist

>The millennials are the 1930s Great Depression generation
>Their children will be the next spoiled boomers who ruin everything
tfw you are caught in a Jewish financial slavery cycle of epic historical proportions


economy rising, unemployment lowering, wages increasing. All signs of


Millenials don't wanna fight for their place in society. That's why the boomers are gonna keeping booming, now is the time for action no more bland excuses.

> no kings no masters

Or we can make a shit page explaining about shit we knew months ago.

Yeah these kids are fucked.
They all have shit tons of debt.
They work crappy jobs.
Already enslaved to the BANKS for life.
>Good goyim!

The reason is boomers won't retire. They keep working until they're dead. Until they move out of the top slots, gen xers cant move up, which then allows millennials to actually move up. The boomers constipated the system.

go to liberal college get huge debt blame GOP. liblolgic101

Good,you faggots need another great depression to toughen you up. Stop playing pokemon and plow a field pussy

Good good
Everything is proceeding according to our design.
When these whites are broken and poor and everyone hates them because they are white they will run into the arms of the only ones who love them.
And then we shall focus their hate on the enemy and train them to be who they are.

We're a lost generation, and we're lost because we put our trust in the wrong people and were led astray.

Millenials spent our whole lives being told that if you were honest, and good, and hardworking, and always tried your best, then you would get all the wonderful things your parents and grandparents got to enjoy. If you just followed their advice, did whatever they asked of you, trusted that they knew what they were talking about and just wanted what was best for you, then some day you'd get "it".

"It" was finding a nice girl who genuinely loved you.
"It" was settling down and raising a couple of beautiful little kids.
"It" was finding an honest job you could support a family on.
"It" was affording a nice home in a decent, safe neighborhood.
"It" was being recognized and respected for your hard work and honesty.

We were promised "it". As kids and teens we looked forward to the days when we'd be old enough to get "it". Most of us spent our whole young adult lives working towards what we thought would lead to "it". But now we're old, alone, in debt, working thankless jobs, and with each passing day more and more of us are realizing that we don't get "it". We aren't going to get "it". Because our parents' and grandparents' generations weren't satisfied with "it". They had to have more than "it", so nobody gets "it" anymore. And so now they're changing what "it" is and telling us "it" will be even better than what we really wanted.

Now "it"s casual hookups and anonymous sex.
Now "it"s living the single life and investing in yourself.
Now "it"s working a shitty job you've got now stake in.
Now "it"s an overpriced studio apartment in the 'hip' part of town.
Now "it"s getting views, and likes, and comments online

I used to want "it", but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I want isn't "it", and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

... it'll happen to you.

Post of truth

Not a bad article and it's dead on about a lot of points. Hits on some conservative complaints as well such as the regulation of occupations that don't need regulated. A barber shouldn't need 4 semesters of training to cut hair.

They should blame their parents who fucking allowed it. It's seriously quite unbelieable how many boomers and their kids seriously believe that you can still make a real career out of a fucking political science degree.

They literally believe that gender study majors and liberal arts masters are working at starbucks because they're unambitious, "downshifting" or some other shit, because they've totally fallen for the meme of college degree = instant upper middle class. They're working at starbucks because their degree is as good as nothing in today's economy and job market.


Look at the thread ID's, you dumbass, you quoted three different people.

Yeah but look at the flag he has on. Should answer all your question.

Whole article and not one mention of floods of 3rd world immigrants causing every single problem mentioned. Guess what retard, if you take in 30 million illegals and give them free health care your costs go up. Along with your rent. And your wages drop.

Get ready for it to get worse. Dems want to drain the money from the country. We're all going to suffer and end up a third world country.

No, you've got it all wrong, immigrants will save the economy! Don't you watch the news?

Any infantile faggot still using words like "drumpfykins" is not worth trying to have intelligent conversation with

>my savings are dwindling faster than the ice caps the baby boomers melted.
this is so stupid
he maybe right about future being fucked and everything but this way of writing is just so stupid and annoying

Jesus that's depressing

Millenials do not work hard. Most cannot conceptualize it because they never had to before.

Millenials do not think for themselves. They never had to because they were raised on a diet of 1990's tone-policing nonsense and "end of history" propaganda.

Millenials have no idea what their own ancestors thought or felt because they never bothered reading a book that wasn't handed to them. They need a god damn DNA test from a corporation that wants to license and sell their genetic info to even tell them who they are.

Millenials are thus adrift without a guiding sense of purpose and direction, working shit jobs to avoid starving.

A lot of this can be blamed on their parents. Their parents chased the money every god damn day and let memes raise their children. Their parents had outrageous addictions. Their mothers were reckless money bleeding whores that fucked their way through the 70's and 80's, and their fathers were the first generation of estrogen addled fucks with puffy faces and soft jaws (who couldn't even bother winning a jungle war against malnourished rice farmers) happy to let other people take their money and fuck their wives.

Millenials were raised by a terrible generation and turned out equally awful, except Millenials weren't responsible for any of this shit and so they have no idea why every day feels like shit despite living in a first world nation. They have never lived in a sane society and can't figure out why they're unhappy.

>Millenials were raised by a terrible generation and turned out equally awful, except Millenials weren't responsible for any of this shit and so they have no idea why every day feels like shit despite living in a first world nation. They have never lived in a sane society and can't figure out why they're unhappy.

QFT, this is pretty spot on.

Millennials have no capacity for success because we've never known what success even feels like, or even what it's like to go after it, because what we were told "success" was/is (college degree, equality for all, open borders, gender spectrum) turned out to be bullshit.

Everything we've been taught since day one was a complete and utter falsehood, and we have no idea where to even begin looking for answers, because all of the approved """sources""" tell us we have to pay for them.

Everything a millennial does is a gamble, in a game they're designed to lose. There's no such thing as "playing it safe" anymore, so you may as well go balls deep on something insane because the chances of a favorable outcome that way are better than if you did nothing at all or try to play by the rules and get screwed by the house.

It's worse - it's not that they never lived in a same society, it's that they lived in one just long enough to get a taste if how shit ought to be.

It's like an animal that lived in the wild just long enough to learn what a normal life was supposed to be and then getting captured and spending the rest of their life in captivity.


To be fair, many of them do work really "hard" but it's between 2 or 3 unskilled jobs that don't provide full time hours or benefits.
The gig economy shit is fucking cancer and the goddamned temp agencies are just middleman bullshit. It's just a bunch (((schemes))) that drain a little percentage from everywhere. Helped my dad start his roadside assistance company and we got hooked up with those roadside assistance companies like AAA and a few others in the same space. Our regular rate is a 45 dollar hook up and 5 miles for free, AAA will pay ~28 bucks and you still have to give the free miles and the other ones are worse. One acted like it was a great deal that we'd get 30 but then wanted 10 miles for free. We're doing better now after we built the customer base and built a great reputation but these fucking middlemen just ruin everything. And expenses never, ever go down. Insurance rises every year whether we've made claims or not, costs a thousand bucks a year just to register one of the wreckers. Everything is a way to extract every last fucking shekel out of people.
And before one of you gets mad because some guido towed your illegally parked car, we don't do that shit because it's scummy and we'd rather not have fuming pissed people for customers.

Interesting that that guy could go on and on and on aboit many changes that ocurred in the US since the 60's, but never mentioned demographic changes

Im sure HuffPost spins it all to land squarely on the shoulders of cis-gender wh*Te males
why read articles when you already know the agenda of the publishers?

The funniest thing is that I'm seeing more opportunity today in business than I ever have at any point in my 37 years. There is no competition coming from below me. The kids are worthless. They have no drive or discipline. They're more concerned about how you instruct them than what you're instructing them to do. They're 100% ready to slap a victim label on themselves and live out that reality, free from responsibility over the state of their lives, all while I rake in more cash than I ever have in my life.


What industry if you don't mind me asking?

You have better access to loans, credit and capital.

Of course you have more opportunity.

The key is to get one of those young kids to be the face so you can scam more capital from lenders to fuel expansion.

>Lived to see HuffPost so desperate, they're openly advertising on Sup Forums

Asking the average Millennial to identify more people as the problem just leads to the retort "more white people" and then their brains shut off as if all of the african and asian diversity doesn't exist.

Um. Then you are the same fag too. And so am I.

oh you're working on the next big social media platform? I don't know the state of burgerland (people saying they make 80 grand a year as a plumber or something always amazes me) we're the same age and over here it's dead